Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Everyday Nutrition Basics

Ever since man walked the earth there has been a focus on food. The main reason is naturally that humans can not live without food. In the Stone Age people gathered berries and killed animals in the area where they lived. This gave them a natural combination of minerals, vitamins, fats and proteins etc. that was vital for their survival and wellbeing.

If we skip to present time a lot of things has changed (luckily) and naturally so has the food that we eat. Unfortunately most of the changes are not for the better if we look through nutritional glasses. Pollution, massive industrial growth manipulation and alteration of genes have done its part in removing natural ingredients from our food.

On the other hand science has been able to find out that we actually need the different vitamins and minerals that food contains, which they obviously didn’t know back in the Stone Age. So at least we now know what we’re actually eating and what we are not.

All since the late 90s and all through 200X people have become more and more aware of the effects that a healthy diet has on the human body. Unfortunately most of it has been brought to our attention due to illnesses brought on by bad nutritional diets which is caused by a lot of factors.

One of them is the giant boom in the fast food industry when science works intensively on creating low cost food that is manufactured so that the human instincts tells him to eat until he can hold no more. Obviously this is not healthy and it is seen by the massive increase in people being overweight and the many lifestyle illnesses.

Luckily it doesn’t take an unreasonable amount of effort to eat a healthier meal that the average human. All you will need to do it pay a little more attention to what you put into your mouth. Most fast food is not healthy and if you’re really busy or really not interested in learning how to keep your body (which you’ll have to life with the rest of your life), then take the shortcut and just avoid all fast food.

Just go to the grocery store and pick a colorful diet from the vegetables and the low fat meat. Most people know this but even so they are not doing it. If you are one of those my suggestion is simple. Try using a nutritional supplement instead. There are many products out there (some better than other) but my guess is that no matter which one you chose it will be better than living from one fast food meal to the next.

Remember that you will only have this one body from the day you are born to the day that you die. If you are not the type of person that wants to live in a dirty home then why would you ever think of living in a dirty and unhealthy body? Stop and think for just a moment. If you do you will be glad that you did the rest of your life.

MyChickenRecipes is a website dedicated to easy chicken recipes. The list of recipes is growing and has low fat, high fat, vegetarian and all other types of recipes for chicken. Search the site for inspiration when cooking a great meal for your family. Visit today.

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