Monday, September 29, 2008

Personal Care of Lung’s Health- Avoiding Cancer

Cancer can be in the form of many names. It can affect even the smallest bone or muscle inside the human body. According to statistics, the leading cause of death in the majority of the population is lung cancer. Believe it. It’s not a surprise that our ozone layer is being destroyed by the chemicals and pollutants that are surrounding the planet earth, therefore it’s not impossible that whoever is living within it can be affected 10 times more.

Lung cancer is a condition wherein there is uncontrolled growth of cells that are malignant insidea person’s lung. Persons who are most commonly affected by this health problem are those belonging to the age of 40 and above. Both sexes are of no exception but this is more common in men.

One of the most common causes of lung cancer is smoking. It is more precipitated by a person’s lifestyle. Similar with drinking alcohol, smoking can also be influenced by factors like friends, family, and environment. Although lung cancer can be more acquired because of passive smoking.

Passive smoking. Also known as second-hand smoking, is the one contributing major factor why lung cancer is prominent. Passive smoking happens when a person, whois with someone who’s actively smoking, inhales the smoke coming from the cigarette. It also occurs when airborne pollutants like asbestos dust are inhaled. Just by inhaling smoke coming out from a vehicle’s muffler, you are prone to having a lung cancer.

True, sources of lung cancer are quite rampant but there is no obvious preventive measure rather than avoiding smoke. If you are a smoker, just stop smoking. That will save you at least 7 minutes of your life and live at least 7 minutes longer.

Obviously, the involved part of the body is the lungs. Therefore, if you are experiencing signs and symptoms which are turning severe and you know that you are an active smoker, might as well take a quick visit to your doctor and ask him the case of your problem. To help you become more aware, here are the signs and symptoms that a smoker or anyone can experience and detect lung cancer.

- severe and permanent cough that produces sputum flecked with blood. Cough, at the beginning, may just like be any other cough but as it advances, the coughs become more prominent and turns out as a burden. Your chest will give out a painful and heavy feel.

- wheezing and chest pain. Everytime you’ll cough out,there will be a wheezing sound that is also similar with the sound that is produced when a person has asthma. The sound will be heard clearly if placed under a stethoscope.

- unexplained loss of weight.

- persistent cough that lasts for weeks or evenmonths.

Bad news is, lung cancer cannot be treated whatsoever. Although radiotherapy, chemotherapy and occasionally, surgery can have the chance to lessen the malignant cells inside the lungs but apart from that, there is still no proven cure but divine intervention. Pain-relievers can also be prescribed to relieve thesevere pain that is caused by the disease.

Lung cancer can be prevented only if people will participate. Proper hygiene and a healthy lifestyle can help you get through ignoring lung cancer. Personal health care of your lungs is as important as taking care of your heart.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Personal Health Care Examination for Early Years

In a man’s life, there will come a time when he has totake a trip down check-up lane for his annual medicalexamination. Although not everyone is taking part, itis quite important to have your doctor see how yourhealth is doing. Personal health care examination candecrease a person’s chances of getting sick oracquiring a disease because of early diagnosis. Therewould be other reasons why people would be advised orwould want to go to the physician:

1. Assessment of any risk that can contribute tofuture medical problems. Sometimes people can be sohardheaded and would not go to the doctor because theywould argue about not feeling anything. Bad news is,the moment an illness strike, it may be because it’sgetting serious. Earlier diagnosis equates earliertreatment.

2. Screen for present diseases. If you are alreadyexperiencing something painful or odd going in yourbody, it is a must to let the doctor see itimmediately no matter how little the pain is or howsmall the inconvenience is contributing to your body.Visiting your doctor will give you more chances ofasking the how’s and why’s of your present conditionand appropriate intervention to prevent further damageto your system.

3. Encourage the practice of healthy lifestyles. Witha very busy world, it will be too much for the workingpopulation to give a certain piece of their time topractice healthy living. Most of the time, the workingcommunity indulge themselves on work which produces alot of stress. Having a routine check to their doctorcan prescribe natural ways to have a lifestyle that’shealthy.

For ages which belong to the early years, ages 18-40,it is of dire importance to build a professionalrelationship with their physician. These early yearsare the time where people are very active in any kindof activity. Sadly, these are also the years thatpeople tend to give into a lot of temptations andabuse their healthy body mainly because they’re youngand strong.

Unfortunately, even if people feel like there’snothing wrong with their body, there are certaindiseases that needs time to become dangerous to thebody. Potential problems may arise over time that iswhy, an early check-up is better than taking up tonsof medication because it’s too late and the diseasehas already worsen. Prevention is better than cure.

For ages 18 ranging to 40, there are the examinationsinvolving your personal health.

a. Blood Pressure – this determines the pressure ofthe blood that goes through the vessels of a humanbody. The ideal checking of blood pressure is everytwo years. This is intended for the normal, healthybody. But if you have already been diagnosed with adisease especially regarding heart problems, then itis ideal to let your blood pressure checked at leasttwice a week.

b. Breast Examination for Women – since breast canceris one of the leading causes of death in women, breastexamination is required once females reach the age of18. Breast examination can be done alone provided withproper instructions. This can effectively detect anysigns of mass that lies beneath a woman’s breast.

c. Cholesterol screening – this is very much intendedfor those who love eating fatty foods. Increasedcholesterol can be the cause of many diseases and oneof which is heart attack.

Personal health care should be done religiously inorder to live a healthy life.