Friday, April 22, 2011

Fitness at Home - Simple Exercise Equipment for the Whole Family

It can seem daunting sometimes when you think about family fitness. What if you don't have the money for everyone to take classes or lessons together? And personal trainers can be very pricey. Kids' sports can get expensive, too. Even home fitness can seem intimidating - after all, it costs a lot of money to get special exercise equipment, and what if you have a small house?

The good news is, you don't need to be wealthy and have a private gymnasium in the basement to get fit at home. There are simple fitness routines you can do that do not involve fancy equipment or huge floor spaces. Here are some ideas.


Not everyone has access to a roomy yard, either; but if you do, you may not have thought of utilizing it as an exercise space. You also might have a nearby park that's free, or even a public fountain in front of a city building. Anywhere that has an open space can be a place for the family to exercise - a local baseball field, park, or even parking lot can work.

You can throw an inexpensive Frisbee or fly homemade airplanes together. You don't even have to purchase anything; play tag, hide-and-seek, follow the leader, and other fun, active games. Search for plants, bugs, or just play!

Jump Rope

A jump rope need not be expensive - even some dollar stores carry them. A length of any kind of rope will do, even a clothes line. Your family can have jump rope contests, or learn classic jump rope rhymes. Use a long rope and two family members can turn it while one or more jump in the middle. They can learn to run in and out of the moving jump rope.

Play Ball

Another item that most people have around is some kind of ball. You can usually find some kind of ball for a dollar or less, and there are a great many games that can be played with a ball. Everything from making baskets to kicking to throwing can be done with a ball.

You can learn a specific sport, like soccer, or just enjoy kicking the ball up and down a hillside. Younger children might like throwing the ball through a "hoop" made by a parent's arms, or a homemade hoop mounted on a door. You can even mount a wire wastebasket to the wall with screws and throw the ball into that.

Workout Videos

If you have a computer, you can look up fitness videos for free online. You can also get DVDs or VHS tapes from your local library. These may be simple aerobic exercises, target toning, or a particular skill. There are instructional videos on all sorts of activities, from belly dancing to tai chi.

If your space is limited, get creative - if you have a roomy patio or yard, can you turn the screen to face outdoors through a window? If you have a mobile device, you can watch exercise videos online from a park or other area. It just takes some ingenuity and creative thinking, but you can get fit just about anywhere these days!

Friday, April 01, 2011

Why Did I Stop Losing Weight - Change Lifestyle Habits

Nothing is worse than getting off to a fast start with your weight loss and lose weight almost effortlessly only to find that after a short time you just aren't losing as much weight as you were. When that happens you may start wondering: why did I stop losing weight? Despite what you might hear every time you turn on the t.v., in order to lose weight you will need to be willing to change some habits in your life. It's these habits that have made it easy for you to gain the weight in the first place and until you make permanent changes to your lifestyle your weight loss won't stay on track.

It's not uncommon to lose a lot of weight very early in your weight loss and then to reach a plateau when it just seems like you can't lose another pound to save your life. This often happens because the weight you lose in the very beginning is just water weight and after a time that weight loss will start to slack off. The good news is that you may still be losing unwanted fat, but this won't come off as quickly so it may take longer to notice it, the nice thing about this is that losing fat is the only real way to get your body in the shape you want it to be in. Losing water weight is only temporary but losing fat can be permanent.

If you've been trying to rely solely on a supplement for your weight loss up until now, you may need to reevaluate your weight loss strategy. For example, it's imperative that you focus on eating properly and getting enough exercise. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you shouldn't be eating hardly anything if you want to lose weight. If you don't eat enough food to keep your body healthy and functioning properly your body will think it's starving and will actually slow down your metabolism... which is the last thing that you want to happen when you're trying to lose weight.

Also don't get distracted with some extreme dieting method such as a restricted carb or extremely low fat diet plan. You need to provide your body with all the nutrients it needs and that includes some carbs, fats, and proteins.

When it comes to your workout plan don't spend all your time on a treadmill thinking that cardio will get you where you want to be. Ideally you'll want to keep your body 'guessing' when it comes to your workouts. Your body will get used to whatever activity level you maintain over a period of time. To get the maximum benefit form your workouts, make sure that you change your workouts frequently so your body doesn't settle into a set routine.

To keep your weight loss moving along nicely make sure that you concentrate more on what you eat and how much activity you get and don't expect to maintain such a vigorous weight loss during the whole process. Using these methods you can avoid having to ever ask the question: why did I stop losing weight?

Monday, February 07, 2011

Do Vegetarians Need to Take Supplements?

Whether you are a vegetarian or know someone who is (or maybe you are considering becoming one), you have probably heard various views on supplements. Some people maintain that you can't be healthy on a vegetarian diet without supplements; others say the vegetarian diet is perfectly adequate, and supplements aren't necessary. It's impossible to give this question a simple "yes or no" answer, but it is possible to explore the issue and discuss what supplements may or may not be necessary.

First, as with omnivores, what a vegetarian eats or doesn't eat is what determines his or her need for supplements. A vegetarian who is living on crackers and lettuce probably isn't getting adequate nutrients, but neither is an omnivore who is subsisting on bologna and bacon. So anyone, regardless of whether or not you are a vegetarian, will likely experience nutrient deficiencies if a poor diet is followed.

Assuming you're eating a balanced, varied, whole-food vegetarian diet, then you may not need supplements. Here are some you might want to consider.

1. Vitamin B12 is lacking is some vegetarian diets, particularly in vegan diets where no meat, dairy, or eggs are consumed. Vitamin B12 is found only in animal flesh, dairy products, and eggs, so a supplement may be necessary on a vegetarian diet. You can eat fortified foods such as store-bought bread instead of taking a supplement if you prefer. Brewer's yeast (not baking yeast) is also a natural source of vitamin B12.

2. Iron is sometimes cited as a nutrient lacking in vegetarian diets, since most people get their iron from meat. But you probably don't need an iron supplement if your vegetarian diet includes lots of whole grains and leafy greens. And you will probably get enough iron if you eat eggs and dairy products in your vegetarian diet. Brewer's yeast also has iron.

3. Vitamin D may be necessary if your location and/or lifestyle involves little exposure to the sun, and if you do not eat Vitamin D-rich dairy products and eggs.

4. Essential fatty acids found in fish, Omega-3s, may need to be taken in supplement form if your vegetarian diet does not include fish. However, Omega-3s are also found in some nuts, seeds, and oils, so as long as nuts and seeds and healthy oils are a regular part of your diet, you may not need a supplement.

5. Calcium supplements will probably not be necessary. It has been shown that leafy green vegetables, sesame seeds, tofu, and other plant sources not only contain adequate calcium, but the body may actually absorb calcium better from these plant sources than from dairy products. Fish-eating vegetarians can get calcium from sardines, bone-in canned salmon, and other fish.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Introduction to Homeopathy

Now You're Wondering What Homeopathy Is?

Throughout the course of civilization, medicine has played a massive role that it defined the boundaries between terminated breathing and extended breathing. It has also furnished for itself various faces that if one were not careful enough, he might find himself confused between what is considered traditional, folk, alternative or conventional medicine.

Developments for medical science provide us more options for treatments and cures on the numerous diseases and illnesses that trouble men. Among these is homeopathy.

Not surprisingly, the word "homeopathy" first appeared in print during the turn of the century, the age when men seem to have particular interest on advancements. The idea of homeopathy was not new though. In fact, 2000 years back, Hippocrates (the father of medicine) has already laid paths towards its later appearance in medicine. He suggested that medicine, in fact, divided in two major divisions-antipathic medicine or cure using the principle of contraries or opposite sensations and second, homeopathy or cure using the principle of similarities. Only, Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, dealt explicitly on it and produced various writings exploring the extent of uses homeopathy has.

To create a distinction between antipathic form of treatment and homeopathic form of treatment we have included some examples in this article.

In line with the principles of opposites, antipathy uses various treatments that are directly opposing the source of illness. Say for constipation, laxatives are used. For inflammation, substances with anti-inflammatory properties are applied to the body so as to create the effect of healing. And lastly, for acidic stomachs, people use antacids.

However, with homeopathy, similar sufferings are utilized to produce a curing effect.

For example, people with hay fever are suggested to use onion to encourage the nose to work since the fumes from the onion could naturally make people cry. Another obvious example is the use of venom in curing blood poising.

There are three basic principles in homeopathy:

First is the principle of like cures like. To give more stress on this, we can use colds as example. People with colds who display symptoms similar with that of mercury poisoning could be treated with mercury.

Second is the principle of minimal dose. History books would tell us that one time Hahnemann had an experience with a diluted substance in his test tube that caused him to realize that the more diluted a substance is, the more likely it is to be of good help to some sickness.

Third is the principle of single remedy. This suggests that even if one disease offers numerous symptoms, there must be a source which could define what can be used in treatment and what can do nothing against the disease. This roots in the identification of the real culprit, after which all other symptoms could share with the treatment of the source.

You may find these principles in other forms of medicine as well. However, the emphasis given to them in this area is significantly broader and more focused.

Like with other fields, homeopathy has its own pros and cons. It is just a matter of mastering the art of curing using similar sensations and in choosing what could best apply on the needs as specified by the symptoms. But unlike others, the methods used and the procedures are less extensive and therefore, less risky.

Introduction to Homeopathy

Now You're Wondering What Homeopathy Is?

Throughout the course of civilization, medicine has played a massive role that it defined the boundaries between terminated breathing and extended breathing. It has also furnished for itself various faces that if one were not careful enough, he might find himself confused between what is considered traditional, folk, alternative or conventional medicine.

Developments for medical science provide us more options for treatments and cures on the numerous diseases and illnesses that trouble men. Among these is homeopathy.

Not surprisingly, the word "homeopathy" first appeared in print during the turn of the century, the age when men seem to have particular interest on advancements. The idea of homeopathy was not new though. In fact, 2000 years back, Hippocrates (the father of medicine) has already laid paths towards its later appearance in medicine. He suggested that medicine, in fact, divided in two major divisions-antipathic medicine or cure using the principle of contraries or opposite sensations and second, homeopathy or cure using the principle of similarities. Only, Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, dealt explicitly on it and produced various writings exploring the extent of uses homeopathy has.

To create a distinction between antipathic form of treatment and homeopathic form of treatment we have included some examples in this article.

In line with the principles of opposites, antipathy uses various treatments that are directly opposing the source of illness. Say for constipation, laxatives are used. For inflammation, substances with anti-inflammatory properties are applied to the body so as to create the effect of healing. And lastly, for acidic stomachs, people use antacids.

However, with homeopathy, similar sufferings are utilized to produce a curing effect.

For example, people with hay fever are suggested to use onion to encourage the nose to work since the fumes from the onion could naturally make people cry. Another obvious example is the use of venom in curing blood poising.

There are three basic principles in homeopathy:

First is the principle of like cures like. To give more stress on this, we can use colds as example. People with colds who display symptoms similar with that of mercury poisoning could be treated with mercury.

Second is the principle of minimal dose. History books would tell us that one time Hahnemann had an experience with a diluted substance in his test tube that caused him to realize that the more diluted a substance is, the more likely it is to be of good help to some sickness.

Third is the principle of single remedy. This suggests that even if one disease offers numerous symptoms, there must be a source which could define what can be used in treatment and what can do nothing against the disease. This roots in the identification of the real culprit, after which all other symptoms could share with the treatment of the source.

You may find these principles in other forms of medicine as well. However, the emphasis given to them in this area is significantly broader and more focused.

Like with other fields, homeopathy has its own pros and cons. It is just a matter of mastering the art of curing using similar sensations and in choosing what could best apply on the needs as specified by the symptoms. But unlike others, the methods used and the procedures are less extensive and therefore, less risky.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hobbies To Relieve Stress - 3 Cool Tips

The modern world is an amazing place to live. It is filled with all kinds of technological advances that promise to make our lives easier, yet far too many of us succumb to stress and illnesses associated with that stress. Perhaps it's because all of this technology is constantly bombarding and distracting us so we never get a chance to truly relax, and end up feeling overwhelmed instead. But worrying about stress only makes the problem worse, but the good news is that there are several ways to relieve stress.

Some people want to know if hobbies relieve stress. That's a fair question, and the answer may surprise you. The truth is that choosing the wrong hobby can only make you more stressed than if you didn't have one in the first place. Here are some things you should consider before deciding on a hobby that's a good match for you:

1. The best hobbies are those that will help you not think about the obligations and responsibilities you have in your life, at least for a while. After all, picking a hobby that only makes you more tense isn't going to be all that effective. For example, a lot of people like to golf as their hobby. Now this may be fine for some, but if you're too competitive, then what would be a leisurely game of golf for others will turn into a stressful situation for you of you are down by a few strokes. Furthermore, golf tends to be a bit expensive, so if money problems are causing stress in your life, then an expensive hobby doesn't make a lot of sense.

2. Find a hobby that you can enjoy from beginning to end. Going back to golf for a moment, it has the advantage of being pleasurable from the first hole until the last (assuming it fits in with your personality and budget). Something like gardening can be a good choice, too. It gets you outside just about every day, and you can enjoy your hobby, then when it comes time to harvest, you can also enjoy all of the fruits of your labor.

3. Moving beyond the norm is a great stress reliever for a lot of people. The very act of learning something new forces you to focus on it, and that means your focus is not on the things that are causing you stress. There is also the added benefit of enriching your life in some way, which can actually help you cope with stress even when you're not engaged in your hobby.

So, the answer to the question "do hobbies relieve stress?" is "yes, so long as you choose the right ones." The cool thing is that there are so many different hobbies out there, that there is sure to be a few that are a good match for you.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Healthy Kid Friendly Food Ideas

Kids are picky eaters. Some of course are more finicky than others. In fact, mealtime can become a dreaded battle ground. Do you have children that despise anything that doesn’t resemble a chicken finger? Do they turn their nose if it isn’t packed with sugar? If so, then you have your hands full. Here are a few ideas to help you win the battle and get some vitamins and nutrients into your kid’s diet.

#1 Fun shapes - It doesn’t matter what it is, kids tend to like things that look fun. Pancakes and sandwiches are easy to shape with cookie cutters. However, you can also make vegetable latkes and shape them. You can also get creative with vegetables. Imagine building a little log cabin out of celery, with carrots and cheese or peanut butter as an adhesive to bind it all together.

Don’t forget meats. You can cut turkey burgers, chicken breasts and other meat into shapes too. Once your child is accustomed to the flavor you can ease back on the novelty shapes and fun designs.

#2 Get sneaky - Add vegetable and fruit purees to their favorites. Brownies, breads and muffins and even sauces or dips can be healthy too. For example, add some applesauce, blueberry or peach puree to yogurt and serve with shredded chicken or breads & biscuits.

#3 Cheese - Most kids love cheese. You can embrace this tasty food as a dip, a sauce or a casserole staple. You can also stuff vegetable or meats with cheese. Yum, a cheese-filled pepper, or chicken breast!

#4 Don’t force the issue - Many parents choose to simply make their meals as they would normally make them. However, they take a less stringent approach. Instead of making kids eat everything, the simply ask the children to “try” everything. Most children are more opposed to how a food looks than how it tastes. When you’re not forcing them to eat they tend to be a lot less rigid with their choices and decisions.

#5 Let them choose a meal once a week - Giving your children some independence and responsibility may make them more responsive at meal time. Let them choose one meal each week. Get them involved in the preparation too. This way they learn to appreciate what goes into making a meal.

Kids can be tough to please. A little patience and creativity can help you manage their picky appetites and mealtime successfully. Be patient. Help them learn to appreciate what goes into a meal and how to be healthy. Provide children with a variety and encourage them to try new things. Eventually they’ll learn to appreciate new foods.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Using Homeopathy in Curing Certain Conditions

Homeopathic cures are recommended for use only to target the symptoms and not the conditions themselves. Though this may not have as much comprehensive effects as with that of the orthodox medicine, the extent by which curing the symptoms alone goes a long way.

Since the time of ancient Greeks, men have already realized that similar conditions could heal relatively similar diseases. This idea shows exactly on one of the three principles of homeopathy that is- like cures like.

Since each condition, illness or ailment has a component of vulnerability, it is but likely that certain cures can be found to combat the symptoms. In this article, we have prepared some maladies with corresponding homeopathic cures.

There is a wide spectrum of choices using homeopathy. From seeds to earth minerals, the options for treatment obviously tell us that for each disease, there must be something from nature that could answer for it.

Here we have listed three minor yet very prevalent conditions that often appear in all ages. It must be noted though that some conditions could appear more often in some age brackets.

Homeopathic cures for acne
Acne is the bane of adolescence and the unfortunate fact is, many do not escape its disturbing nature. Some of the more common homeopathic remedies to acne include the use of creams, soaps and other hygienically-inducing substances, aromatherapy, use of herbal medicines and others.

Central to all these is to eliminate the presence of bacterial concentration and more control on sebum production, the natural lubricant of the skin. Typically, sulphur-based products could help lessen the aggravation of acne.

Cold compresses can also be helpful in reducing the inflammation caused by the propionibacterium acnes which is the bacteria responsible for the inflammation of clogged pores.

Homeopathic cures to halitosis
Some of the most common homeopathic treatments against halitosis or bad breath are those that focus on clearing off the sulfur-producing bacteria inside the mouth and in masking off the unpleasant smell. Again, herbs are useful when it comes to this. Among the herbs are the following:

• Eucalyptus is typically integrated with the commercial mouthwashes and toothpastes. Its active chemical substance- eucalyptol is efficient in lessening the level of bacterial production inside the mouth.

• Peppermints, apart from releasing refreshing smell are also known for its anti-septic properties.

• Clove, on the other hand, has been highly regarded even by the ancient Asians as a good mouth freshener.

• Tea tree oil is known for its disinfectant properties

Homeopathic cures for pink eye
Conjunctivitis or pink-eye is condition that is marked with the inflammation of the tissues that line the eyelids. The cause is purely viral and thus, the treatment could only be found using substances with anti-viral properties. Chamomile and eyebright are herbs that typically help relieve the symptoms of pink eye. These often work better when used as concoctions.

While homeopathy offer possibilities of cures, skeptics still can't help but ask if procedures and substances bracketed under this medicine truly work or is it just the placebo effect of some substances taken prior to the cure of condition. Well, a number of researches shows us that balance must be met somewhere. The fact that homeopathy could truly cause cures could not be dismissed as much as some recommendations don’t actually work for some people.