Thursday, July 30, 2009

Nutrition And Distance Running

Unlike other sports people, distance runners need carbohydrates for their nutritional needs in the endurance sport of distance running. While other sports like, say weightlifting that rely mostly on proteins, runners depend heavily on carbohydrates.

The main reason, of course, is that different sports have different goals. Weightlifting, for instance, puts a heavy premium on proteins because proteins help build muscles and bulk up a person’s body better and faster than other food. Distance running needs food that builds stamina and strength.


One of the most studied topics is the role of carbohydrates in sports performance. Most practicing sportsmen now know that carbohydrates are best for strength and endurance.

Scientists are now also taking a look on the link between low carbohydrates intake and exercise-induced free radicals that leads to impaired muscle function. Every athlete knows that carbohydrates can improve endurance, while the lack of it reduces glucose supply to the muscles which, in turn, leads to fatigue.

Fatigue is normally seen as the loss of the body’s overall force-generating capacity. This may be caused be a lot of reasons, but scientists believe it is the loss of muscular ATP, a high-energy molecule that fuels muscle contraction generated by glucose.

A high-carbohydrates diet while training ensures a good store of muscle glycogen long before competition time. Glycogen, the body’s carbohydrates store, is the fuel for endurance. The carbohydrates could be taken in as fluids (such as juices) or in solid forms (fruits or starches).

However, a long and hard exercise sometimes drains the muscles of stored carbohydrates (glycogen). Eating right away (the best time is within the first hour) food rich in carbohydrates combined with protein is best. The proteins would help in muscle repair broken by he strenuous exercise.

Commercial energy bars both have carbohydrates and proteins but they are expensive and mostly tasteless. A peanut butter sandwich is okay, washed down with some sports drink. Best, of course, would be some cereal with nuts and dried fruits in them.


No other factor is more important in the success of a distance runner than maintaining enough fluids in his body.

Running, in training or in competition, produces body heat more than in normal circumstances. This heat is then released through sweat, which in turn, depletes the body’s fluids. When the body is dehydrated, general fatigue sets it.

To maintain the body’s water status, runners should develop the habit of regular and fixed fluid consumption (every 10 to 15 minutes) during practice runs, whether thirsty or not. The amount is around one-half to one liter of fluid per hour on mild conditions. (The amount should be more, of course, if conditions are more severe.)

In hot and humid conditions, a combination of water and sports drinks (to provide carbohydrates and electrolytes like sodium) is best.


During scheduled runs (practice or competition), many runners suffer from bowel problems. One way to avoid this is to stay away from food high in fiber content as well as those rich in fat.

You can also buy commercial liquid meals formulated for athletes and convalescents. Make sure they have high carbohydrate content. You may also make your own formula using skimmed milk powder, fruits, and regular milk.


It is not very clear how caffeine appears to enhance endurance performances in athletes. It could be that it is a central nervous system stimulant. It stimulates the release of adrenaline that increases heart rate and blood pressure, blood flow to muscles and the release of glucose by the liver.

Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, and chocolates (cocoa). It is also added to cola drinks and other beverages. Normally, caffeine is a natural diuretic (with a 31% hike in urine production.) During competition, however, it loses its diuretic effect but may improve your capacity to have that extra kick at the end of the race.

All in all, the two things distance runners have to remember about nutrition is carbohydrates and fluids. These are the top two important nutrition needs for the sports.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Anaerobic Workout: Increasing Human Growth Hormone The Natural Way

Regain youth and vitality, lose weight, treat diseases, increase height of children, and counter the effects of growth deficiency are just some of the reasons why the use of human growth hormone supplements and injections is getting more popular nowadays. But little do people know that increasing human growth hormone to achieve all these goals does not depend mainly on synthetic HGH products. One can actually increase HGH the natural way and that it is through anaerobic workout.

What is anaerobic workout?

Anaerobic workout is basically a strenuous exercise which is implemented for muscle strengthening purpose. With its literal meaning "without or lacking oxygen", anaerobic workout does not rely on oxygen to produce energy, thus this is performed in quick yet short sessions so that heavy amounts of oxygen are not used. This is proven to help increase HGH production in the body, thus there's no need for costly HGH treatments and potentially harmful HGH supplements.

What are some examples of anaerobic workout?

Since anaerobic workout is an intense exercise, it includes activities such as playing tennis, sprinting, and lifting weights. Boxing is also a good anaerobic exercise, with its punch combinations done in short spurts. If you have already tried any of these, for sure you were catching your breath while performing it as it required high level of energy. So, before you try doing regular anaerobic workouts, make sure that you are physically fit.

What are the advantages of anaerobic workout?

Because of the little time required to perform this type of exercise, this is just what people with tight daily schedules need to experience the following benefits associated with increased human growth hormone:

1.) Stronger bones
2.) Increased stamina
3.) Endurance
4.) Muscular atrophy prevention
5.) Increased muscular power
6.) Adequate muscle mass production

Who are not recommended to do anaerobic workout?

Although there are known advantages in performing anaerobic workout to increase human growth hormone in the body, this may not be appropriate to everyone including the following:

1.) Individuals with joint/muscle problems or injuries
2.) Pregnant women
3.) Individuals who do not exercise on a regular basis

What to do before performing anaerobic workout?

It is a must that you consult your doctor if you are capable to perform this exercise without putting your health at risk. Often times, people with heart problems are prohibited from doing this strenuous activity because of the associated risk. Once your doctor said that you are fit to perform anaerobic workout, you can start with familiar exercises like swimming or jogging. But before you do, make sure to warm up or do some stretching to avoid any injuries.

With all the scam HGH products and supplements, together with costly HGH treatments, it is really good to know that there is now an effective way to increase human growth hormone the natural way. Now, you won't have to worry about the associated risks or side effects of synthetic HGH supplements or injections. But the question is, are you in for the challenge of increasing human growth hormone through anaerobic workout?

As compared to synthetic HGH products, here you really need to exert effort before you can achieve the results that you want. So, would you go for the easier but more risky way through the use of synthetic HGH products or the harder but healthier way through anaerobic workout to increase human growth hormone?