Friday, April 09, 2010

Acupressure for Pain Relief

Most people are familiar with acupuncture and the fact that it has healing properties which can help individuals to overcome a lot of problems that they are experiencing. Something that is similarly related but often overlooked in this regard is acupressure. The simple fact of the matter is, if you're able to do acupressure properly you may be able to reduce the amount of pain that you are feeling considerably. The real key is knowing where to press, how the press and to be consistent whenever you are doing so.

Most of the pain that we experiences is as a result of either an injury or some kind of a problem within the body. Most of the time, these things do not occur instantly, with the exception of blunt force trauma. If you're having a difficulty with disease or some other issue within the body, they often do not occur overnight so you cannot expect for any true relief to occur without some time passing. This is true of any type of natural healing process that you are going to go through, including acupressure.

Acupressure is similar to acupuncture in the fact that what you are actually trying to do is to promote the flow of energy to the part of the body that is experiencing pain. For this, you're going to need to know various acupressure points and use them regularly. The majority of these points are similar to the ones that are used in acupuncture and you can generally find a chart of where these points are on the Internet. Look for pressure points that are going to not only send energy into the area which is hurting, they will also send energy into supporting and outlying areas. This will give you the best opportunity to heal properly from the pain that you are feeling.

The amount of pressure that you apply whenever you are doing acupressure may take a little bit of getting used to. It is not necessary for you to press hard in many instances and in some cases, pressing hard may actually be counterproductive. The real key is to stimulate the area with light pressure, enough to be able to release the energy into the area where it is going. This may take a little bit of hit and miss on your part by by listening to your body and being in tune with it, you'll be able to tell whenever you're doing it right.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Can Water Cure Your Pain?

There is a secret for pain management that no doctor is going to tell to you. The reason why this is the case is because there is no money in this particular treatment and that is something that everybody has available to them for free. If the doctor were to give you this particular treatment in order to manage your pain properly, he would not only lose you as a customer, he would also lose anybody that you happen to tell about this treatment. What I'm talking about is hydration therapy, building up the water in your body to the level that it needs.

Many of us are walking around in a dehydrated state on a regular basis and we may not even know it. We may blame the pain that we feel on various circumstances and things that are going on within our body but the simple fact of the matter is, dehydration may actually be irritating those circumstances and causing your pain to get worse. I'm not saying that hydrating yourself is going to cure all of your ailments but what I am saying is that water is extremely important and it can certainly help to balance your body to the point where you can manage the pain effectively.

There are certain types of pain which may disappear altogether whenever you hydrate yourself properly. Some of the most common problems that are caused by dehydration include asthma, arthritis and colitis. All of these can cause pain within the body in various forms and many individuals have been cured permanently by hydrating themselves properly. All that is really needed is for you to drink half of your body weight on a daily basis in ounces of water, along with taking some natural sea salt. This will allow the water to stay in your body long enough to work its healing magic.

The fact of the matter is, the water is not really what is healing you, it is simply balancing your body on the inside so that it has the ability to heal itself. It can help to reduce the amount of pain that you are feeling, depending on why it is that you are feeling it and it can also give you the strength necessary to deal with the pain that is left over. It's something that everybody should be doing in order to optimize their health and for those of us with chronic pain, it can help us to deal with it for as long as necessary.