Monday, January 29, 2007

The Dangers Of Not Getting Enough Sleep

While we come across information on how we can have a good night's sleep every now and then, we are seldom aware of how an insufficient sleep can affect our health and well-being.

Because of paper works either from work or school and other household obligations, everyday is like a race against time. Add to it the temptations of the computer and the TV shows airing late at night, and the parties and gimmicks. At the end of the day, all the hours that should have gone to a good night's sleep go to all of these, slowly robbing your body off a deserving rest and making you feel drowsy the next day. If you are accustomed to this way of life, be warned. All the bad things you do to your body have their own consequences, and they could be more serious than you thought.

I. The Social And Economic Costs

While there are health risks when you get a few hours of sleep each night, we cannot ignore the fact that its dire risks affect the nation's economy. According to a report from the Institute Pf Medicine, an arm of National Academy of Sciences, 50-70 million Americans have chronic sleep problems, with as many as 30 million suffering from chronic insomnia.

The result? Motor vehicle accidents due to tired rivers cost at least $48 billion a year, while fatigue cost $150 billion each year in lost productivity and mishaps.

The report, entitled. "Sleep Deprivation and Sleep Disorders: An Unmet Public Health Problem", says that in recent decades, loss of sleep has increased due to TV shows, computers, and longer work days among adults.

For those suffering from insomnia, that means more days off work for you. A study led by Virginia Godet-Cayre at the Health Economics Research in France proves that workers who had difficulty falling asleep missed an average of 5.8 days of work a year, compared to only 2.4 days missed by "good sleepers." The team tracked down the work histories of 369 workers who had insomnia and 369 workers who were getting the right amount of sleep. The study, published in the February issue of Sleep, says that 50% of the insomniac group had at least a time of absence over a 2-year period, against to 34% of the other group.

II. Teens And Sleep

These days it's not just the adults who are lacking sleep. The National Sleep Foundation reported that only 20% of adolescents in USA are getting the recommended 9 hours of sleep at night. That figure is alarming, because it shows that
millions of them have problems concentrating in classes, are getting late for school, or are sleepy when driving.

III. If You Want To Lose Weight, Don't Just Focus On Your Diet

Want to know a secret? The road to a good figure is not just eating food in low quantity and exercising on a regular basis;
it's having a proper lifestyle. I'm not a fitness expert, mind you, but health studies are giving more and more evidence
supporting a link between how many hours of sleep you get and your tendency to be obese.

A study led by Dr. Steven Heymsfield of Columbia University amd St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital in New York, and James
Gangwisch, a Columbia epidemiologist, showed that those who had less that 4 hours of sleep were more likely to be obese by
73%, while those with an average of 5 hours of sleep had 50% greater risk. Those who only had 6 hours had 23% more.

The reason? Blame it on grehlin, a substance that makes people want to eat more food.

If people don't have the recommended amount of shut-eye, their leptin levels are lowered.

Leptin is a blood protein that suppresses their appetite, and seems to affect how their body had eaten enough.

So don't think that dieting is the only way for a nice build; include getting sufficient sleep in your regimen from now on.

IV. And More Diseases, Too

If you're already tired of reading about the dire consequences you will face when you don't give yourself the right amount of
rest, here are a few more for your information.

When your body is deprived of the sleep it needs, your chances of getting coronary heart disease double compared to people who have an adequate amount of sleep.

And if you're a male, read on. You'd be interested to know that men who are sleep deprived are risking themselves for an erectile dysfunction. That happens when their testosterone levels drop due to a few hours of sleep, making it more difficult to maintain an erection.

For older people aged 53-93, there's a risk of developing diabetes. That's what a study co-authored by Dr. Daniel Gottlieb, an associate professor of medicine at Boston University claimed.

Published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the findings concluded that elders who slept fewer than 5 hours were 2.5
times more likely to acquire the sweet disease against those who had 6 hours, who had chances 1.7 times lower.

But don't think that sleeping too much will solve the problem, though. The study showed that overslept elders - those who had more than 9 hours of sleep - had chances 1.7 times higher.

Lastly, sleeplessness causes an individual to have an impaired spatial learning, such as getting to a new destination. This
finding, which appeared on the Journal of Neurophysiology, suggested that during the process of spatial learning, new brain cells are being produced in an area of the brain called Hippocampus. Sleep is important in helping these brain cells survive.

V. Conclusion

We all know that sleep plays a major part in one's overall well-being, and now that we know exactly what we are likely facing
when we have lack of it, where do we go from here?

It seems that more research is needed in the area of sleep medicine, and public awareness must be raised for everyone to understand that, despite all the obligations, late night TV shows and caffeinated drinks, getting sufficient sleep is really,
really important for everyone, young or old. And as for you reading this article, I bet you agree.

This Mental Disorder article is provided by Articleteller - The Free Article Directory

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Friday, January 26, 2007

Diet Supplement – when are they used?

Why diet supplement is so important? Many people nowadays follow some type of diet. That diet usually means eating specific quantities of some healthy foods, exercising, etc. Some type of diet supplement is used either when the diet doesn’t provide for adequate intake of necessary nutrition, vitamins, and minerals, or if the person doesn’t want to or is not able to follow a specific diet.

Diet Supplement – what is it?

Diet supplement term usually means some product made of one or more of the fundamental nutrients, for example vitamins, minerals, and proteins. It is not a drug. It can not fully replace some type of diet, as supplement does not provide all the recognized nutritional benefits of foods. What it does, it provides you with some specific (or a mix of) vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals, amino acids, metabolites, etc.

Diet Supplement – safety.

According to FDA staff, FDA oversees safety, manufacturing and product information, such as claims, in a product's labeling, package inserts, and accompanying literature. The Federal Trade Commission regulates the advertising of dietary supplements.

Again, according to FDA staff, as with food, federal law requires manufacturers of dietary supplements to ensure that the products they put on the market are safe. But supplement manufacturers do not have to provide information to FDA to get a product on the market. FDA review and approval of supplement ingredients and products is not required before marketing.

Be careful when purchasing some type of dietary supplement. Read the label carefully, look at the ingredients. You should also consult with your doctor to check if some dietary supplement is right for you. Try a well designed diet before you turn to dietary supplements. Also, many supplements work better when taken together, and others, when taken separately.

This Supplements article is provided by Articleteller - The Free Article Directory

Will common sense ever previal regarding Diet Supplements?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

How To Achieve Target Blood Pressure?

It is not easy for doctors to bring down blood pressure of people with hypertension to target blood pressure, even with the help of drugs. A study conducted in United Kingdom had shown that the condition of people with high blood pressure improves more when they monitor their blood pressure at home instead of at a doctor’s clinic. Home monitoring was linked to a greater number of people achieving target blood pressure.

The study, conducted by a group of doctors from St. George’s Hospital Medical School in London, reported in June 2004 in the British Medical Journal and at the European Society of Hypertension meeting in Paris on June 2004. The researcher analyzed at random 18 controlled trials involving a total of 1,359 patients who monitored their pressure at home, and 1,355 whose blood pressure was monitored in the healthcare system.

It was found that systolic (upper reading) and diastolic (lower reading) pressure were both lower in people who had home blood-pressure monitoring. After factoring in various adjustments, systolic and diastolic pressures were about 2 points lower. The likelihood of having blood pressure above predetermined targets was also lower when people measured their blood pressure at home.

The researchers did not agree the difference is due to the fact that when one goes out of clinic, he or she relaxes and the corresponding blood pressure is lower. Instead, it is the procedure of taking care of the blood pressure throughout the trial that has led to the blood pressure being lowered when getting to the clinic.

It is not clear why home monitoring makes this difference, although increased awareness of blood pressure probably makes people more likely to engage in healthy lifestyle and so on.

My mother is a good example of getting target blood pressure most of the time. She has been on the list of hypertension for more than two decades. Since she had survived a stroke 16 years ago, her blood pressure has always been well controlled until now. She has a habit of measuring her blood pressure 3 times a day: one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one at night before going to bed. On a daily basis, she recorded all the readings of her blood pressure on a booklet without fail. She will show it to her doctor each time she visits him. By doing so, the doctor can make adjustment on the dosage and timing of taking the drugs accordingly at time when the blood pressure does not hit the target. The doctor is very impressed about her act and never forgets to praise her each time he sees her.

Bear in mind that high blood pressure is a risk factor of heart disease. If people with high blood pressure can achieve their target level at all time, chances that they will develop any kind of heart disease will be greatly reduced.

Former Heart Surgeon Reveals ... How to prevent and even reverse heart disease - without drugs or surgery. Read more about Dr Robert's confession at:

This Medicine article is provided by Articleteller - The Free Article Directory

Feel free to use this article on your website or ezine as long as the following information about author/website is included. Heart Disease Prevention - 8 Simple Ways You Can Do Immediately, Go to:

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Don't Hesitate To Get Alcohol Treatment

If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction to or dependancy on alcohol, than I have one suggestion and one suggestion only: don't hestitate to get the alcohol treatment that is needed. It seems like people are not embarrassed about drinking alcohol until it gets to a level where they have a problem that requires attention and care. Then people seem to be filled with a lot of shame about their problems with alcohol.

I have been an alcohol treatment counselor for many years, and I am convinced that many of our problems with alcohol spring from the fact that we do not have an accurate view of just how harmful and addicting alcohol can truly be. In fact, most youth that are near the age of legal drinking have such a fascination and a wonder about drinking alcohol that is it no surprise that people quickly have problems with alcohol addiction. Because no one has taken the time to really teach the youth the potential problems they can have with alcohol, it makes sense that many of them get addicted and end up needing alcohol treatment.

Struggling with alcohol is something that is very treatable. You simply have to own up to the fact that you have a problem with drinking, however, or you will never be able to get help. My hardest clients are those that are forced into alcohol treatment and yet do not see that they have a problem that needs help. I've become convinced that a person addicted to alcohol or anything else must first admit that they are addicted and must honestly want help in order for help to be effective.

Realize that you do not have to remain in trouble with alcohol. There is freedom from your addiction. Will you ever be able to drink alcohol again? I don't know, but what I do know is that getting the alcohol treatment you need is really worth it when it comes to getting healed and enjoying a normal life. So take a serious look at your life and your future and decide whether or not getting alcohol treatment is something you should do.

Talk with your doctor, a counselor, or an alcohol treatment specialist to discuss your situation. See what course of action might be best for you or the one you love. I guarentee you that even though alcohol treatment might not be fun, it definitely is worth it.

This Alcoholism article is provided by Articleteller - The Free Article Directory

Julee Mitchelsin loves helping people by being an alcohol treatment counselor. See for more on getting the help you need.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Dangers From Asbestos

Asbestos is a very dangerous substance to inhale. That’s why many companies hire professionals to remove asbestos from their workplace. Asbestos is so dangerous because the fibers that form asbestos can cause cancers such as mesothelioma, as well as other diseases. The danger in asbestos is when the material breaks down or open and the fibers become airborne. Unfortunately, dangerous exposure the asbestos can occur when even just a trace amount of fibers for a minute amount of time is present in the environment. Even then, the symptoms of trouble might not show for up to 40 years.

Exposure to asbestos usually occurs in work or even homes, but another source of exposure is occurs when people live near places such as shipyards, steel mills, power plants, refineries, and so on -- all places where asbestos is used. Asbestos fibers become loose and contaminate the nearby residential areas. Other industries the use asbestos include maritime, construction, automotive repair (specifically brakes and clutches), roofing, and railroads.

Just as asbestos can be a serious problem for some types of businesses, it can also exist in many homes and schools. Prior to the 1970s, some materials used for building structures contained asbestos. In fact, an estimated 30 million tons of asbestos fiber was used just in the U.S. during this time, with some winding up in homes and schools.

Now that you’ve seen this alarming news, how can you ensure that you’re safe? For one thing, not all houses built before 1970 used any asbestos. Secondly, the chief places where people are exposed to asbestos are industrial sites. Not only that, but more people that were exposed did not get sick as opposed to those who did.

However, if you have concerns or suspect that your home may have asbestos, you can contact the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to locate licensed or certified techniques where you live who can check the home for problems and if found, remove it. In addition, the EPA will usually recommend that you contact a separate firm to have them conduct an assessment to ensure there are no conflicts with the finding.

Then, if you are thinking about building a home, unless the material is clearly labeled, you should assume it could have some level of asbestos in it. Therefore, until you can verify that the product is safe, you should contact the manufacturer to find out exactly what is contained in each type of material.

If you are buying a home from a private seller, by law, they are required to disclose any known hazards to you, which would include asbestos. Apartment complexes built prior to 1970 commonly have materials that include asbestos. Keep in mind that while it might be a scary thought of living where asbestos exists, remember, until the product with the asbestos breaks down or opens, the asbestos is not a health risk.

In 1995 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) set guidelines for asbestos discovery and follow-up in work environments. Any time it’s found, employees must be notified. The same applies to rental units. If your potential landlord informs you of existing asbestos, it will be your choice to live there or not.

This Mesothelioma article is provided by Articleteller - The Free Article Directory

Joseph Amiante provides a range of resources at his web site: Asbestos Pain, where you will find information that will help you on many asbestos related issues. Why not take a look:

Monday, January 22, 2007

Top 5 Diabetes Diet Tips for Creating Healthy Meal Plan

Diet plays a key role in controlling your blood sugar. A healthy-eating plan tailored to your needs will do that and more. Majority of people affected with diabetes are overweight or obese. In fact, your risk of getting diabetes increases the more weight you put on.

So controlling your diet can be the key to reducing the risk of diabetes as well as improving your symptoms if you are already affected by this disease people often refer to as “the silent killer.”

Everybody knows that maintaining a good diet is a healthy choice for every person. But for diabetes patients, this statement means something more significant than the recent fad over healthy living.

For diabetes patients, having a healthy diet means eating in a way that reduces the risk for complications that are commonly associated with their conditions, including heart disease and stroke. For them, a healthy diet could mean the difference between die-abetes and live-abetes.

Eating healthy involves eating a wide variety of foods that encompasses the whole diet spectrum of vegetables, whole grains, fruits, non-fat dairy products, beans, lean meats, poultry, and fish.

No, you do not have to eat all of that, but a little bit of this and that enough to balance the three basic food groups (Go, Grow, and Glow) is what you should aim for.

Tip #1: Preparing a Meal Plan
When you go on a diabetes diet, the first things you need to do is to prepare a meal plan. This will serve as your guide to how much and what kinds of food you can choose to eat at meals, and even at snack times if you wish to include that.

Now, be sure that your meal plan fits in with your schedule and eating habits. That way you will not be likely to ruin your diet simply because your work schedule conflicts with your meal schedule.

Keep in mind your end-goal: To keep your blood glucose in levels that are easy enough to maintain.

In addition to that somewhat myopic diet goal for diabetes, you also want to follow a meal plan that will help you improve your blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as keep your weight on track.

All these – blood pressure, cholesterol and weight – are factors that contribute to the worsening of your diabetes symptoms, so controlling them could very well mean controlling your diabetes.

When preparing a meal plan, be sure to balance uptake and down take – that is, food and exercise, respectively. Additionally, your doctor may have prescribed you with insulin or oral medications to help you manage your condition.

Take those medications into account as well when you plan your meal plan, making sure that the food is balanced with the drugs. The whole thing sounds like it’s a lot of work but with a few suggestions from your physician and/or dietician you can start building a meal plan that is best for you and your condition.

Tip #2: Use the Diabetes Food Pyramid
The Diabetes Food Pyramid, released by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is composed of six food groups (arranged according to how much you should eat from the least to the most and based on carbohydrate and protein content):

• Fats, sweets, and alcohol
• Milk
• Meat, meat substitutes, and other proteins
• Fruits
• Vegetables
• Grains, beans, and starchy vegetables

Fats, sweets, and alcohol are the one food group that diabetes patients should avoid.

The problem with diabetes involves a certain malfunction in the way our bodies make use of glucose in the blood. It is either there is too much glucose in our blood because we ate too much food rich in sugar so that the hormone responsible for regulating glucose – insulin – is unable to cope. Or, our cells are defective so that even though we have enough insulin to handle the job, our cells do not respond.

In order to control the levels of glucose in the blood stream, controlling diabetes diet is important. The intake of fats, sweets, and alcohol and other generally “unhealthy” foods should be minimized and only for special treats.

As for the rest of the food groups, here are the serving sizes recommended by the American Diabetes Association:

• Meat and Meat Substitutes: 4-6 oz. per day and divided between meals. This is equivalent to ¼ cup cottage cheese, 1 egg, 1 tbsp peanut butter, or ½ cup tofu.
• Milk: 2-3 servings per day
• Fruit: 2-4 servings per day
• Vegetables: 3-5 servings per day
• Grains and Starches: 6-11 servings per day, equivalent to 1 slice of bread, ¼ of a bagel, or ½ of an English muffin or pita bread.

Use this Diabetes Food Pyramid only as a guide in planning your meals. If you want a more individualized option, consult your dietician.

Tip #3: Draw Lines on Your Plate
Another good way to ensure that you are eating a balanced diet is to draw a line across your plate. It could only be an imaginary line. As you sit there for a meal, the exercise might even prove to be fun.

The first step, of course, is to imagine that you are drawing a line through the center of your plate. Then, divide one of the halves into two.

Then, fill this section with grains or starchy foods, such as rice, pasta, potatoes, corn, or peas.

The other section should comprise your meat and meat substitute group – meat, fish, poultry, or tofu.

Next, fill half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables. You can place there broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, salad, tomatoes, and cauliflower.

Last, add a glass of milk and a small piece of roll, and eh voila! You are ready to eat.

Tip #4: Reading Food Labels
With food labels, it all comes down to the Nutrition Facts. It’s that list of nutrition information found on the package of foods sold in the grocery store. Reading food labels can help you make wise choices about the foods you buy. The labels will tell you what ingredients were used, the amount of calories, and other pertinent information essential to a diabetes patient.

For instance, a typical food label would contain the total amounts per serving for the following nutrients:
• Calories
• Total fat
• Saturated fat
• Cholesterol
• Sodium
• Total carbohydrate
• Fiber

Use the nutrition facts found in food labels to compare similar types of foods and buy the one that contains fewer calories, lower fats, cholesterol, etc.

Pay close attention to free foods like sugar-free gelatin desert, sugar-free ice pops, sugarless gum, diet soft drinks, and sugar-free syrups. Just because they are called “free” does not mean they are entirely free of calories so don’t be overconfident. Instead, read the label. Most free foods should have less than 20 calories and 5 grams of carbohydrates per serving.

Another thing, “no-sugar added” means no sugar was added during the manufacture and packaging of the foods. The ingredients do not include sugar. However, the food may be high in carbohydrates still so be sure to read the label carefully.

Fat-free foods could still mean that they contain lots of carbohydrates. Often, they contain almost the same amount of calories as the foods they replace so be sure to pay attention to the label. Buying fat-free foods instead of regular foods does not necessarily mean that you are making a wise choice.

Tip #5: A Word about Sweets
Now, you know that sweets are generally discouraged among diabetes patients. However, having diabetes does not necessarily mean that you cannot have sweets. Imagine how bad life can be for the sweet tooth with diabetes. But as long as you keep your intake of sweets in moderation, there is no reason you have to eschew sugar from your life forever. After all, glucose (sugar) is still the most basic source of energy that the body needs.

So sweeten your foods with these following options:
• Sugar and other sweeteners with calories: honey, brown sugar, molasses, fructose, cane sugar, and confectioners sugar
• Reduced calorie sweeteners: erythritol, hydrogenated starch hydrolysates, isomalt, lactitol, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol, and xylitol
• Low calories sweeteners: ascelfume potassium, aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose

Research has overturned the long standing belief that sugar caused diabetes. The new studies show us that sugar has in fact the same effect on blood glucose levels as other carbohydrates like bread and potatoes. Based on this discovery, experts agree that a diabetic can now consume sugar as long as they incorporate it into their meal plan the way they would with any ordinary carbohydrate-containing foods.
Now that you have been pointed to the right direction with these tips to improve your diabetes diet, you can go ahead and live a healthier, fuller life where nothing – no carb nor sweets – is denied you, as long as you keep it all in moderation.

Article Source:

Sunday, January 21, 2007

YOGA an ancient form of Exercise

Submitted by galaxywd

Yoga is a family of ancient spiritual practices dating back more than 5000 years from India. It is one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy. In India, Yoga is seen as a means to both physiological and spiritual mastery. Outside India, Yoga has become primarily associated with the practice of asanas (postures).

Yoga as a means of spiritual attainment is central to Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism and has influenced other religious and spiritual practices throughout the world. Hindu texts establishing the basis for yoga include the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and many others.

The four main paths of Yoga are
1. Karma yoga: The yoga of action in the world
2. Jnana yoga: The yoga of knowledge and intellectual endeavor
3. Bhakti yoga: The yoga of devotion to a deity
4. Raja yoga: The yoga of meditation
A committed practitioner of yoga is referred to as a yogi, yogin (masculine), or yogini (feminine).
The aims of the yoga practitioners are extremely varied.
1. Inspiration of Spiritual Element
2. Increased Flexibility and Fitness
3. Solutions to varied Health Disorders
4. All – round development : Mind, Body, Soul
Yoga entails mastery over the body, mind, and emotional self, and transcendence of desire. According to the followers, the Yogi eventually reaches the enlightened state (Moksha) where there is a cessation of thought and an experience of blissful union. This union may be of the individual soul (Atman) with the supreme Reality (Brahman), as in Advaita Vedanta; with a specific god or goddess, as in Dvaita, or dualistic forms of Hinduism and some forms of Buddhism.

Common to most forms of yoga is the practice of concentration (dharana) and meditation (dhyana). The awareness is concentrated on a fine point of sensation (such as that of the breath entering and leaving the nostrils). Sustained single-pointed concentration gradually leads to meditation (dhyana), in which the inner faculties are able to expand and merge with something vast. Meditators sometimes report feelings of peace, joy, and oneness.
Advantages of Yoga

Yoga emphasizes treatment of the root cause of an ailment. It works in a slow, subtle and miraculous manner. Modern medicine can claim to save a life at a critical stage, but, for complete recovery and regaining of normal health, one must believe in the efficiency of yoga therapy.

On a physical level Yoga postures stimulate the glands, organs, muscles and nerves in ways that traditional exercise cannot. Muscle tightness and strain is quickly relieved and both circulation and digestion improves. Stress-related symptoms like poor sleep, fatigue, muscle spasms, anxiety, and indigestion are greatly improved.
Through continued practice Yoga postures can have a profound effect on the inner dimensions of life, establishing deep calm, concentration, emotional stability and confidence.

About the Author

Roderick Corkern is an active fitness and exercise equipment expert with over 16 years of helping people overcome fitness issues and teaching them to integrate exercise into their life.


Saturday, January 20, 2007

Good Healthy Habits

Tania Jain

Good health is of prime importance to all of us. We need to be healthy, filled with abundant energy, sound sleep, and fit and disease free body, which will give us a sense of overall well being. In order to be fit and healthy we need to practice healthy living styles with proper food habits and exercise. We cannot be healthy if we are lazy and lethargic. We need to work hard both physically and mentally to be fit and healthy. Besides exercise, we also need to eat healthy foodstuffs avoiding junk foods, which make us lethargic and dull. If you are over weight and obese you will suffer from health problems. So you need to maintain an optimum body weight to be healthy.

You need to follow healthy and positive habits. Positive thinking is very essential in order to be healthy. You need to clear out your mind and fill it with positive thoughts. You will have to remove all the depressing and negative emotions and thoughts from your mind and replace it with healthy and positive thoughts. These positive thoughts can be extremely energizing and always lead to good things in life. You can get involved in practices such as meditation and yoga to get rid of the negativity and force yourself with positive thoughts.

You need to eat healthy foods in order to be fit and healthy. Simple food stuffs like vegetables, fruits, nuts, tubers, lean meat, pulses, ect can keep you healthy and strong. Try to avoid refined foodstuffs. The main reason for ill health and diseases is improper food habits. Because of this many people suffer from diseases like diabetes, cancer, obesity ect. Simple changes in your diet and causes a great difference within a short period and can improve your health drastically. Try to avoid smoking and alcoholic drinks. For good health, you need to exercise daily. Exercising in the morning can leave you with a refreshed feeling throughout the day. Exercising can put you in a good mood and it will be easier for you to think positively and eat healthy foods. You can also get involved in activities such as swimming, biking, walking or playing your favorite sport in order to keep you healthy .Do not go for an activity which you do not enjoy. Try to do your work outs in the open air. In this way you will feel more refreshed. You should not make drastic changes in your life style. You should start with simple changes and make sure that you enjoy it. You try to make these simple changes in to a regular habit in order to achieve long term success. It is very important to improve your health in order to be happy and enjoy life. Besides exercise you need to have good sleep and rest in order to be healthy. Sound sleep can refresh your mind and make you feel healthy .All these simple changes in your life style can improve your health and make you feel strong and fit. You will feel a sense of well being, both emotionally and physically.

Tania writes for health care and diseases guide, vitamins and nutrition and different types of depression.

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Friday, January 19, 2007

Meridiumxn By Bionovix Is Ideal For Stress Related Health Conditions

MeridiumXN by BioNovix Inc. Introduces Meridium XN A Patented Biopharmaceutical compound Designed to Address Metabolic Stress Health Issues. BioNovix’s MeridiumXN is an all natural wonder that starts from the cellular level. It can help you to create metabolic balance for a healthier life. It is stated that everything we do including eating a meal, driving to work and even walking around the block will produce metabolic waste and toxins in our body. In today’s environment, our bodies can’t eliminate this metabolic waste as fast as it is produced. Poor diet, excessive stress, strenuous workouts, and the pollutants you breathe all increase the rate that waste builds up.

Prolonged metabolic imbalance will lead to a breakdown of the cellular tissue structures and functions, creating metabolic stress. Some of the symptoms are trouble focusing, moodiness, irritability, lack of energy, difficulty keeping weight off, unhealthy cholesterol levels, glucose and insulin imbalances, buildup of toxins and cell damage caused by free radicals that occurred from oxidative stress.

What can it lead to? If left unchecked, this metabolic stress can develop into a full-blown metabolic syndrome. According to a recent issue of the JAMA ( Journal of the American Medical Association) afflicts around 50 million Americans. Metabolic stress and metabolic syndrome are identified as precursors to more serious issues including heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes, obesity and macular degeneration. So how do we get rid of it?

The answer is Meridium XN - the antidote to metabolic imbalance. Bionovix’s MeridiumXN is a powerful remedy that acts directly at the molecular level to restore metabolic balance in the body.

A scientific research indicates the active ingredient xanthohumol, found in Meridium XN, when taken daily, can help you and your body to eliminate the metabolic waste and may even prevent the harmful chemical reactions that are associated with metabolic syndrome and stress.

Michael Vincent is the author oft he Heahy4life blog on alternative health supplements.

Article Source:

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Back to the Basics: Crucial Tips for Preventing Back Acne

Acne is a widespread problem affecting millions of people world-wide. It occurs when pores or hair follicles in the skin are blocked, usually due to excess sebum production or to dead cells that are retained on the skin’s surface when they would normally slough off. When a pore becomes blocked, sebum and natural bacteria are trapped within the pore and prevented from coming to the surface of the skin. While many experts remain unsure of bacteria’s actual role in creating inflammation, it is generally agreed that bacterial action within the pore triggers an immune system reaction, causing the redness and discomfort associated with acne.

When you hear the word "acne," most people picture blackheads, pimples, and pustules on the face. But acne doesn’t stop at the jaw line. In fact, the greatest concentrations of sebaceous glands are found not only on the face, but also on the chest, back, and upper outer arms, too. A person's back has thousands more sebaceous glands than their face, so it is no wonder that back acne can be a problem! Despite the many acne treatment products on the market, controlling back acne can be an entirely different story than treating acne on one’s face. So what’s the scoop?

There are several differences between back and face acne that one should be aware of when trying to treat an acne problem. For starters, the skin on the back is one of the thickest on your body, so you can afford to be less gentle when treating it. Also, less is understood about back acne than facial acne. While the severity of facial acne can be related to genetics or food allergies, this isn't the case with back acne. Furthermore, back acne is not generally worsened by mental or emotional stress.

Prevention is one step to consider when suffering from back acne; stopping a problem before it starts is the best and easiest acne plan! Clothing especially can play a large role in causing breakouts on the back by trapping perspiration and bacteria close to the skin. By choosing to wear loose, light clothing, sweat is then limited which can reduce the likelihood of back acne developing. Also, certain materials can irritate the skin, regardless of the activity level of the wearer. For instance, lycra doesn't breathe very well, allowing sweat and bacteria to collect on the skin and remain there; also, wool is a very rough material that can irritate existing acne and make the problem worse. Laundry detergents and fabric softeners can aggravate the skin and complicate acne. Finally, backpacks can cause and trap sweat or rub against your skin, and may need to be traded for a shoulder-bag or handle-bag if back acne is a problem.

Despite all these tips on acne prevention, there is no denying that preventing back acne can be harder than it seems; there will almost always be some form of clothing or material touching your back, whether it be a shirt or bed sheets or padding on the back of a chair. For this reason, acne treatment is still very important when one is trying to get rid of back acne. One positive thing about back acne is that it can be treated using fairly strong products, since back skin is thought to be less prone to irritation than skin elsewhere. For instance, 10% benzoyl peroxide is much too strong for the sensitive skin on the face, but could be a more appropriate strength for acne treatment on the back. If the type of back acne is particularly inflammatory and painful, a variety of methods may be used to target the problem, including antibiotics, cortisone shots, and topical retinoids.

Some of the same general rules apply to skin care for back acne as for facial acne. It is recommended that you keep the back clean using a salicylic or glycolic acid cleanser, and exfoliate away dead skin with a long-handled scrub brush. The specific acne-prone areas can then be treated with over-the-counter or prescribed medicine. Some dermatologists also recommend that you drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated, and eat fairly healthy foods. While there is no definitive proof that food can trigger back acne, eating well definitely can't hurt! Back acne isn’t fun, but it can often be controlled to a large degree, so don't be afraid to go to your doctor to learn about different methods of acne treatment for problem areas on your back.

Article Source:

About the Author
Author C.L. Jackson wishes the topic of acne was simply an academic interest ... but unfortunately that’s not the case! You'll find much more information on the topic at the author's website

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Rediscover Yourself

By Shelly Parkar

Do you crave for beautiful skin and lovely hair? If yes, then install shower filter in your bathroom immediately. As you may not be aware of the harmful effects of showering in water that has chlorine in it, I am going to reveal the dangers of chlorinated water.

Most people in the world consider hot shower or bath as one of life’s little pleasures. However, they don’t realize the danger “chlorine in water” could pose to them. Although chlorine is universally used to disinfect water, it has been found through research that it is not safe for drinking, showering or bathing.

Excessive chlorine in water is not good for health. There are many biologists/chemists who are of the opinion that use of chlorine should be banned. They feel that putting chlorine in water is like sitting on a time bomb. Moreover diseases like cancer, heart trouble, and premature senility both mental and physical are conditions attributable to chlorine treated water supplies. In fact what chlorine in water does is it makes us grow old before our time by producing symptoms of ageing such as hardening of the arteries. There are even studies in the older literature that had reported that chronic exposure to chlorine concentrations of around 5ppm causes respiratory complaints, corrosion of the teeth, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and increased susceptibility to tuberculosis in workers. Chlorine in water affects the health of children the most as they are more vulnerable to corrosive agents than adults because of the smaller diameter of their airways.

Animal studies have reported decreased body weight gain, eye and nose irritation and effects on the respiratory tract, liver and kidney from chronic, inhalation, exposure to chlorine. Other studies have indicated that exposure to chlorine via inhalation may alter disease resistance in animals.

Now the question arises is why chlorine is so dangerous to our health? The answer lies in the fact that chlorine is slightly soluble in water. It reacts with water to form hypochelorous acid and hydrochloric acid. The hypocheleric acid breaks down rapidly. The hydrochloric acid also breaks down; this break down products lowers the pH of the water making it more acidic. As chlorine is rarely found in soil, these compounds can react with other substances found in soil. And the most important thing is that chlorine does not accumulate in the food chain.

But there is no need to worry about chlorine. You have solutions in the form of shower filters. is the best in the segment and it has shower filters that use innovative dual-filter process that effectively removes the harshness of chlorinated water. All shower filters comes in different shapes and sizes. Chlorine removal allows you naturally softer skin and glowing hair.

To end with, shower filter in your bathroom can purify your water, rejuvenate your skin and restore hair’s natural shine. Enjoy the new found youthfulness.

Shelly Parkar, who is the Water and Shower Filter System Guide at Feel free to use this article as long as you use it in its contents including the author information.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Use Combination Medication To Reduce Blood Pressure

By Joann Grant

High blood pressure is also known as hypertension. A condition of high blood pressure creates more risk of heart strokes, heart failure along with various other disorders that may threaten your life. Ask any doctor and he will tell you how to maintain your normal blood pressure with the help of various medicines. But unfortunately none of these medicines function effectively when taken individually. Some are very strong while others have slow effect. So the best possible way out to treat blood pressure is a combination of all these.

Combination medication means the use of various medicines together to lower blood pressure. The medicines used to lower blood pressure fall broadly in four main categories. They are: Angiotensin Receptors Blockers (ARBs), Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors, Calcium Channel Blockers (CCBs) and Diuretics.

But before discussing about these group of medicines, there is something very important for you to understand. Why do you get abnormal blood pressure? What triggers the blood flow to get high? The answer to this question is enzyme Angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is a chemical that contracts the muscles around the blood vessels. As the muscles contract the blood vessels starts narrowing down. As a result the pressure of the blood in the vessels increases, thereby causing high blood pressure or what is also called hypertension.

So to counter the effects of the chemical Angiotensin, some external chemicals are required, which come in the from of these medicines. They are:

ACE: ACE inhibitors slow down the activity of the Angiotensin II enzyme. The blood vessels enlarges, thereby reducing the blood pressure. Some of the common ACE inhibitors used are are Accupril, Altace, Zestril and Mavik.

ARB: As its name suggests, Angiotensin Receptors Blockers, block the action of the enzyme Angiotensin in the blood. Some of the commonly used ARBs are Atacand, Hyzaar, Benicar, Micardis and Diovan.

CCB: Calcium after entering the muscle cells of the arteries and the heart inhibits the process of muscle contraction, thereby increasing the pressure of the blood flow. These Calcium Channel Blockers function by blocking the entry of calcium in the muscles of the arteries and heart. Some of the commonly prescribed CCBs are Tiazac, Adalat and Cardizem LA.

Diuretics: They are used as a treatment against the accumulation of excess fluid in the body. The problem of excess fluid can take place due to medical conditions like heart failure, liver and kidney problems. Diuretics reduce the amount of fluid in the blood, thereby lowering the blood pressure. To get better results diuretics are often prescribed in combination with some of the other medicines used to control blood pressure. Some of the commonly used diuretics are Dyazide, Avalide and Benicar HCT.

Although these medicines help you to maintain your normal blood pressure, but there are times when they fail to perform their function in your body. So follow all the do-s and don't-s by your doctor with heart.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Ten Tips to Improve Your Fitness Health

By : Michael Hehn

The following paragraphs summarize the work of health experts who are completely familiar with all the aspects of health. Heed their advice to avoid any health surprises.

Here are ten tips to improve your fitness health. Even athletes who are incredibly fit may not be really healthy. They often tread a fine line between health and illness or injury.

1) Listen to your body. As you are training it is easy to become preoccupied with the repetitions you are doing, or the time you've been exercising. Leave your watch at home and slow down or walk when your body hurts.

2) To improve your fitness health you need to eat a varied diet. Five fruit and vegetables a day should be your minimum target. Your health will improve if you eat at least five different kinds of fruit, then any vegetables will be a bonus.

3) Take a complete day off from exercise every once in a while. It doesn't have to be every week, but doing extra training when you are tired may have a detrimental effect on your health and fitness. You become fitter and healthier through rest as much as exercise.

4) Limit the number of supplements you take. Adequate amounts can in fact be absorbed by modifying the diet without the risks involved by taking a dietary supplement. Consult a professional dietician. Many sprinters and power athletes, for example, take creatine supplements because it gives them a legal edge. There is a risk, though, as it is possible that they have been contaminated by banned substances. This is a risk to your fitness health, and a risk financially if you are a professional athlete.

See how much you can learn about health when you take a little time to read a well-researched article? Don't miss out on the rest of this great information.

5) Your health will improve if you minimize the number of tablets that you take. Paracetamol may seem okay, but you will be surprised how often a headache can be cured by drinking water, having something to eat or sitting in a quiet room.

6) You will improve your health and fitness by stretching more. Your muscles get shorter through exercise, and if you never stretch you will get injured. One method is to warm up slowly first, then spend several minutes stretching before the main workout. Stretch thoroughly after exercise as well.

7) You need to stay hydrated if you are exercising more. This means drinking water and sports drinks if you are sweating a lot. You lose minerals in your body while sweating. It is recommended to drink five glasses of water a day, but if you are working out you need to drink more than this. Don't get carried away, though, because it can be just as dangerous to drink too much as too little.

8) Exercise with other people. You will meet new friends, and your fitness will improve if you have other people to motivate you.

9) Don't become too competitive as this may harm your health. Motivation from other people is good, but you should only compete against yourself. Try too hard to keep up with someone else, and you could become injured.

10) Have fun! Your health and fitness will improve if you are having fun because you will stick to your exercise program.

This article's coverage of the information is as complete as it can be today. But you should always leave open the possibility that future research could uncover new facts.
Author Resource:- Michael Hehn writes articles about various topics.
Find out what he has to say about health at Health
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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Ancient Wisdom Critical in Recovery from Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

By : Carl-Peter Lehmann

Can the secret to successfully recovering from addictive illnesses like alcoholism and drug addiction involve ancient, timeless practices that have literally been sitting under our very noses all this time?

It looks like it ...

Recent scientific evidence suggest that age old practices like meditation can have the effect of reversing imbalances in the brain that actually cause things like addiction.

I'm not going to go into the science of it here (for the full article visit my blog), but to me it again highlights the fact that general western mainstream medicine often gets it wrong when treating things like addiction.

Disease, of which addiction is now generally accepted a part of, is still too commonly treated on a symptomatic basis. You've got a problem - and your Doctor simply treats the symptoms by providing you with a bunch of drugs.

What happened to really trying to diagnose the cause, which is often deeply buried in the psyche of the individual? Far easier to administer drugs. Or better yet to proper preventative medicine where individuals are taught the fundamentals of healthy living. That wouldn't work either because there are too many powerful role players in the food and pharmaceutical industries that would never allow that to happen.

Before I diverge too far from the point here, back to meditation and addiction ...

Andrew Weil, MD, sums it up perfectly in 'Natural Health, Natural Medicine,' pg. 135. 'Addiction is NOT
a psychological or pharmacological problem, and CANNOT be solved by the methods of psychology or pharmacology. It is, at root, a SPIRITUAL concern, because it represents a misdirected attempt to achieve wholeness, to experience inner completeness and satisfaction.'

That's in essence what I've been trying to teach those I've been helping overcome their own addictions, but more importantly I realize how accurate that statement is through my own growth and recovery from addictions.

And the MOST POWERFUL method in addressing the 'spiritual concern' as he puts it, is meditation.

Now I know meditation is listed as one of the Steps in most 12 Step recovery programs, but in my experience from having been around the rooms, there are very few people who understand this practice, let alone know how to do it properly.

In my experience, there is no more powerful practice than meditation available, not only to help combat and aid in the recovery of addictions, but to living a more centered, peaceful, compassionate and meaningful life.

I don't think it's any co-incidence that the most enlightened cultures on our planet, e.g. Tibetans, are regular and proficient meditators.

I firmly believe that anyone, not just alcoholics and addicts, who desires a more fulfilling life should make meditation a compulsory practice in their lives.
Author Resource:- Carl-Peter is the author of the book 'Addiction Uncovered', which has helped people on more than 4 continents with their alcoholism and drug addiction. He also writes and publishes regular articles to his blog at
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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Catechins in Green and Black Tea

By Brigita Feltham

Although both green and black tea come from the camellia sinensis plant, the quantity and kinds of catechins found in green and black tea vary due to their different processing methods.

How are green and black tea processed?

When green tea is processed the leaves are immediately steamed after picking, this halts the oxidation of the leaves, which means a high concentration of catechins is retained in the leaves.

When black tea is processed the leaves are first withered. The leaves are dried in the open air or air is pumped through the layers of leaves. The leaves are left to oxidise for an extended period and this causes the leaves to change colour from green to coppery brown. During this process the catechins are converted to complex flavanoids known as theaflavins and thearubigins.

The processing of black tea produces the distinctive taste and aroma of black tea, but also means much of catechin content and goodness is destroyed.

What do the catechins in green tea do?

There are four catechins in green tea. The catechins found in green tea are epicatechin (EC), gallocatechin (GC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECg) and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) The most active and beneficial catechin in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

A cup of green tea contains approximately 40-90mg of EGCg.

A cup of black tea contains approximately 5-10mg of EGCG.

Catechins work by neutralizing and inhibiting free radicals which destroy healthy cells and tissues in the body and contribute to aging and disease.


The catechins found in green and black tea differ due to their different processing methods. Green tea is an unfermented tea (not exposed to oxygen after picking) and is able to retain its high catechin content. While black tea is fully fermented (extensively oxidised), which means much of the beneficial catechin components are destroyed.

Although both green and black tea contain catechins, green tea has the higher catechin content of the two. To fully reap all the health benefits of green tea, it is suggested you should drink between 3-10 cups a day. I personally recommend brewing your own green tea leaves rather than using tea bags. The flavour and quality of the leaves is superior and also you can re-brew with the same leaves a few times over.

Brigita Feltham is the creator and owner of Infusious Tea. After spending 4 years in Japan, green tea became a part of Brigita's daily lifestyle.

Brigita began to study tea ceremony and found out that not only does green tea have wonderful health benefits, but it also has a rich cultural tradition in Japan.

For more information on Japanese green tea please visit

Article Source:

Friday, January 12, 2007

Is A Bird Flu Vaccine Really Effective

By Groshan Fabiola

Bird flu is still a hot subject at the World Health Organization meetings, due to the fact that is still considered a threat for humanity.

Scientists believe that the H5N1 virus could mutate and then transmit from human to human causing a global pandemic, for which humanity is not yet prepared.

We have not developed a drug or a vaccine that might kill this evil virus, and so we are exposed to it. Lately there have been debates about the usefulness of the annual flu vaccines. Some scientists declare that if you get annually a flu vaccine, you are making yourself more susceptible to the flu in subsequent years, by weakening your immune system, instead of enforcing it.

Dr. Haim Danenberg of Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem says that one who did not get annual flu shots is possible to poses a better immune system then the annually vaccinated ones.

Some even say that flu vaccines create a pattern of dependence and once you begin taking them you will need to take them every year because your immune system gets weaker every year.

Phyllis Balch, an author of herbs and health does not recommend flu shots and suggests that the solution of getting rid of flu is by strengthening the immune system.

Every year a new strain of virus develops and we can not be sure that the flu shot we took will match for this new virus too, and the antibody response will only be protective if we are luckily enough to get infected with the right virus.

A study from Netherlands made on elderly people concluded that flu shots only give you one percent lower chance of getting the flu after all, so we ask ourselves why doctors and governments make all this propaganda for flu shots if they are only1% helpful.

In the case of bird flu things might not be like this, because if a virus strain is isolated and used to manufacture a bird flu vaccine, it may turn out to be more effective than 1%. Studies have not concluded yet.

It seems that flu shots contain toxic substances too, like mercury which is connected with the Alzheimer disease and could contribute to a mercury poisoning.

There is a law that indemnifies vaccine manufacturers from the harm caused by their products in case of a viral pandemic, even if the vaccine kills people.

You could find more about this law at:

So, the vaccine producers are protected in case of a mass murder, and they even get money for it (they sell their vaccine to health authorities). This proves that vaccines are not safe and that is why the vaccine companies have assured their legal protection.

Before getting a shot, people should first find out mere about the side effects given by the vaccines and to reconsider whether they want to risk taking it or try a different solution like the real anti-viral medicines.

So, if you want to find out more about bird flu prevention or even about symptoms of bird flu please click this link

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Mesothelioma Overview

Submitted by ogdteam

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, but the deadliest one of all. It strikes about 3000 hard working people in the United States each year, mostly men over 40 years of age. It is caused by direct asbestos exposure, or from asbestos dust brought home on the worker's clothing.

During the twentieth century, around 30 million tons of asbestos were used in industrial sites, homes, schools, shipyards and commercial buildings in the United States. Many asbestos-containing products remain in buildings, ships, industrial facilities and other environments where the fibers can become airborne.

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the cells that make up the lining of the lungs, the inside of the ribs, and around the abdominal organs. In the past it was thought that cigarette smoking caused mesothelioma. However, with medical research it has been proven that it is caused by asbestos exposures.

Here's what the asbestos does. When a person breathes in asbestos fibers, the fibers then travel to the ends of the small air passages reaching the lining of the lungs and damaging the mesothelial cells (the lining of the lung cells). If swallowed, these fibers can reach the lining of the abdominal cavity where they play a part in causing a cancer called peritoneal mesothelioma. The chance of ever getting mesothelioma rises with the intensity and duration of your exposure to asbestos.

And you may not get mesothelioma right away. Mesothelioma can even develop 20 to 50 years after the initial exposure. The average life span of an inflicted person from the time of diagnosis with mesothelioma until death is less the 6 months. So, who's at risk?

People who work or used to work in asbestos environment, and spouses or children being exposed to asbestos fibers from work clothing brought home. Also, if you live in a house that was built in the mid 70's or before, you have to know that most insulation materials, including pipe insulation; boiler insulation; fireproofing spray; firebrick and gunnite (used for internal insulation of furnaces and boilers); also many construction materials, such as roof, floor and ceiling tiles contained asbestos. You too might be exposed to asbestos. You need to have your house checked for any asbestos presence.

If you have ever been exposed to asbestos directly or indirectly, early symptoms of mesothelioma can include shortness of breath and/or pain in the lower back or at the side of your chest. Less often, you can experience trouble swallowing, cough, fever, sweating, fatigue, and weight loss. So, these early symptoms sometimes may delay your diagnosis as these symptoms are also related to other illnesses. It will be up to you to mention to your doctor the possibility of asbestos exposure, because your doctor may not suspect it right away. Your doctor then, has to use x-rays, CT scans or a breathing test to detect the presence of asbestos. He or she can further perform a biopsy (taking samples of your lung tissue) to confirm it.

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you were most likely exposed to asbestos. Many asbestos manufacturers and even distributors knew for decades that asbestos was hazardous, yet they did not warn people of those hazards. As a result, you have a right of recovery against those manufacturers, which on the other hand can help pay the costs of treatment and provide compensation for your pain and suffering.

The first thing you need to do after being diagnosed with mesothelioma is contact a lawyer immediately to see if you have a case. Think about the source of your exposure, regardless of how long ago that might have been. Try to find the responsible parties. Whether that was your spouse's work, your work, your parents' work, the house you lived in, or anything at all that might have exposed you to asbestos.

Also, you need to ask your lawyer about your statute of limitations. Even if your family member has died from mesothelioma, you may still be eligible to file a claim. Even if you've never worked at a place that directly dealt with asbestos but you have gotten it through asbestos fibers brought home on clothes worn by a spouse or parent who worked in an asbestos environment, you may still be eligible to file a claim.

If diagnosed with mesothelioma, your doctor can only do so much to save your life. It will be mostly you religiously following the health directions given to you by your doctor and educating yourself about mesothelioma. Your doctor can help you save your life, but you can also help him or her help you by knowing how to deal with it.

Disclaimer: The author and publisher of this article have done their best to give you useful, informative and accurate information. This article does not represent nor replace any professional advice you need to get from a lawyer, or doctor, or other professional if the content of the article involves an issue you are facing. The author, publishers and marketers of this information disclaim any loss or liability, either directly or indirectly as a consequence of applying the information presented herein, or in regard to the use and application of said information. No guarantee is given, either expressed or implied, in regard to the merchantability, accuracy, or acceptability of the information. Thank you.

About the Author

This article was produced by Attorney Resources and Lawyer Information website. Please visit if you need to find a mesothelioma lawyer or if you need more information to help you with your attorney.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Caffeine Content in Green Tea

By Brigita Feltham

Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world next to water. It has a history that spans centuries, and it is still widely consumed in many countries in Asia. Generations of people have enjoyed green tea because of its health benefits. Today, it has gradually gained popularity in many western countries as people look for a healthy alternative to coffee, without all the caffeine.

Green tea contains about 30mg of caffeine per 8oz. (240ml) cup-compare this to a cup of regular brewed coffee, which contains around 100mg. In a report published by the John Hopkins University of Medicine, it was revealed that of the 80-90% of the North American population that consumes caffeine, on average 280mg is consumed per day. This caffeine comes from consuming coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate products. The university also reported that an over-consumption of caffeine (over 200mg), could result in nervousness, anxiety and an upset stomach. If we follow the recommendations to consume up to and not over 200mg of caffeine, that equates to 2 cups of coffee, or about 1 cup of coffee and a couple of cans of soft drink. With this guide in mind, we can safely consume 5-6 cups of green tea a day.

The report also suggests that despite the low caffeine content in green tea, people with anxiety disorders, insomnia and pregnant women should reduce their intake or stop consuming green tea altogether.

These days you can often find decaffeinated green tea in your supermarket or specialty stores. Unfortunately during the process of removing the caffeine from green tea, the flavour is also altered. This is why in Japan, where so many people drink green tea, that decaffeinated green tea is almost impossible to find in any supermarkets or stores.

It is also thought that by removing the caffeine content in green tea, much of the health benefits are also lost from the polyphenolic content.

There are some simple ways to reduce the caffeine content in green tea. The first way would be by brewing the leaves or tea bag for just 1 minute (compared with the normal 2 minutes). The other way would be to just discard the first cup of brewed tea, and drink the second and third brewing only.

Moderation is the key to consuming anything in life, and the same can be said for green tea. The great thing with green tea is it contains so many healthful properties and still contains the right balance of caffeine, so we can refresh and energize without experiencing the irritability and anxiety which can often happen with coffee.

Brigita Feltham is the creator and owner of Infusious Tea. After spending over 3 years in Japan, green tea became a part of Brigita's daily lifestyle as it is for most Japanese people.

Brigita began to study tea ceremony and found out that not only does green tea have wonderful health benefits, but it also has a rich cultural tradition in Japan. Brigita would now like to share her knowledge and love of Japanese green tea.

If you would like more information on Japanese green tea visit:

Japan Green Tea

Article Source:

Monday, January 08, 2007

Stop Medicare Fraud Before You Become A Victim

Submitted by captaingrubb

Every year, millions of dollars are taken from the Medicare program through deceptive practices. Medicare fraud hurts not only the program as a whole, but everyone who receives Medicare benefits. The quick guide below reveals how Medicare fraud takes place, why it affects you as an end beneficiary, and what you can do to help prevent it.

What is Medicare Fraud?

Medicare fraud occurs when false claims are made on behalf of a real beneficiary. For example, you visit a particular physician or medical clinic. They ask for your Medicare card and give you a certain amount that is due, but then bill Medicare for more than that amount. They pocket the difference. Another type of Medicare fraud is when someone bills Medicare for services or equipment that you never received or for items different from what you received. A dishonest individual might also use the Medicare card of another to receive medical services or to buy equipment. Or, someone may return home medical equipment, but continue to bill Medicare for the equipment. There are other variations of Medicare fraud, but these are the most common.

Why Should You Care?

You may ask, “Why should I care if someone else commits Medicare fraud?” There are two main reasons you should join the battle against Medicare fraud. One, your Medicare co-pay costs will increase little by little because of money lost through fraud. Just as a retail store might increase prices to cover the losses of theft, Medicare costs will increase for everyone when fraud occurs. Two, you or your loved one could be the next victim. If you frequent the emergency room, pharmacy, or doctor’s office, then you are susceptible to becoming a victim of Medicare fraud. Someone may steal your Medicare card, or you might encounter a dishonest person working at a doctor’s office or pharmacy. Either way, the burden of proof will fall upon you because the Medicare card and billing information will be in your name.

Detecting Medicare Fraud

Detecting Medicare fraud is easy if you keep an eye out for suspicious activities. Beware of providers that offer services for “free” when you have already given them your Medicare card. Also, if a provider offers to waive your co-payments on services routinely without checking to see if your financial situation has improved, you should be leery of this practice. Other “red flags” to watch for include pressure selling for higher-priced services, receiving Medicare bills for services you have not received, so-called “free” consultations for Medicare patients, marketing tactics being used by a provider such as telemarketing, and charges for co-payments on services that are supposed to be covered 100 percent by Medicare.

Do Not Falsely Accuse

If you suspect that a provider has committed Medicare fraud, double check with the provider to be sure it is not a simple mistake first. Sometimes human and computer errors do occur, so give your provider the benefit of the doubt from the start. If so-called “errors” seem to be happening often, then it’s time to investigate! The last thing you want is to wrongly accuse your health provider, so be sure to approach suspected Medicare fraud with caution.

Before Reporting a Provider

Before you report a provider for Medicare fraud, be sure you have all the facts. You’ll need all vital information about the provider including name, phone number, address, type of practice, etc. Also, you’ll need to gather all the facts about the incident so you can clearly present your case. Write or type a detailed timeline of events, the item(s) or service(s) that were billed incorrectly, the date when this occurred, and any other pertinent information.

Take Preventative Measures

If you encounter a situation where you believe you or a loved one have fallen victim to Medicare fraud, report it to your local and state Medicare representatives. Also, take the following steps to help prevent this from happening to you:

1. Never give anyone your Medicare card or claim number who is not your caregiver or physician.

2. Beware of those who wish to review your medical records when they are not providing medical services to you.

3. Beware of “free” consultations and Medicare services being offered by a clinic or physician.

4. Never request medical services that you do not actually need.

5. Beware of providers that offer to get Medicare to pay for services or items that are usually not covered by Medicare.

Most of all follow your instincts. If a situation doesn’t seem right, investigate to find the answers. You or your loved one can be safe from Medicare fraud if you use precaution during every medical situation. Keep in mind that criminals do not always come in dark clothing with masks on their faces. Those who commit Medicare fraud can appear to be normal caregivers or physicians, so keep your guard up any time you give out personal information such as your Medicare card.

Use this knowledge to join the fight against Medicare fraud, and help America to stay healthy!

About the Author

Medicare Consumer Guide was created by Jimmy Ellis to help his friends and family understand the Medicare Health Care system, Medicare Policies, and especially the new Medicare Part D plan. After extensive research to find the most helpful information on Medicare, the Medicare Consumer Guide was created.


Sunday, January 07, 2007

Top Six Natural Energy Boosters

By Marty Meshek

Want an energy boost to your system that will not give you the jitters or keep you awake at night? Some herbs will boost your energy levels and are easy to add to your diet. Sometimes it is what you do NOT eat that gives you a boost in energy! So what are some alternatives to that third cup of Starbuck's Coffee?

1. Digestive enzymes break down proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber making it possible to benefit from the nutrients found in those foods. Enzymes turn the food we eat into energy and unlock this energy for use in the body. Did you ever notice that children can eat a big meal and then go play, but adults who eat a big meal usually need a nap. By the time you hit forty you have lost most of your body's natural ability to manufacture enzymes. You get tired because it takes a lot of energy to digest that meal. Where do we get enzymes from?

There are two basic sources: The raw food we eat contains enzymes to help break down that particular piece of food. Our body also produces some enzymes. The two glands providing the majority of digestive chemicals utilized by the gastrointestinal tract are the liver and the pancreas. The more cooking and processing of food destroys all or most of the enzymes. The more diet consists of raw foods like salads, the more natural energy you will have. Since most of the foods we eat are cooked or heavily processed in some way and the raw foods we do eat contain only enough enzymes to process that particular food, our bodies must produce the majority of the digestive enzymes we require. Again, we also lose the ability to produce these enzymes after we reach forty. For these reasons it is recommended that we supplement our diet with enzymes. Many enzymes have also been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect which is a bonus.

2. Cayenne. There is no other herb which increases your blood flow faster than cayenne. Cayenne moves blood. It is a circulatory tonic and helps improve circulation. More blood means more oxygen racing through your body. This is just what your metabolism needed. Because it is a natural metabolism booster many diet supplements now add cayenne to their formulas. Cayenne also supports heart health, improves the immune system and is a huge aid to the digestive system.

3. Ginseng. Ginseng has long been used as a total systemic tonic. Ginseng is commonly used as an adaptogen, meaning it normalizes physical functioning depending on what the individual needs (for example, it will lower high blood pressure, but raise low blood pressure). It is also used to reduce the effects of stress, improve athletic performance, boost energy levels, enhance memory, and stimulate the immune system.

Ginseng is known as a preventative herb as well as a curative herb. It is said to remove both mental and physical fatigue. Most people who use ginseng over a two to three month period experience a sense of well-being and stamina and say it improves both mental and physical performance. Ginseng has been said to improve erectile function, help relieve stress and help with stabilizing blood sugar levels for diabetics. It is a very common addition to any energy or diet product and comes in many shapes and forms. Like other herbs and supplements potency varies from product to product. I suggest always buying a fresh, reputable and potent brand.

4. 24 hour fast. The body spends up to one third of your energy on digestion and elimination. By avoiding solid food and only taking in liquids like water and fresh organic juices you give the body a break. It can now use some of its stored energy to fight disease and eliminate toxins in the body. By eliminating toxins the body is dumping them into the digestive tract to be eliminated. If the digestive tract (colon) is not clean and working well the toxins will just get reabsorbed into the bloodstream making you fell sick. If your colon is clean and you properly eliminate those toxins you get a general feeling of wellness, more energy and more mental clarity. Fasting, even just one day month will help eliminate salt and sugar cravings. After a fast you are usually hungry for food that has high nutrient content, like green vegetables..

Dr. Paul Bragg states: "… fasting is not a cure of any disease or ailment. The purpose of the fast is to allow the body full range and scope to fulfill its self-healing, self-repairing, self-rejuvenating functions to the best advantage. …Fasting is probably the fastest and safest way or means of regaining health ever conceived by the human man. … Fasting puts the body in a condition where all the Vital Force of the body is used to flush out the causes of body miseries."

5. Colon and parasite cleanse. If you are over the age of thirty and have never done a colon cleanse you are in for a tremendous health boost. If you do your cleanse and eat a healthy diet with mostly fruits and vegetables and very little red meat or no meat at all you will feel lighter. You will focus easier. Your memory will improve and your energy will go up. You will just feel better over all. You have probably heard the saying that death begins in the colon. Well, good health and more energy also begin in the colon!

6. Superfoods. Superfoods are foods or food products that are high in nutrient density. Superfoods are usually green superfoods, high in both vitamins and minerals. Why are superfoods so important to natural energy levels?

One reason is that our soils are so depleted and over-farmed and we, as a country, elect to only replace the Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus. These are the macro nutrients our foods need but not the micro-nutrients (trace minerals) which are essential to our energy and immune systems. Superfoods usually contain sea minerals from Blue-Green Algae, Spirulina, Kelp and Chlorella and other mineral dense foods that help to ensure that we are getting all the nutrients our body needs to fight disease and not run out of gas.

Marty Meshek is a natural energy and cleanse specialist and operates a natural healing web site filled with natural energy advice and products.

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Coffee reduce the risk of chronic liver disease

A study published recently in the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) magazine Gastroenterology found out that people at high risk for liver disease might be able to reduce their risk for rising chronic liver disease significantly by way of drinking more than two cups of coffee daily. This preventative effect was mainly seen in people at higher risk for liver disease due to high intake of alcohol, being overweight or people with diabetes or people with iron overload. This purpose of study was to take a forthcoming look at the rapport between coffee consumption and chronic liver disease in the universal U.S. population.

In this study population included 9,859 participants whose coffee intake was evaluated and who were also followed for a median of 19 years. In this analysis, coffee intake was measured by way of cups, ranging from 0 to 16 cups per day with an average of two cups per day. This showed that those who consumed more than two cups of coffee per day have less chances of chronic liver disease.

Over the last few years, there has actually been a rising body of proof that coffee decreases the risk of eminent liver enzymes, cirrhosis and with liver cancer. This study provides support for a caring effect of coffee on the chronic liver disease and also on cirrhosis, and extends these findings to the general U.S. population. However, the study does not provide aggregate evidence that coffee protect against chronic liver disease from individual causes, such as fatty liver disease or may be with viral hepatitis.

About the Author

Adam Akelis is a professional copywriter who has a sound knowledge on coffee all time favorite drink. Not only Adam, there are lot of coffee lovers all over the world interested on coffee intake. To know more on coffee, its types roasted coffee, gourmet coffee and its benefits visit and to contact Adam Akelis


Friday, January 05, 2007

Six Super Foods to Improve Your Health and Help Fight Depression

By Harry Bernstein

We’ve all had the blues once in while. But when they happen on a more frequent basis, it becomes cause for concern. But there are ways to adjust your diet to help stabilize your mood. It’s imperative to eat meals at regular intervals in order to keep your serotonin levels in check, a chemical in the brain that has a calming effect. Good nutrition is your best defense for managing depression.

Carbohydrates are linked to serotonin production and lack of carbohydrates may cause changes in your mood. Here are more food ideas to help you combat depression and kick those blues.

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon and mackerel are always a great choice for dinner. Omega-3 fatty acids also help prevent heart disease and stroke and may help prevent some cancers. Plus, salmon contains selenium, an important antioxidant mineral. Be sure to choose wild salmon at the grocery store or local fish market, since it contains more omegas than farmed, or Atlantic, salmon.

A recent study indicated that people who suffer from depression also have lower levels of the antioxidant vitamin E. So, though oil is high in fat and should be consumed in strict moderation, canola oil is rich in vitamin E. It’s a healthier alternative for sautéing foods and vegetables.

Dark green vegetables like spinach and peas are high in folate, a key player in the production of serotonin. They’re also an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber. Fresh is always the best option, as canned versions tend to have lower nutritional value. Legumes are also high in folate and protein and low in fat, and are an excellent option for those who are vegetarian or meat-restricted diets.

Chickpeas are rich in fiber, iron, and vitamin E. For a simple snack, combine a can of drained and rinsed chickpeas with some minced garlic, fresh lemon juice, and olive or canola oil in your blender or food processor. Add salt, pepper and other spices as you wish. The resulting hummus makes a healthy and hearty vegetable dip.

Chicken and turkey are both rich in vitamin B6, which plays a role in serotonin production in the body. They are both a good source of selenium and other vitamins and minerals, too.

If you’ve been dealing with the symptoms of depression for a while, please contact your doctor to discuss available treatment options and medication that may be available to you.

Harry Bernstein has been living a healthy lifestyle for the last several years. You can find more information at my "Super Foods for Healthy Living" website by CLICKING HERE.

Article Source:

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Special Fruits Used In The Treatment Of Diabetes

By Groshan Fabiola

It is well known that a person suffering of diabetes has special needs regarding food and diet.

One of the most valuable fruits used in the diabetic's diet is the apple. Apples contain in their rind and pulp a high level of pectine, which supplies the galacturonic acid needed in the process of cleaning the body of harmful substances. It also decreases the body's need of insulin by 35%.

Besides pectine, apples also contain vitamin B1, which has an important role in preventing brain damages during diabetic acidosis, and reverses a complication that appears in diabetes: the neurosis. This complication can be relieved by administering high doses of vitamin B1.

Another valuable fruit is the grapefruit, a citrus fruit. Besides its appetizing properties and its refreshing qualities, studies have proved its usefulness in decreasing the level of sugar in the blood if taken two weeks, three times a day. Associated to this diet, consume of sweets, chocolate, and fats should be reduced and replaced with consume of more vegetables and fruits.

Other anti-diabetes fruit is The Jambul Fruit (also known as the rose apple) which grows in India, used at first by natives. It has a strong effect on the pancreas, checking the wrong transformation of starch into sugar in case of increase production of glucose.

The fruit is mostly used for its seeds which are dried, powdered and then mixed with water. This drink taken three times a day controls the level of sugar in the blood, allays thirst and prevents excessive urination.

In Ayurveda another treatment is considered to be useful in diabetes: the use of white ash from the inner bark of jambul tree, crumbled in the mortar, strained and then bottled. The treatment consists in giving the patient in the morning, on an empty stomach two grams of the ash and then the same in the afternoon. It is considered that this treatment controls excessive urination that affects most of the diabetics.

An equilibrate diet, based on vegetables, fruit and juices, and with less fats and sweets, associated with an active lifestyle, quitting smoking, self measuring the level of sugar in the blood and losing weight could control the diabetes and allow the patients to live a normal life.

For more information about diabetes causes, diet, treatment and home remedies, visit

For more resource on different colon cancer subjects please click this link You can also find valuable information about colon cancer diet or even about stage3 colon cancer

Article Source:

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Safer sex

Safer sex means avoiding the body fluids such as the semen, vaginal juices and blood to enter the other partner’s body so as to protect from sexually transmitted diseases. Diseases such as hepatitis and HIV can be transmitted in body fluids through an infected person during sexual activity. A person can be infected with these diseases, if body fluids from an infected person enter the vagina, anus or mouth.

Going for safe sex is a mature act by the partners as it not only protects you but all those who have any kind of physical intercourse with you. It protects the sex partners from the incurable sexually transmitted diseases. Your child too is at a risk when you do not have safe sex as being pregnant can harm your unborn baby as well as when you are feeding the baby if you are infected with the virus.

Steps for safe sex:

• During sexual practices people also use object or sex toys. These objects and sex toys should be clean and not break during the sexual practice. They should not have sharp edges and should not be shared.
• For safe sex it is essential for the partners to sit together and discuss what birth control methods they would opt for.
• Discuss if either of the partner is at a risk of an STI. Although it is a delicate and difficult issue to talk on, yet it is crucial.
• It is also important to be honest with each other and equally important to be frank with each other and inform if anyone of the partners is sexually infected. Generally people hesitate and do not tell their sex partners about it if they have an HIV or STI which put the other partner too at a risk
• Sharing needles for drug steroids or tattooing is most dangerous as it leads to blood to blood contact that is a direct route of HIV transmission. Do not share needles as you are at a high risk of being infected with the HIV virus.
• People should avoid heaving drinking as it affects a person’s decision making and often results in unplanned sex that is not safe.
• Always make sure to use condoms during sex as they protect you from being pregnant and sexually transmitted diseases.
• If you do not have complete idea and knowledge about safe sex and sexually transmitted diseases then consult your friends and find out about it.

About the Author

Find more information visit: Safer sex

We at are providing you the choices you can make, to select your condom brands according to your needs.
