Thursday, November 30, 2006

How Does Alcohol Affect The Body's Organs?

by: Yvonne Volante

Alcoholism can be a deadly disease. In this article we explore some effects that alcohol can have on the body's organs. For some great resources and articles about how vitamin therapy can help, be sure to visit


The action of alcoholic beverages on the stomach is so extremely risky that it becomes unable to bring forth the natural digestive liquid in sufficient aggregate and also fails to absorb the food which it may imperfectly digest. An affliction marked by the sense of nausea emptiness, prostration and distention will always be faced by an alcoholic. This results in a loathing for foodstuff and is teased with a craving for more booze. Thus there is engendered a nonterminating disorder which is called dyspepsia. The disastrous forms of confirmed indigestion originate by this practice.


The anatomic deteriorations caused by the constant use of alcoholic beverages are often of a fatal character. The organ which most frequently undergoes structural changes from alcoholic beverages is the liver. Most often, the liver has the capacity to hold active substances in its cellular parts. In cases of poisoning by diverse poisonous compounds, we analyse liver as if it were the central depot of the foreign matter. It is practically the same in respect to alcoholic beverages. The liver of an alcoholic is never free from the influence of liquor and it is too often saturated with it. The minute membranous or capsular composition of the liver gets affected, preventing proper dialysis and free secretion. The liver becomes large due to the dilatation of its vessels, the surcharge of fluid matter and the thickening of tissue. This follows contraction of membrane and shrinking of the whole organ in its cellular parts. Then the lower parts of the liquoric becomes dropsical owing to the obstruction offered to the returning blood by the veins. The characterization of the liver may be charged with fatty cells and undergo what is technically designated 'fatty liver'.


The Kidneys also feel the pangs due to the excessive consumption of liquor. The vessels of idneys lose flexibility and power of attenuation. The minute structures in them go through fatty modification. Albumin from the blood decidedly passes through their membranes. This results in the body losing its power as if it were being run out of blood gradually.


Alcoholic beverages relaxes the vessels of the lungs easily as they are most exposed to the fluctuations of heat and cold. When subjected to the effects of a rapid variation in atmospheric temperature, they get readily congested. During severe winter seasons, the suddenly fatal congestions of lungs clearly affects an liquoric.


Consumption of alcoholic beverages greatly affects the heart. The quality of the membraneous characterizations which cover and line the heart differences and are thickened, become cartilaginous or calcareous. Then the valves lose their suppleness and what is termed valvular disorder becomes continual. The structure of the the coats of the great blood-vessel leading from the heart share in the same differences of composition so that the vessel loses its elasticity and its power to feed the heart by the recoil from its distention, after the heart, by its stroke, has filled it with blood.

Again, the muscular arrangement of the heart fails owing to degenerative differences in its tissue. The elements of the muscular fibre are replaced by fatty cells or, if not so replaced, are themselves transferred into a modified muscular texture in which the power of constriction is greatly reduced.

Those who feel the pangs from these anatomic deteriorations of the central and governing organ of the circulation of the blood learn the fact so insidiously, it hardly breaks upon them until the mischief is far advanced. They are conscious of a central failure of power from slight causes such as overexertion, trouble, broken rest or too long abstinence from nourishment. They feel what they call a 'sinking' but they know that wine or some other stimulant will at once relieve the sensation. Thus they seek to relieve it until at last they discover that the remedy fails. The jaded, overworked, active heart will bear no more. it has run its course and the governor of the blood-streams broken. The current either overflows into the tissues gradually damming up the courses or under some slight shock or excess of motion ceases wholly at the center.

About The Author

Yvonne Volante, the author, is a big fan of health and wellness and writes for, which is the premier health and wellness resource on the internet. You can see all of the articles over at

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Everyday Nutrition Basics

Ever since man walked the earth there has been a focus on food. The main reason is naturally that humans can not live without food. In the Stone Age people gathered berries and killed animals in the area where they lived. This gave them a natural combination of minerals, vitamins, fats and proteins etc. that was vital for their survival and wellbeing.

If we skip to present time a lot of things has changed (luckily) and naturally so has the food that we eat. Unfortunately most of the changes are not for the better if we look through nutritional glasses. Pollution, massive industrial growth manipulation and alteration of genes have done its part in removing natural ingredients from our food.

On the other hand science has been able to find out that we actually need the different vitamins and minerals that food contains, which they obviously didn’t know back in the Stone Age. So at least we now know what we’re actually eating and what we are not.

All since the late 90s and all through 200X people have become more and more aware of the effects that a healthy diet has on the human body. Unfortunately most of it has been brought to our attention due to illnesses brought on by bad nutritional diets which is caused by a lot of factors.

One of them is the giant boom in the fast food industry when science works intensively on creating low cost food that is manufactured so that the human instincts tells him to eat until he can hold no more. Obviously this is not healthy and it is seen by the massive increase in people being overweight and the many lifestyle illnesses.

Luckily it doesn’t take an unreasonable amount of effort to eat a healthier meal that the average human. All you will need to do it pay a little more attention to what you put into your mouth. Most fast food is not healthy and if you’re really busy or really not interested in learning how to keep your body (which you’ll have to life with the rest of your life), then take the shortcut and just avoid all fast food.

Just go to the grocery store and pick a colorful diet from the vegetables and the low fat meat. Most people know this but even so they are not doing it. If you are one of those my suggestion is simple. Try using a nutritional supplement instead. There are many products out there (some better than other) but my guess is that no matter which one you chose it will be better than living from one fast food meal to the next.

Remember that you will only have this one body from the day you are born to the day that you die. If you are not the type of person that wants to live in a dirty home then why would you ever think of living in a dirty and unhealthy body? Stop and think for just a moment. If you do you will be glad that you did the rest of your life.

MyChickenRecipes is a website dedicated to easy chicken recipes. The list of recipes is growing and has low fat, high fat, vegetarian and all other types of recipes for chicken. Search the site for inspiration when cooking a great meal for your family. Visit today.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's Really Not Too Surprising That There Is A Link Between Depression and Breast Cancer

For the women diagnosed with breast cancer resulting depression is easy to understand. Breast cancer is a very scary and life altering event. It would be surprising if some depression didn't occur. But the thought of depression being a possible cause of breast cancer seems out of the question. The findings may surprise you.

Some studies and research have been done to indicate a link between depression and breast cancer. Some of the medical community agrees with the results indicating that there is in fact a link between depression and breast cancer. Still others feel there should be more studies performed to completely prove the link.

Some reports indicate that women suffering from depression are two to four times as likely to develop breast cancer as those with no depression. No such link exists between other types of cancer.

Possible Causes

How can breast cancer be related to depression?

The answers are varied. Different researcher and medical professionals have differing opinions. It depends on which medical community to interview. Some are further investigating the mind-body link for developing breast cancer.

Some scientists have come up with a possible cause being a hormonal link. This belief centers on stress hormones that may be elevated with depression.

Another possible hormonal link involving estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone as women with depression can also have imbalances with these hormones. Women with severe depression have unbalanced levels of these hormones.

Still another theory involves medication prescribed for depression. They seem to think there's the possibility of breast cancer being caused by immune system suppression caused by increased stress hormones and certain antidepressants as tumor promoters.

While there have been no final and conclusive decisions made about the possible link between depression and breast cancer there are enough statistics pointing to this link that further studies are well warranted. Is there any way for a woman with depression to prevent this possible link form occurring?

At this point there are no strong recommendations. If you do have depression, make sure to seek medical help. Getting control of your depression can help to keep stress hormones and other body functions in good shape.

Make sure to get regular check-ups and mammograms. Self-test at least once a month.

If you find any abnormalities get it checked immediately. Early detection of breast cancer is a primary factor in cancer elimination and survival rates.

If you have questions or concerns are wondering about the symptoms of breast cancer or the breast cancer treatments that are available, click on over to and find the information you need.

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Friday, November 24, 2006

Silent Killer: Emphysema

By Peter Ville

Drowning in air? A paradox? Not really, with lungs filled with large pockets of air, its victims must gasp for life-giving oxygen. This is because waste air is not easily removed from the lungs allowing oxygen-rich air to replace it. More feared by cigarette smokers than lung cancer, Emphysema is yet little understood today. Its is one of the most destructive, yet least publicized lung diseases. This may be due in part to the fact that there have not been any dramatic treatment or prevention breakthroughs in man’s fight against emphysema.

Although cigarette smoking plays a key role in most cases of emphysema, Scientist have no idea what actually causes the majority of human cases. It is known, however, that smoking makes the condition much worse and speeds up the lung’s destruction.

Once the condition develops, it continues to worsen until there is permanent lung damage. By the time emphysema is detected, considerable damage has already occurred. For reasons not clearly understood, the walls of alveoli. The lung’s tiny air sacs, begin to disappear. Several sacs join together forming larger spaces, the alveoli walls lose their flexibility, and air is trapped.

As the damaged progresses, the lungs have greater difficulty in transferring oxygen to the blood and removing carbon dioxide from it. Once established, the disease cannot be reversed. Breathing becomes increasingly difficult and victim’s physical strength ebbs away. Death from emphysema has been described as slow drowning. Eventually exchange of air in the lungs becomes impossible and the sufferer suffocates.

There is also a rare inherited form of emphysema. In this form persons usually become ill at an early age in their 30s or 40s whereas classical emphysema victims are stricken at much older age, sometime in the late 60s or later. In the inherited form of disease, the effects are much more significant because it greatly restricts the victim’s life at a time when he would normally be very active. Because it is irreversible, the outlook for emphysema victims is not good.

Since it is sometimes possible to slow the spread of emphysema, it is important to detect it early, before much damage occurs. The breathing restriction imposed by the disease will likewise be minimized.

Until more about preventing emphysema is understood, everyone should be alert to the symptoms. Primarily excess sputum and shortness of breath. This is not normal and should be reported to your physician and above all, quit smoking or better yet, don’t start.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Coffee, Good or Bad for the Blood Pressure

Caffeine, Good or Bad for the Blood Pressure? This is another one of those “is it or isn’t it” issues that probably by and large depends on a whole variety of associated issues but as it is one of the most regular of all of our queries I thought I would go ahead and try and provide some form of opinion.

Firstly from my own point of view, I have just started drinking Coffee again after an absence of about 15 years and thought that while I was undergoing a review of my medication for High Blood Pressure that I would see whether I could resume my on/off love affair with Caffeine.

To be honest the jury is still out as far as I am concerned in that yes there are the positives of being able to sit down every now and then with a hot cup of coffee and savour the rich and glorious aroma of freshly ground coffee but there is the down side also. For my part this is now a recurrence of the headaches that made me give up drinking the stuff in the first place and then there is the caffeine “hit” that has now started to resemble a punch!

It is probably best to try and understand the chemistry behind Coffee and the human being before you start to make what comes remotely close to a definitive pronouncement of whether Coffee is good or bad for you. How does Coffee manage to have this sort of effect that one minute has legions of aficionados claiming it to be the “nectar of the gods” and the next minute claiming it to be the “juice of the devil!”

The famous Native American hero, Chief Crazy Horse is widely acclaimed to have made the following statement about Coffee. “If the Great Spirit has something better than coffee, he keeps it for himself.” Now it is a medical fact that Caffeine increases blood pressure. For those with normal blood pressure this is not a problem. For those with an already increased blood pressure then this can be an issue that causes further problems.

The whole situation is further complicated by the fact that Caffeine is such a widely available substance by which I mean that it is present in a great many different beverages and drinks and also in a wide variety of freely obtainable over the counter (OTC) medicines such as certain types of Painkillers, weight loss drugs and various cold remedies.

The other side issue with the consumption of Coffee is that coffee increases the excretion of calcium which in turn tends to compound the whole “High Blood Pressure Cycle” by further acting as another cause of increased Blood Pressure.

As far as Women are concerned, the Calcium loss can have a further side effect and this is especially the case with regards to Woman who already have issues with a calcium deficiency. Because Coffee acts as a diuretic as has been mentioned above this further loss of calcium is aggravated via increased excretion. For those who already suffer from Osteoporosis, studies have shown that the diuretic qualities of Coffee can be an issue.

And the conclusion to all of this?

I’m afraid it is the same with Coffee as with most things, there is a lot to be said of the old saying that “a little bit of what you fancy does you good” but in this case it really does mean a little.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Find Out THe Latest Bird Flu News

By Dane J Stanton

In the wake of some of the most horrific bird flu pandemics in the history of civilization, news has spread from nation to nation like wildfire. People are starting to feel a sense of fear that maybe there is a possibility that an epidemic could occur in their town or city. The latest bird flu news has been that many countries in the region of South East Asia are still under risk of another outbreak. Many nations have taken the liberty of culling hundreds of thousands of birds so as to attempt to put a stop to this deadly virus.

Some other bird flu news comes out of Africa where in Nigeria 700,000 birds have been culled since the latest outbreak earlier this year. The cost of undertaking such a massive termination of poultry has reportedly cost the country nearly 4.5 million, making it one of the most expensive culls in history. Many experts believe that the termination of this many birds was in fact unnecessary and in doing so could actually cause more problems for the country in terms of increased food shortages in the already poverty-stricken nation.

Previous bird flu news has been that Indonesia says it will separate poultry farms from residential areas as a move to prevent anymore dangerous outbreaks in the future. Many people say that this will not fully remove the threat of further epidemics in the country as the poor nation struggles through yet another tough disease stricken year. It's estimated that many more Indonesian's will loose their lives in over the next few years as a result of bird flu despite attempts to bring the virus under control.

In more lightened news of bird flu, the European Union has recently begun efforts to supply many countries who are suffering endemics, fresh medical supplies as a attempt to end one of the longest standing influenza epidemics the world has ever seen. Many people are skeptical at this attempt and believe that an even larger effort must be taken if humanity id ever going to be free of this devastating disease.

Other bird flu news is that experts are suggesting that China is the country at most risk of the next bird flu epidemic and says that more caution should be taken when introducing poultry to consumers from now on. Many Asian countries export chicken and other poultry products back and forth and China accepts many nation's chicken do to it's high demand to feed the most populated country in the world.

Please stay in touch as we bring you more bird flu news in the coming weeks. We hope this information has enlightened you a little on this horrifying subject and perhaps changed your view on recent events.

If you want to learn more about birdflu including free information, course reviews and much more, or you want to join our free weekly newsletter then please visit bird flu (Recommended) or for more free articles all about bird flu visit

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Watermelon: The Fresh Juicy Fruit With Numerous Health Benefits

By Christine Macguire

Combining a healthy diet with regular exercise promotes health and may substantially reduce the risk of certain fatal diseases associated with old age. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains has always been of incredible health benefit. Watermelon, scientifically known as Citrullus lanatus, has a great potential as a basic food source and contributes to a healthy nutritional diet.

Watermelons were primarily grown on lighter soils in regions with warmer climates. Watermelons were a warm season crops consumed as dessert fruits and the rinds were used for making pickles and preserves. However, with increased market acceptance, better edible quality and long distance shipping adaptability, the growth of watermelons has increased worldwide. Certain breeds of watermelons have been developed to be more specific to regions of the world. The breeding has resulted in improved quality, which involves maximum sugar content, excellent flavor, and firm flesh with deep red color pigment due to the presence of lycopene.

The sweet, juicy watermelon is actually packed with some of the most important antioxidants in nature. It reduces the risk of fatal diseases like asthma, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer, and arthritis. Watermelon is rich in the B vitamins necessary for energy production. Watermelon is a very good source of vitamin B6 and a good source of vitamin B1, magnesium, and potassium. Watermelon has a high nutrient density due to the higher water content and lower calorie content than many other fruits. A rich source of vitamins A and C, watermelon also contains lycopene. Lycopene is a red pigment that occurs naturally in certain plant and algal tissues. In addition to giving watermelon and tomatoes their color it is an excellent anti-oxidant that can help prevent heart disease and some forms of cancer.

Up until a few decades ago, watermelon was largely a seasonal fruit that appeared in the market for a few months and then disappeared by the end of summer. Considering the current information regarding the health benefits of watermelon there has been a huge increase in the per capita watermelon consumption. The increase in imports during the winter and early spring is helping satisfy the consumer demand for year-round supplies of watermelon.

Selective plant breeding programs are being employed in order to improve the overall nutritional qualities of watermelon. Commercial companies are employing trained scientists to research and develop long-term solutions that lead to a better product quality in terms of higher sugar content and consequently increases acceptance among the consumers.

In terms of acreage, production, and per capita consumption watermelon is the leading U.S. melon crop. A recent survey indicates that the middle-income groups are the leading consumers of watermelon. The bulk of watermelon purchase has been from retail outlets and it is categorized as a home food. Among the top three melons, the honeydew variety is the most prevalent. Cantaloupe use is similar to watermelon with 16 percent purchased as food away from home.

Christine is an expert Internet marketing professional with years of experience in various industries such as: Business, Finance, Real Estate, Web-Design, Health & Medicine and many more. Watermelon Juice

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Foods That Can Improve Mental Health

Mental health can be attributed to many things, and one of those things is diet. This has warranted the most attention from the mental health community than perhaps any other form of therapy. Nutritional awareness and increased popularity of non-pharmaceutical solutions to health problems has led to a great deal of press and some pretty strong claims on both sides of the mental health argument.

1. Eating Patterns

It's no secret that eating habits are related to mood - people tend to eat when they are sad or depressed for example. Things like poor nutrition, a failure to eat on an appropriate schedule and other factors are common to both.

2. Low Carbohydrate Diet

Certain diets have a discernible impact on mood and mental health. The popular low carbohydrate diets that are often vaunted as a great means of promoting weight loss, for instance, may increase the risk of depression. This is because foods rich in carbohydrates tell the body to produce chemicals including tryptophan and serotonin. These substances create a sense of well being in a person and their absence can have a dramatic impact on mood. Many people who cut carbohydrates from their diets may experience depressive symptoms as a result of the shortfall in these substances. The impact of carbohydrate intake on depression remains somewhat unclear. Of course, it does serve as an example of the way our bodies interplay with food can influence our emotional state.

3. You Are What You Eat

We have all heard the old clich» that you are what you eat. As with most oft-repeated phrases, its popularity is largely based on its accuracy. What we take into our body does have a profound impact on how well it functions. Although we often tend to think of mental health problems as being divorced from the physical realm, they do originate in the body. It only makes sense to consider how various nutrients and dietary habits may affect depression and other mental health concerns.

4. Vitamins

Certain vitamins also seem to be linked with depression. The B vitamin group, in particular, is often mentioned alongside depression. This is because B vitamins are key to the functioning of our nervous systems. Vitamin B6 is one example. Research has demonstrated that those suffering from depression often have very low levels of Vitamin B6 in their systems (as well as low levels of the aforementioned seratonin). Although most citizens living in industrialized nations generally to manage sufficient dietary impact of B6, certain medications (including birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy drugs) actually interfere with B6 ingestion.

5.Overhaul Your Diet

Far too many people eat out. It might shock you to actually discover how many calories are in a single hamburger these days. Eating a healthy and well-rounded diet consistent with recognized nutritional recommendations may be a good way of battling depression. A failure to restrict your diet to healthy choices may make you fat, and being fat might make you more depressed - being depressed makes you eat, and the vicious cycle continues. Break the cycle!

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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Relationship: Maintain Your Health

By Julia Jones

What has wealth got to do in a relationship? This is a question many of you are going to ask. Well as love, communication, sacrifice, commitment and many other factors health to plays a vital role in a happy relationship. A good relationship is one where you have the energy to enjoy and do things together. If you are healthy you have an energetic body. You are not the one who says, a No to the needs of your partners and family due to an unhealthy body and tiredness. You give company to your partner and fulfill their needs. You enjoy your relationship completely. There is full participation by you in the family matters. Whereas when are unwell you often negate the requirements of your spouse and family causing discontentedness. You do not participate wholeheartedly in the family affairs and do not enjoy your relationship. You fail to give company to your mate and children. Moreover you get irritated and annoyed easily causing anger and sobs. There is discontentment and frustration. So you see, health has a direct connection with a happy relationship.

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. If you are in good health you have a healthy mind, think positive and are in a situation to handle the shortcomings you face in a relationship or otherwise very well. It keeps you calm and you do not get angry fast. Rather you try to calm others and make situations normal if thins go wrong.

It is essential to be healthy for a happy relationship. For that you need to have healthy food and proper sleep. Inculcate good eating habits, go for healthy food and try not eating to much of junk food. Take proper sleep. Do not overwork. Take a break and rest. Give yourself proper sleep so that early morning you wake up fresh. Your body gets recharged when you take proper sleep. Right amount of sleep is a must for a healthy body and if you are ignoring that it means you are somewhere doing harm to yourself and your relationship too.

A way to a healthy living is as we all know regularly exercising. Exercises are a good way to keep your body healthy. So exercise well and in a proper manner. It keeps your body in shape and nourishes your brain. There is proper circulation of blood in your body which leaves you active throughout the day. You do not mind rather enjoy playing games with children or taking a long walk with your mate after returning from work or on holidays. Your presence with your mate and children not only pleases them but also gives you complete satisfaction. Your mate or children never complain about not attending to their needs or ignoring them.

A healthy body feels good and confident from within. For no reason you are happy. It is this happiness that is important. Because if you are not going to be happy how will you make others happy. It is only a happy person who can make others happy. You do not feel pulled apart and depressed like others who are not healthy from within. Taking care of your body will make you stronger calmer and a balanced person. With these positive characteristics in you, you will never fail to keep up a relationship. You will enjoy and make your family enjoy with you.

Find more information visit: Relationship: Maintain Your Health

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Friday, November 17, 2006

The Many Untold Benefits of Aromatherapy with Reed Diffusers

A unique way many Americans are creating sweet fragrances in their homes is by using aromatherapy with reed diffusers. It's nothing new; reed diffusers have been around for centuries. Europeans have been using reed diffusers for aromatherapy purposes for hundreds of years. The early practices of aromatherapy involved filling bottles with scented oils and using reed sticks to wick the fragrance. Sound familiar?

Reed diffusers have become more popular in the U.S. since the new millennium began. Many people are discovering the numerous untold benefits of reed diffusers and aromatherapy in general. Described below are just a few of its many benefits.

Sweet Fragrance for Every Room of Your Home

Aromatherapy with reed diffusers is a safe way to create wonderful fragrances in every room of your home. Reed diffusers can burn safely for hours without the risk of harmful flames. They add beauty and a touch of luxury to your home decor and make great centerpieces. Reed diffusers also add a relaxing "feel" to every room. They are easy to maintain and can last as long as several months. Unlike candles, reed diffusers offer aromatherapy without fire risks in apartments, office buildings and dorms.

Home Decor Aromatherapy for the Holidays

Invigorate your guests during the holiday season with aromatherapy. There are many scents to choose from no matter what time of the year. During the holidays, you can spice up every room with scented reed diffusers created specially for the occasion. Your guests will be relaxed and will enjoy their stay!

Aromatherapy Gives Inspiration

The sense of smell is powerful in that it affects the way we think and feel. How do you feel when you smell a sweet floral fragrance or a food-type fragrance? How do you feel when you smell licorice or smoke? The affects of aromatherapy are amazing!

Studies show that patients who lose their sense of smell often become depressed or develop anxiety. Why? They are unable to relate to the environment around them. It also affects the taste of foods. Imagine visiting your favorite restaurant with no sense of smell. You would probably not feel like eating at all because you would not be able to relate to the foods that are being cooked.

When you want inspiration, use reed diffusers to create an inspirational aroma in your home or office. Use fragrances that are appealing to you and those that make you feel relaxed or inspired.

Health and Beauty with Aromatherapy

Various types of aromatherapy are available on the market, including bath and skin oils, lamps, massage oils, inhalation products, etc. Aromatherapy is believed to help improve a number of health or skin conditions such as depression, grief, fear, panic attacks, dermatitis, varicose veins, eczema, burns, bruises, motion sickness, colds, flu, sore throat, and more. Check with your doctor before using aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy is not designed to replace professional medical care, but it can help supplement certain treatments. It's a way to take control of your own well-being and create balance in your life.

As you can see, there are many fabulous benefits of using aromatherapy with reed diffusers. They are a great alternative for scented candles while still providing the wonderful aromas you desire!

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Benefits of Aromatherapy or Majon's New Age directory.

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

12 Best Exercises for Golf

Physical conditioning and strength training for golf will increase the distance of your shots, reduce your score, and eliminate the nagging injuries associated with playing "too much" golf. In the era of Tiger Woods, there is no doubt that a golfer is an athlete. It is believed that Tiger makes shots that no one else can because of his physical strength. But while millions upon millions of golfers have emulated Tiger's clothing and equipment, how many have followed his lead and strengthened their body for golf?

Think for a moment about the money you spend on clubs, memberships, friendly wagers, and golf lessons. Are you getting your money's worth? The value of your equipment or golf pro is not being questioned, but the value of the operating unit - your body - needs to be evaluated. First rate equipment will always be limited by second rate conditioning.

The good news is that a small investment (less than the cost of your custom driver) can help you identify the weak links in your physical conditioning and will strengthen your body in preparation for the season. You owe it to yourself to get the most out of your efforts and expensive equipment. A good program can add yards to your drive and should increase the effectiveness of both your golf clubs and golf lessons.

Think about this: If you have played golf for 3 years then you have taken at least 3840 explosive swings on the course:

40 wood & long-iron shots per round
2 rounds per week
16 weeks in a season
3 seasons
= 3840 explosive swings!

Big deal, you say? Where's the problem? The problem is you have taken almost 4000 muscle contractions in one direction only. This may overdevelop some muscles at the expense of others. Imagine doing 4000 contractions with only your right arm - think there might be differences in muscle size and strength between your left and right arms?

Technically, you have overtrained some muscles for three years, while others have been completely neglected. Compounding your physical imperfections are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle (as is the case for most golfers) and the individual oddities that you may have been born with (flat feet, limb length differences, poor co-ordination, etc.). Without physical conditioning, it's unlikely that you will be playing at an optimal level. All of these factors contribute to your need for a professional assessment - a small investment in time and money that can make a world of difference in your game. Physical conditioning is no less important than golf lessons.

Step 1 - Get a thorough physical assessment from a qualified professional to identify your muscle weaknesses and flexibility. You may visit a physical therapist, an experienced personal trainer, an athletic therapist, or other movement specialist - ask around for a recommendation. Costs will vary, but the information you will extract from this session will pay for itself at the year-end club championship!

If you need to lose excess body fat, then do it with interval training and nutrition, not with long, slow, boring cardio. That takes too long and does nothing for golf fitness.

It is mandatory that you have an assessment and address any injuries, imbalances, inflexibility, or other concerns before you move on with a strength and conditioning program. The right professional will help you address the cause of injury, rather than just treating the symptoms. Low-back pain is also extremely prevalent in golfers. If you have low-back pain, you must see your doctor and have them refer you to the appropriate professional. Fix your lower back before you start swinging your golf club at speeds of up to 90-100 miles per hour!

You may also wish to discuss pre-game preparation with your movement therapist or Strength and Conditioning Coach. Like sprinting, golf is an explosive sport and demands thorough preparation to prepare their muscles for high-velocity movements. Ask a certified trainer to take you through a warm-up that involves dynamic movements for the upper body and lower body. This is termed "dynamic flexibility" and is designed to increase range of motion and to warm-up the muscles specific to the movement.

Your pre-game preparations should begin immediately following your last round! Take advantage of any opportunity you have to enhance recovery and do some more dynamic flexibility. Does your club have a massage therapist? If so, take advantage! Do you have injuries that require immediate ice and other recovery measures? Take the opportunity to ask for instructions on recovery at your initial assessment.

From the results of your professional assessment, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) will be able to put together a program for you. The program should begin with a restoration of function followed by training to increase strength and eventually will go on to help you develop power.

An area that is going to be a weak spot in most golfers is the strength and endurance of the abdominal and low-back muscles. Some experts suggest that increasing low-back endurance can help reduce back problems. A golfer will also want to build endurance so that they can maintain good posture in their golf stance over an 18-hole match. Endurance in the abs and lower back could have profound effects on your game's consistency.

Just like your golf lessons, the training program that you need is likely to be very different from the program required by your golf partner, your wife, or the guy you are chasing for the club championship. That is why you need to invest in a strength coach to set you up with a training program.

Priority training areas for both advanced and recreational golfers include the arms, shoulder-complex, lower back, abdominals, and obliques. This doesn't mean you should grab the local bodybuilder's routine for arm curls and sit-ups. Your program should be much more targeted than that. Here are some exercises that you should discuss with your strength coach to include in your training program:

12 Best exercises to strengthen the abdominal and lower-back muscles.

1) Plank
2) Side Plank
3) Plank With Arms on Ball
4) Bird Dog
5) Cat-Camel
6) Mountain Climber
7) Spiderman Climb
8) Stability Ball Jackknife
9) Waiter's Bow
10) Medicine Ball Woodchoppers
11) Back Extension
12) Waiter's Bow
Bonus 13) Standing Pullover

12 Best Exercises that will help you develop total-body strength & mobility:

1) Squat
2) Lateral Step-up
3) Reverse Lunge
4) Romanian Deadlift
5) Step-up
6) Split Squat
7) Single-Arm DB Row
8) Wide-Grip Seated Row
9) Standing Cable Chest Press with Rotation
10) One-arm Elevated Push-up
11) Rotator Cuff External Rotation
12) Y's & T's

Don't use all of these exercises in the same session. This is merely a list of exercises that you and your trainer may want to include in your conditioning program.

With the right program, you can become stronger, more flexible, fitter, and have more power than your opposition. A well-conditioned golfer will also have that "psychological advantage" being at the "top" of their game and has a greater chance of setting personal bests. Good luck!

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Article Source:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Berries ... Eating Them Regularly We Can Reduce Weight

Different kinds of berries are a very important addition to our health. Almost all berries taste sour, and many people believe they increase blood acidity, because it is generally thought that whatever tastes sour to the tongue is an acid base product, chemically speaking. But this opinion is wrong, because all berries, with the exception of cranberries, have an excess of alkaline.

Blueberries: Considers by many to be the new fountain of youth as they contain chemicals that act as antioxidants. Scientists and researchers believe that antioxidants protect the body against "oxidative stress," one of several biological processes that cause aging. Blueberries as well as strawberries were tested high in their ability to subdue molecules called oxygen free radicals, which are created when cells convert oxygen into energy. In normal amounts, free radicals help rid the body of toxins, but take note that they can also harm cell membranes and DNA, which results in cell death.

Currants: The large amount of potassium found in red and black currants surpasses that of phosphorus and sulphur, which are also contained in great quantities, so that the excess of alkaline is still quite high. The vitamin C content of these berries is very important. Its benefits not only in taste but also in value is to be recommended as an excellent whole food. In addition, black currant leaves make a good, aromatic kidney tea.

Gooseberries: We all know that ripe gooseberries are delicious. We usually eat them by sucking out the flesh, the tough skin being difficult to chew and swallow. Gooseberries are not only very rich in vitamins, they also contain high amount of potassium, calcium and magnesium. It surpasses most other berries in being easily digestible, and abundant.

Raspberries: The raspberry is known to be rich in calcium and magnesium, surpassing even the strawberry which is specifically a calcium-rich food. The same benefits apply to blackberries. When fasting or when one is feverish, fresh raspberry juice, diluted with mineral water, is an ideal, thirst-quenching drink that at the same time fortifies because of its content of vital substances. The rich content of vitamin C in raspberries is highly valued.

Strawberries: Those who suffer from lymphatic disorders should learn to appreciate the healing benefits of strawberries. A low calcium level in the blood increases one's susceptibility to infection, but this can be eliminated by regularly eating strawberries.

Most berries are rich in vitamin C. Their alkaline minerals are also beneficial. Their vitamin content, vital substances and coloring are all sources of nourishment that is also remedial.

When the liver or pancreas is sluggish or even worse, bilberries are not only acceptable but can even bring about a cure. Wild berries are also good for people who suffer from arthritis, rheumatism, cancer and multiple sclerosis.

Since the endocrine glands, besides the liver, benefit greatly from the curative and vital substances of berries, they are considered as food for rejuvenation. By eating them regularly we can reduce weight, along with exerting a favorable influence on the ovaries, the thyroid gland and the hypophysis, in short, on all the endocrine glands.

If you want to read more about eating fruits & vegetables click over to Christain's site at

Article Source:

Monday, November 13, 2006

Alcoholism Recovery: 12 Steps to Stay Sober Over the Christmas Holidays

One of the most difficult times of the year for those recovering from alcoholism is the Christmas holidays. If you find yourself struggling during the Christmas season, please remember that you are not alone. Help is only a phone call or a meeting away! Here are some helpful and practical tips to keep you from taking that first drink.

1. Plan Each and Every Day of Your Holiday

Plan to spend the majority of your time with friends and family who are supportive of your recovery. If you are required to be present for a social gathering where alcohol is being served, bring a fellow AA member with you. Plan fun events and outings to replace your old drinking rituals.

2. Find an “Alkathon” in Your Area

During the Christmas season, some AA groups hold a marathon of meetings called an “Alkathon.” It is a time when the members of Alcoholics Anonymous gather together to celebrate their recovery from alcohol addiction. Many AA groups have meetings on the hour every hour to share their experience, strength and hope. If you are a member of the fellowship or think that you might have a problem with alcohol, you are welcome to attend. Check the local papers for an “Alkathon” in your area.

3. Ask for Support from Your Family and Friends

Those who are truly supportive of your recovery will be happy to help you throughout the holidays. Be up front and tell them your concerns.

4. Have a List of at Least Ten People you can call if you feel the Urge to Drink

Make a list and check it twice. Carry your cell phone and your list of names at all times. The urge to drink is very powerful and can happen at any time.

5. Don’t Forget about Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is an essential component of any balanced recovery program. If you have extra time on your hands, it is a great idea to get out and exercise. Examples include running, skating, cross country skiing, stretching, yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates or water aerobics. Instead of napping on the couch after dinner, go for a walk around the block.

6. Stay Away from Slippery Places

There is absolutely no reason to ever check out your former favorite drinking establishments. It is very likely that your old drinking buddies are still there and are still telling the same old stories.

7. Create New Traditions to replace your Old Drinking Patterns

Try something totally different during the holidays. Buy a new board game; take the family on a sleigh ride; prepare a family power point presentation. Use you imagination, be creative and have fun.

8. Write out a Daily Gratitude List

The quickest cure to get you out of the holiday blues is by counting your blessings. Be grateful for what you have by writing out a gratitude list every morning. Don’t stop writing until you have at least 10 items on your list.

9. Volunteer your Services to a Charitable Organization

There are many people in your community who are homeless and hungry. Why not volunteer to work at a soup kitchen or at a special Christmas dinner for those less fortunate than you? You will be helping not only the needy but yourself!

10. Write a Letter to yourself. How I Stayed Sober over Christmas.

The act of writing your ideas on paper is very powerful. Write down all the activities and events that will help you have healthy happy sober Christmas. Now take action on them and make this letter come true!

11. Avoid H.A.L.T.

H.A.L.T. stands for:

• Hungry

• Angry

• Lonely

• Tired

There are very simple solutions for all of the above items. If you are hungry, get something to eat. If you are angry, talk to somebody about it. If you are lonely, go to a meeting or call a friend. If you are tired, get a good night’s sleep.

12. Live One Day at a time and Enjoy your Sobriety!

Stay in the moment. Have present time consciousness. Be in the now. These are all different ways of telling you to live 1 day at a time. Never mind about what happened or what could happen. Enjoy today. Live today. Celebrate your sobriety!

If you follow these simple steps, it is totally feasible to stay sober over the Christmas Holidays. Take action now! Print out this article and plan a Happy and Healthy holiday season.

Dr. Larry Smith Chiropractor and Author of:

Embrace the Journey of Recovery: From Tragedy to Triumph!

Embrace the Journey of Recovery will passionately reignite your spirit and teach you how to confront, conquer and powerfully triumph over any life threatening illness! Experience the remarkable story of two courageous yet ordinary individuals and their astonishing recoveries from heartbreaking tragedy. The message is simple. They transformed their lives and you can too!

To find out more about this exciting new book click here:

Article Source:

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Aromatherapy Massage Oils

If you've never used aromatherapy massage oils, you owe it to yourself to try it. You're in for a totally unique experience. Whether you want a massage to relax or to rejuvenate or even to heal, using aromatherapy massage oils brings the body's senses to new heights.

Aromatherapy has made steady gains in use and for good reason. Offering the perfect combination of mental and physical well being, there is no better way to take advantage of aromatherapy than to enjoy its fragrances in massage oils.

Our body's different senses have been shown to have a direct affect on how we feel. For example, the nose is a very sensitive part of your body. Without it, you cannot taste or smell. Imagine your favorite foods. Now, imagine you cannot taste them. That is scary, everything you eat with no taste! How do you think that would affect your attitude throughout the day?

Studies have shown that the part of your nervous system that helps to control your emotions is connected directly to your nose. Lack of smell can cause symptoms ranging from depression to anxiety and this is only one of your senses. With the knowledge of how the mind depends on the feedback from your senses, the idea of aromatherapy exploded onto the scene.

One of the more popular types of aromatherapy is massage oil, because of the variety of uses to target specific issues. Aromatherapy massage oil treatments are unlike any other oils. Whether you are in need of relaxation or need something to perk you up, there is an aroma to fit the immediate needs. Aromatherapy massage combines two excellent methods to evoke your body's response in whatever area you feel is needed.

There are so many different types and manufacturers of aromatherapy massage oils available, it would be a good idea to do your homework before using. For the best treatment ideas, it is always best to find and pay a certified therapist to ensure you understand how to get the most impact from aromatherapy massage. Especially, when using for the first time.

To explain a couple of different oils and fragrances we will start with Lavender essential oils. Lavender essential oils are one of the few oils that you can apply directly to your skin. It is said to have burn relief power. It is important to note that these oils should not hurt you, however, if this is your first time using essential oils never use them directly on your skin unless under safe direction. Other oils are required to be diluted before use with other base oils.

Another oil gaining in popularity is the Yland Ylang essential oil. Yland Ylang essential oils have very unique properties as well. It is said that these tropical plants have the power to both arouse and sooth the senses. It also goes by another name Cananga Odorata.

Adding aromatherapy massage oils to your therapy program is one experience everyone should try at least once. (Be careful they have been known to be addictive). With the combination of massage and a scented room to awaken your senses, you have the ultimate in relaxation and healing.

About the author: Sanji Gretta has been practicing aromatherapy for quite a while. His latest website Aromatherapy is designed to give novice aromatherapy practitioners a introduction to the wonderful world of aromatherapy. Visit Aromatherapy Source Now.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

How to Avoid Headaches

Nowadays headaches have become a common problem, so it is not a great surprise that they occur at work. Many specialists consider that a cause for the headaches could be some specific environmental reasons.

Sometimes, headaches could be really nasty. For instance, more than 18 million working days are lost every year because of migraines. This dreadful type of headache can cause symptoms that last almost three days. And the sensation could be so unbearable that will make the employee unable to continue working.

It's possible that employers should think if their employees could support the stress at their work place.

Causes for the headaches could be:

Stress, worry, tension etc.
Disputes at the work place.
Uncomfortable working environment.
Too many hours spent at the computer
Working too much without taking breaks more frequently.
Missing lunch
Not taking a good sleep at night.
Drinking alcohol.

Some tactics for headaches prevention:

First, learn the causes of your headaches and try to avoid them.
Create some kind of headache agenda and learn how to link factors with symptoms.
Eat well at breakfast, get rested at nights and prepare yourself for the days with many tasks to do.
Eyes problems may be a cause for the headaches, so test your eyes when you feel need.
Try to make your work environment as comfortable as possible.
Try to do your job as good as you can.
Take immediate control when a headache occurs.

At work, make sure your chair is ergonomically designed. Make sure there's good ventilation at your work place. Avoid exposure to strong chemicals. Headaches can also be easily avoided by changing the position on the chair you sit. Another trick is to take frequent breaks to de-stress. You may also learn some techniques to improve the personal relationships at work.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Stay Healthy - Purify Your Energy

Eastern healers believe the body is energetic. According to them, the flesh and blood that is "us" is innervated by an invisible membrane; a fiber network which is also an energetic blueprint of the physical body. At the helm of this creative vehicle is our thoughts. Thoughts create the energy that will eventually manifest into matter and will determine the fate of our bodies.

As you may have guessed, I believe in this idea of energy to matter manifestation. I also believe this energetic support surrounds the body. You've undoubtedly heard of or have seen the "aura," I imagine everyone has. It's is my theory that the body responds to this aura and the purity of it; thus responding to the purity of our thoughts. Easterners, on the other hand, call the energy surrounding the body "chi." In the same way, energetic healing to Easterners happens when chi is cleansed and purified. It is in this state that the body is more inclined to be disease free. I agree wholeheartedly.

So how then to cleanse your chi? Here's three of my favorite, simple ways.

What does meditation do? Meditation asks you to move to a deeper spiritual level challenging you to be open to your subconscious mind. In this state you can remove the mental "debris," creating an image of peace, health and wellness. Meditation has allowed many ill people to become well again. It has also helped heal cancer and many other seemingly terminal illnesses.

How do you meditate? There are as many ways to meditate as you can imagine. And to get the to the root of subconscious there is no one right way. What matters is that you embrace meditation and learn to practice daily for just a few minutes. It is as easy as sitting quietly, then following the breath. This removes focus from your thoughts and places the focus into the vastness of yourself and your healing energy.

Healing Touch: Reiki Energy Medicine
What is Reiki? Reiki is more than a modality, it is an experience. Although the result of Reiki is unique for everyone, most report the feeling of deep physical and mental relaxation during and after treatment. Reiki is administered through a light touch of the hands on various body parts. During treatment, the recipient rests in a reclined position, fully clothed.

What does Reiki do? Reiki, through its powerful universal energy, accelerates healing of injury, discomfort and disease. It also promotes the healing of emotional and spiritual issues, as well. After a session many report a heightened awareness of new thoughts and understanding. A Reiki practitioner must first be trained by a Reiki Master to both learn how to channel the healing energy of the universe and unlock his or her individual power. Once this is done, a practitioner can perform Reiki on oneself. It also provides the practitioner a gift and a tool that lasts throughout the lifetime.

What is Qigong? Qigong (pronounced "chee gung") is an ancient exercise and healing system. Originally an ancient Chinese system of healthcare, it focuses on the Qi, or "chi," meaning "breath" and "energy," and "gong," meaning "exercise." The history of Qigong dates back to, 500 B.C. It is the foundation of Tai Chi and martial arts, combining the two disciplines to create what Garri Garripoli, Qigong master, calls in his book "Qigong: Essence of the Healing Dance," a "moving meditation." Many benefits of Qigong are associated with the balancing of the body with the mind and spirit. It has been proven to increase immune function and decrease blood pressure. Moreover, Qigong has helped eliminate chronic pain and can reduce stress. It does this by breaking up blockages of energy that surround the body.

How to do it? Qigong uses slow, controlled, stretching-type movements which allow a person to connect to their source. It does this through deep breathing and guided breath work. Each person is unique and each must trust their own body with this process. When performing Qigong, seek you own unique "balance." Qigong has also become a low-cost healthcare strategy in China. Its foundation is rooted in the regulation of breath, therefore, attention is placed on posture and relaxation of the mind. For Qigong videos check out or enjoy the Qigong exercise program I've given you in my book Spiritual Fitness: The 7-Steps to Living Well.

Regardless of what you choose to believe about chi, this much is true: Deep breathing and relaxation will bring you balance and peace. Therefore, by using meditation, Reiki, Qigong or a combination of all three, you can stimulate the body to naturally connect to your inner nature and purify your state of mind.

Article Source:

Laura M. Turner, C.H.H.P is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and author. She hosts and publishes the New Body News and Wellness Letter, The Online Magazine Healthy People Read. ( ) Subscribe for f.r.e.e. and receive her Special Report: "Take Charge of Your Health!" and check out her latest book: Spiritual Fitness: The 7-Steps to Living Well.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Benefits That Come From Drinking Green Tea

Claims have bombarded us regarding a specific product being the cure-all for all sorts of ailments. Some of these include the ability of snake oil products to cure baldness, rheumatism, weight loss and digestive problems. In curing your aches and pains this miracle product guarantees your complete satisfaction of your money back. Often times these extraordinary claims are viewed with skepticism.

However, for thousands of years a drink has existed that emerging studies have been able to support its reputation as a wonder product. Some amazing returns are starting to yield from drinking green tea. The human body can be aided in a number of way by drinking green tea. Prevention of ovarian cancer, fighting viruses and other various ailments are some of the possible benefits from drinking green tea.

Ovarian Cancer

The benefit of drinking green tea and its ability to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer has been suggest in recent overseas studies. A woman’s risk of developing ovarian cancer is reduced by half by drinking two cups of tea per day as the study found.

However, this research isn’t confirmed and additional research still need to be conducted. Although there is a strong correlation between those who don’t drink the tea and are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and those who are free of ovarian cancer and drink the tea. The antioxidants that are found in a cup of tea are thought to be the cause of this benefit since these antioxidants remove the free radicals from the body.


Test results also suggest that another possible benefit of drinking green tea is the ability to negate viruses. Viruses that cause the body to experience diarrhea, pneumonia, inflammation of the bladder and infections of our skin have been shown in studies to be effectively counteracted by green tea. The mouth can also be cleansed of viruses by sipping the tea.

The immune system is also believed to be stimulated by certain ingredients in the tea. The role of the immune system is strengthened and increased in combating viruses and the bacteria that invade the body as a result of this stimulation.

Other Benefits

A broad spectrum of soothing ailments within the body are other possible benefits of drinking green tea. This includes cataracts, arthritis, hearing loss and tooth decay. The role of green tea in maintain health is larger than previously suspected as recent case studies have suggested, even though for thousands of years this drink has been popular.

Tom Antion is the writer of green tea diet - , He also writes on green tea home remedies - and green tea products -

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Eat, Drink and Be Healthy?

Did you see the news this week? Red wine keeps you healthy even if you pig out – at least that's what the headlines read. It's true that there has been an established link between moderate red wine consumption and cardiovascular health for quite some time. A compound found in wine, called resveratrol, is prime suspect of the health-promoting benefits of red wine.

The new study published this week in Nature added fuel to that fire by showing that resveratrol was able to reverse many of the problems associated with eating a high calorie diet. The experiment worked this way: The scientists established three groups of mice. One group ate a standard diet and the other two groups ate high calorie diets; but one of the high calorie diet groups received resveratrol at the same time.

The mice stayed on those three diets until death (some are still alive) and the researchers looked at a lot of different things, including: how much weight the mice gained, how long they lived, insulin and glucose sensitivities (markers of diabetes), the conditions of their hearts and livers upon death, and a whole bunch of biochemical pathways related to disease.

It turned out that resveratrol treatment made the mice that ate a high calorie diet look a lot like the mice that ate a standard diet. So what does the media want you to believe is the bottom line . . . ? You guessed it – You can eat whatever you want as long as you drink red wine, you'll be fine. Do you believe it? Do you want to believe it? The study certainly supports that point of view.

Do you want to take preventative drugs?

In fact, the scientist in charge of the study is the co-founder of a pharmaceutical company that is now developing a high potency resveratrol pill as a drug to treat obesity and all kinds of diseases related to aging. Now I don't want to just leave that statement hanging there because that could obviously be construed as a conflict of interest – Big Time! However, most people have many conflicts of interest in their lives. The real question should relate to the ethics of the people involved – that's all that matters. I'm not going to suggest that the conflict is a problem in this case, but you should know about it nonetheless.

The bigger problem, in my view, relates to the notion that you can drug your way out of a problem that you behaved your way into. I have written posts in the past on this subject and in lieu of this new study feel that I have to bring it up again.

This is the 3rd study over the past couple of months that has been published in a very high profile scientific journal making this ‘magic bullet' type of claim. The other two studies promoted research that suggested you could inject a vaccine or a protein into rats and they would stay thin no matter what they ate. That is a little different from the new study, which says you can give mice drugs to keep them healthy, even though they get fat.

The first two studies focused on using drugs to stay thin and the last one focused on using drugs to stay healthy while you got fat. I know these conclusions are incredibly appealing but I ask again – do you believe it? I just have a hard time subscribing to the magic bullet theory of anything, especially when it comes to biology. Here's why. . .

Are we smarter than nature?

The human body has about 30,000 genes. We have a good understanding of what 1,000 – 2,000 of them do, and some idea about the role of another 5,000 – 10,000. This means that at least one half of our genes are complete mysteries to us. Why is this important?

Drugs work on the notion that when something is wrong with our biochemistry we can fix it with a drug that will interact with the problem-causing biochemical pathway, and set it straight. That's a simplistic view, but essentially that's how drugs work. And in many cases it works very well – for the specific biochemical pathway we are targeting. However, there are thousands of biochemical pathways that we don't understand and we cannot predict how they will respond to drugs – or in some cases we simply don't care as long as the desired effect is observed.

Here's an example. Most people know about statin drugs that are used to lower cholesterol. They are very effective at doing their job – lowering cholesterol. They work by actually inhibiting a part of the biochemical pathway leading to cholesterol synthesis and so reduce cholesterol. However, there are other important molecules that are also synthesized in that same pathway and by inhibiting it (which has the benefit of reducing cholesterol) you are also reducing the production of those. One such molecule is coenzyme Q, which is important for energy production, and very important for the heart and brain. Yes, statins also reduce coenzyme Q production. This is obviously not one of the ‘advertised benefits'.

The point is that while the drug is doing it's job, reducing cholesterol, it is also reducing conenzyme Q production. This is just one of hundreds of examples of ‘side effects' from targeted drug use. The real problem is that we probably don't even know about most of the side effects of most drugs because we know so little about the biochemistry. How can we predict the outcome of manipulating a system without understanding how the parts work?

Most drugs on the market enter clinical trials because they have some apparent benefit and then get tested for toxicity and side effects in larger studies. By the way, most fail at this point. Still, we can only measure toxicity and side effects for things that we know to look at. There are thousands of potential side effects that are not being looked at because we don't have a deep enough understanding of the system.

Your body knows best

So what does all of this mean? It means that in order to stay healthy – the best way is to live a healthy lifestyle. Don't buy into the media hype for ‘magic bullets'. Our bodies are designed to run optimally under healthy living conditions – eating nutritious foods, taking your vitamins, getting plenty of exercise and getting enough sleep. Our bodies have an innate wisdom, coded in our genes, that knows how to keep us healthy as long as we supply them with the right stuff. Trying to outsmart nature with drugs – like resveratrol – might sound appealing but I just can't believe that it will work in the long term. We're just not that smart!

Is this to say that all drugs are bad? Personally, I use things like ibuprofen or acetaminophen when I have a headache that I can't get rid of or a sports injury, but I try to minimize using them. I also believe that drugs can benefit people who are already very ill and just cant' seem to recover on their own. However, the studies I talked about above are geared toward developing drugs for relatively healthy people that don't want to live a healthy lifestyle. They are drugs developed to prevent the consequences of poor behavior. That is a recipe for disaster and I encourage you never to buy into that way of thinking. So feel good about having that glass of red wine with dinner, but please don't expect it to fix all your problems.

Copyright (c) 2006 The Brain Code LLC
Are you Feeding your Kids Dreams or Disaster? Get the scoop on the latest advances in neuroscience to maximize your own child's brain power. Visit to take action today.

Dr. Simon Evans is a neuroscientist at the University of Michigan and a nationally licensed youth sports coach.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Minimum Health or Maximum Health? That is the Question!

by: Nick A. James

Picture yourself in one of the following scenarios.

You're cruising along in your new car by the ocean or in the mountains near the ski lodge, or just a leisurely drive through a beautiful forest or in the country. You stop and smell the fresh air you hear the scenic sounds. You are at peace.

You're relaxing on the patio of your new home - you see the mountains or lake in the distance. Your friends are over as you barbecue in your new back yard. Everyone loves your new home. Or you're out on the lake in your new boat with family or friends. Feel the breeze in your face - smell the fresh scents in the air.

Picture yourself on vacation - you are on the deck of a cruise ship - you are on the top deck under the stars. You feel the warm tropic breeze in your face. The full moon is reflecting off the water as you are holding the one you love in your arms.

We analyze the lives most of us actually have and what our lives could be and the role they play!

The question is who would want only minimum health (or worse) when they could have maximum health!

Maximum health is like you feel when you ask that special someone for a date for the first time and they say yes! Minimum health is when you ask that special someone out and they tell you, that is the Saturday night when they have to do the laundry and wash their hair!

Picture maximum health as cruising next to the ocean in a sport car convertible with your lover next to you.. Picture minimum health as stuck in traffic in your 10-year-old station wagon with the air conditioner broken.

Maximum health is like being on a honeymoon on your own private beach in Hawaii. Running down the beach at night with the one you love with the warm tropic wind in your hair. The huge moon shining down on the palm trees and the tranquil bay.

Minimum health is stuck working overtime in an un-airconditioned office with a huge pile of paperwork stacked on your desk. In walks your boss - the one with all the personality of a geek with BO. He can't stand going home to his abusive wife so he works 14 hour days and gives dirty looks to his employees when they leave before him. Your boss starts yelling about some stupid unfinished report...

Minimum health is like living paycheck to paycheck - just getting by, just barely having enough money to pay the bills each month. Minimum health is like Darling we have a little extra this month - would you like to go out to eat at McDonalds and get a Big Mac?

Maximum health is sailing away on a cruise ship to the Caribbean with the one you love while dining in elegance each evening!

Sure the above minimum health situations aren't going to kill you (or at least not immediately), but is this the way you want to live your life? Do you really want to just scrape by when there is an option? Let's examine the statement ...aren't going to kill you or at least not immediately.

Minimum health is simply the current absence of real illness or disease. Often people in minimum health are often too tired or sluggish to do things, they are overweight, etc. They don't feel real bad but they sure don't feel terrific. And what about our statement, some would argue that the above minimum health scenarios lead to premature and even a slow death!

Actually the attitude of minimum health is like too many other attitudes we have. We are always too willing to sell ourselves short. We are too willing to settle for second best even when we don't have to. Too often this attitude can flow over into our jobs and relationships. This over the course of a lifetime can cause us much unhappiness and cost us a lot of money.

But the real issue here is minimum versus maximum health and what are we doing to strive toward maximum health? For example do you take high quality nutritional supplements or are you depending on the fast and processed foods to get all your nutrients? I would encourage you to take high quality vitamin and nutritional supplements with enzymes, antioxidants and dietary fiber along with exercise and weight management on a daily basis to strive toward maximum health.

About The Author

Nick James - Recruiter/Coach of Champions!

Nick offers informative tips and information on nutrition, health and working from home. His many years of Internet Marketing expertise puts him in unique postion to help others starting a home business. For free newsletter, free reports and amazing info contact him at

Monday, November 06, 2006

Strawberry nutrient protects against Alzheimer’s, study finds

A new study from researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies has found that an antioxidant nutrient in strawberries may help improve memory and protect the brain from the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

The researchers found that fistein -- a flavonoid (plant chemical) found in strawberries -- improved the memory and mental function of mice. To test fistein's effects on memory, the researchers split healthy mice into two groups: The first received a single dose of fistein, and the second did not.

To test the animals' memory, the researchers presented the mice in each group with two objects. Each day, one object would be swapped for a new object of a different shape. Memory was tested by timing how long the mice spent on the new object versus the old object. The researchers found that the mice supplemented with fistein recalled the previous day's object more quickly than the control mice.

Pamela Maher, PhD, the study's lead author, said, "Since the development of a basic understanding of the biochemical pathways involved in memory formation, the holy grail of CNS (central nervous system) research in the pharmaceutical industry is the identification of a safe, orally active drug that activates memory-associated pathways and enhances memory."

Maher found that the antioxidant properties of fistein increased formation of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the brains of the mice. Fistein was also found to trigger the activation of memory formation processes within the brain, and also enabled better memory storage by forming strong connections between neurons.

Maher believes that because fistein is high in antioxidants, it could also offer protection against harmful oxidation in the brain -- a trigger for the development of neurodegenerative disease.

"That suggested to us that these compounds might be particularly beneficial, since they might not only protect neural cells from dying, but might be able to promote new connections between nerve cells," Maher wrote in her study, published in the online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Fistein can also be found in tomatoes, onions, apples, oranges, grapes, peaches, persimmons and kiwifruit.

This study underscores what myself and many nutrition experts have been stating for some time: that edible plants offer the best natural medicine for protecting the nervous system against degenerative disease.

Nature synthesizes genuine medicines in these plants, yet it charges no royalties or patent fees, and there's no prescription required. With the help of healing foods such as strawberries you can actually eat your way to a healthier, disease-free life.

Author Info:

Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger," is the author of "Grocery Warning" and editor of, the leading independent news source for natural health, nutrition, medicine and other wellness topics, read by over 500,000 unique readers monthly, teaches consumers how to improve their health through foods, herbs, exercise and natural therapies, while issuing warnings about the dangers of processed foods, pharmaceuticals, chemotherapy, environmental toxins and the failure of government regulators like the FDA. More than 12,000 searchable articles are available at and other Mike Adams books can be found at

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Can Marriage Destroy Good SEX?

FROM companionship to conversation, marriage can give you everything. What it can't give you, it seems, is good sex! According to a new book, Mating in Captivity: Reconciling the Erotic and the Domestic, author Esther Perel has shocked readers with her research that says that in the bedroom, familiarity breeds contempt. "There is a paradox between our need for security and predictability, while erotic sex thrives on mystery and risk. It creates a tension between our need for security and our need for adventure," says Perel.

Interestingly, she says that men have always got rid of sexual boredom in the bedroom by having affairs. "It is high time women make it clear too that one man simply isn't enough. In fact, two might be the absolute minimum," adds Perel.

Apparently. the biggest problem in modern marriages and the reason for a sky-high divorce rate is domesticity dampening one's sexual interest in one's partner. Meet 31-year-old Steve Hanson, a call centre employee in Michigan. The upmarket, urban youngster married since the last five years, says, "Frankly, if men are bored with their wives, they don't talk about it. They quietly have an affair or two! It's like you can't have dal and rice everyday. After sometime, that spark is amiss. There's nothing about your partner that surprises you anymore. Predictability in your partner just kills your relationship. The fact is that family life needs a regular routine, while eroticism opposes it. After sometime, wives just concentrate on the kids. The partner becomes secondary. And men can't cope with that."

Most couples after marriage treat their spouses like a worn-out sofa. And that's where a torrid affair outside the marital boundaries steps in. Laura Johnson, a 35-year-old lawyer-turned-doctor says, "Your spouse will never be that Someone Other. Most times, we want that Someone Other, These days, even women are bored having sex with their spouses. They feel having that Someone Other is a good idea. You go back to your spouse feeling complete."

Perel, in her chapters like Democracy Versus Hot Sex and Sex Is Dirty: Save it For Someone You Love, talks about how sexual excitement doesn't play by the rules of a good citizenship. It thrives on power plays, role reversals and subtle cruelties. Psychiatrist Dr Greg Mckenzie says, "If you're looking at having great sex, it's not going to be possible with your spouse after 10 years of marriage. Even when you're having sex with the Someone Other, who is not your spouse, it'll get boring after a while. She'll become as boring as the wife. Then most people start moving from one partner to the other, for more fulfilment and variety. But that really isn't dealing with the problem. You're avoiding it. The new secret of marital sex is to treat your spouse like a stranger. Desire needs space. And couples need to talk about it to each other, but that's just not happening.

Like Perel says, "If you can look at your partner and something about him/her surprises you, then you can recapture what you've lost. When your partner becomes unknown, that's a problem. Great sex thrives on the unknown. You must always have secrets, as it is vital for a healthy marriage. After all, no one wants to read the same book a 100 times!

Take your cue, ladies and gentlemen.
Michael Douglas is a marriage counselor and a relationship expert who writes for where he offers marriage advice and tips to bring romance back in a marriage. Also he provides free romantic ideas and romance tips to add that lost flame in your love life and relationships.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Vitamin E Side Effects

The medical dictionary defines a side effect as a peripheral or secondary effect, especially an undesirable side effect of a drug or therapy. Vitamin E, taken from food sources alone, doesn’t have any documented evidence of any side effects. But vitamin E as a supplement has potential side effects when it interacts with other medications or any other conditions.

Some of the common side effects that may occur due to vitamin E intake are allergic experiences like breathing difficulty, closing of the throat, and swelling of the lips, tongue or face. Some of the less serious side effects are fatigue, weakness, headache, nausea, blurred vision and diarrhea. Usually these side effects stop after stopping the vitamin E intake.

When a vitamin E supplement is taken with other medications for other diseases, there are interactions that are harmful. Vitamin E is known to cause increased risk of hemorrhage in those individuals who take worfin for anticoagulation or those who are deficient in vitamin K. Contradictory results emerge from studies on potential interactions between a combination of antioxidant supplementation (vitamin C, E, selenium and beta-carotene) and cholesterol-lowering agents. A three-year, randomized, controlled trial shows decreased effects of cholesterol-lowering agents and another five-year study shows no effect by the same antioxidant combination.

Vitamin E inhibits the uptake by cells of the antidepressant drug desimpramine, antipsychotic drug chlorpromazine, beta-blockers for high blood pressure and the anti-malarial drug chloroquine.

Increased gamma-tocopherol levels in the blood are associated with a reduced risk of developing prostrate cancer. Vitamin E, when taken in the form of an alpha-tocopherol supplement may lower gamma-tocopherol levels in the blood.

The condition under which the supplement is taken has a significant side effect. When oxidative stress is mild and when vitamin E containing tocopherols is taken alone without other antioxidants like vitamin C, it acts as a pro-oxidant rather than antioxidant because of less generation of free radicals under mild oxidative stress and the absence of vitamin C to neutralize the tocopherol radical. Hence, vitamin E should be taken along with other antioxidants.

Author Info:

Benefit Of Vitamin E provides detailed information on Vitamin E, Benefit Of Vitamin E, Vitamin E Oil, Natural Vitamin E and more. Benefit Of Vitamin E is affiliated with Liquid Multi Vitamins.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What Causes Panic Attacks and How to Tell If you Are Having One

The characterization of a anxiety panic attack is a panic attack that is induced as a result of unnatural levels of anxiety. Not just limited to major stressful events or concerns, anxiety attacks can be related to anything. An anxiety panic attack can be caused by anxiety over a party, a loved one, even anxiety over what clothes to wear.

The focus of the attack is one of the key features to an anxiety panic attack. Usually when a person experiences such panic they will have a central trigger. The trigger tends to be the same thing for those who experience chronic panic attacks. Anytime individuals who suffer from agoraphobia travel they tend to have an anxiety panic attack or when they travel beyond a safe distance such as their doorstep.


The trigger for an anxiety panic attack will vary according to the situation for most people. The body’s natural reaction to the high levels of stress can be triggered at times of extreme stress panic. The accepted main reason behind any panic attack is known as the fight or flight reaction. The body will react when a person experiences an event that is extremely stressful or traumatic. An extreme reaction to the situation is caused by the release of chemicals into a persons system.

A reactive stressor triggers chemicals that cause an anxiety panic attack. The body assumes there is some danger even if there is no need for it and feels it must react, this is a panic attack. Many key factors can mark an anxiety panic attack. Signs of an attack include overwhelming feelings of fear and hopelessness, increased heart rate, sweating, tingling in the extremities, headaches, nausea and extreme emotional fluctuations.


Since the symptoms are usually a mixed bag when it comes to panic the list can be extensive. The immense feeling of anxiety is mentioned by any panic sufferer when they have an anxiety panic attack. They feel as if nothing can help them, this is a common major symptom that marks the start of an attack.

In most cases an anxiety panic attack can be controlled which is a good thing. To help control panics you should learn exercise, controlled breathing, healthy diet, relaxation techniques and even just have someone to be there and listen. Finding out what causes the panic and reducing this factor in your life is often the key to helping panic attacks.

Author Info:

Bette Daoust is the writer of Cause of overcoming anxiety. She writes articles for anxiety cure and specific phobias.