Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Natural Cures for Acid Reflux

There are literally thousands of people in the world today, which have been looking for natural cures for acid reflux for many years. Are you yourself suffering daily from acid reflux, and just wish you could discover natural cures for acid reflux. There are many natural cures for acid reflux all over the Internet, however many of these cures are only temporary.

Many people that suffer from acid reflux, have discovered that grated ginger added to water can relive acid reflux in as little as sixteen to eighteen minutes. In addition, others found that watermelons are natural cures for acid reflux as well, many people add a serving of watermelons to their meals and watermelons taste better then acid reflux pills do.

Moreover, another acid reflux sufferer learned that, if they added one and a half teaspoons of sugar to water and drank that, then they could reduce their acid reflux for just a short while only leading to drinking another glass of sugar water. Therefore, this natural cure for acid reflux is only temporary but does work for a short while.

Others have discovered that plenty of exercise will quickly reduce acid reflux, because when you exercise regularly your metabolism starts to work overtime burning up the fatty acids in your body. Therefore, the more you exercise; you will have a greater the chances of being acid reflux free. Exercise could consist of running, walking, lifting weights, or simple cardio vascular exercises.

Green tea has become a very useful form of natural cures for acid reflux; many people that suffered from acid reflux have taken to drinking green tea instead of regular tea to help eliminate their acid reflux symptoms. Therefore, stop drinking coffee and beer instead drink a nice cold glass of all natural green tea. In addition, pickle juice can also reduce ones acid reflux symptoms from even forming, or simply eat pickles with each meal.

Another person learned that if he ate his meals with molasses added to them it would help to reduce acid reflux that he has been suffering from for many years, in addition, molasses can be, put on toast, chilly, spaghetti and various other foods and will help reduce acid reflux. Moreover, if you enjoy mustard of any kind with your meals, then continue eating mustard, neutralizes the acid in your stomach.

However, someone else discovered that if they have one tablespoon of raw cocoanut oil mixed with two teaspoons of apple cider a day, the acid in their stomach will infact be, reduced and there will be no symptoms of acid reflux in their bodies. Moreover, these natural cures for acid reflux are only temporary.

In order to become heartburn free, Jeff Martin, developer of Heartburn No More discovered that if he bought a hospital bed, or a craftmatic adjustable bed. He would be able to elevate his head and reduce his acid reflux offering him a better sleep each night. Jeff Martin suffered from heartburn for eleven years before he discovered this natural cure for acid reflux.