Sunday, February 18, 2007

Does Heart Grow Older With Age?

Your age does not determine how young or old your heart really is. A heart of a 40-year-old person may have the vitality of a 30-year-old while a much younger person’s heart could behave as one twice the chronological age of the person. Sound unbelievable?

So how can one determine one’s heart’s well being? One way is to find out the blood pressure and heart rate.

For adults in an urban society, the normal blood pressure is 130/80 and the heart rate is between 60 and 90. Nevertheless, the ideal level is closer to 110/70, level of which corresponds to persons in their 20s and 30s.

Everybody stands an equal chance of contracting heart disease if one neglects the health. Cardiovascular disease is largely preventable through adopting a healthy lifestyle program from young.

According to a cardiologist, the 4 foundation pillars of maintaining good heart health include a balanced diet; adequate exercise; abstaining from smoking; and limiting alcohol consumption and emotional balance.

Our hearts suffer when we keep poor dietary habits. A diet rich in foods of high GI (glycemic index) and GL (glycemic load) accelerates damages to the heart’s arteries.

Glucose in our bodies reacts with oxygen to produce energy and free radicals are generated in this oxidation process. The excess free radicals produced converts the bad cholesterol in our bodies into an oxidized form that could damage the inner lining of our blood vessel walls, resulting in a leakage of fat between its layers.

Foods with high GI and GL raise the body’s blood sugar to high levels very quickly. A sudden spike in glucose levels leads to an increase in the amounts of free radicals, thus increasing the likelihood of blood vessel damage and shrinkage.

The damage is, however, is reversible.

One way is to consume fewer foods of high GI and GL. These include baked goods like muffins and croissants, dairy products like ice cream, white breads, snacks like potato chips and candy bars and even potatoes.

We should allot a bigger portion of our daily diet to: 5 to 8 servings of vegetables; 4 to 6 servings of fruits; 3 to 6 servings of nuts, eggs, legumes, fish and beans; 1 to 2 servings of skinless chicken, turkey or other lean meats and giving the least weight to carbohydrates, occasionally eating whole grain bread, pasta or rice.

To supplement a healthy diet, 30 and 45 minutes of exercise 5 times a week is essential. Exercise benefits the heart as it builds up muscle bulk and conditions the arteries to both mobilize and accommodate a larger volume of blood.

In conclusion, if you want a healthier, happier and young heart, choose wisely, exercise and stay away with unhealthy high-GI foods.

America's Most Trusted Doctor Reveals ... How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease - Without Drugs or Surgery. Read more about his confession at:

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