Hair loss remedies become extra and extra famous these days in light of most men see healthy hair significant. The numeral of hair loss goods on the market is various. Most of us choose to use over-the-counter goods, but it is not proper to delight in the goods without consulting your health care master. The reason for this is that various remedies have side effects or root irreversible damage.
Medications like Propecia, which are used as hair loss remedies can cause fetal anomalies if used in pregnant women. Therefore it is judicious to escape propecia if you are pregnant (propecia by the way is not recommended for women at all!). Not just in women, but also in men propecia causes side effects. In men, Propecia may cause lack of sex force and impotency as serious side effects. Amongst the available hair loss remedies, Rogaine is used extensively by many men and women. This drug is also used for treating high blood pressure.
In order to get satisfactory results, it is always expedient to use either Propecia or Rogaine for at least 3 months. Considering these hair loss remedies are having each their own side effects, please discuss or get an idea from your health care master about your health once taking the medication. The most by and large used hair loss remedies are Viviiscal, Nisiim, Tricomin, and Revivogen.
Viviscal treats hair loss by preventing thinning of hair. It is available in form of tablets and lotion. Nisim promotes healthy hair growth. Tricomin pours the nutrient copper directly to the follicle to kindle the development of healthy hair. The major activity of the Revivogen is blocking the DHT in the scalp and strengthening hair follicles. Another significant hair loss remedy is Hair Genesis, a product that contains ordinary DHT blocker, saw palmetto.
The superlative hair loss remedies accessible for women are Hair Genesis and Hair Renew because alternate remedies will result in excessive hair growth on variant parts of the body. Hair Renew is available in topical form, which nourishes the hair follicles and cleanses the scalp apart from neutralizing DHT. This output is unique because it is non-alcoholic, 100% drug free, and free from side effects.
Other hair loss remedies such as natural remedies, Ayurvedha, and Siddha have been used widely to get rid of hair loss. Food containing a lot of amino acids and proteins have to be included in a dietary pattern of the hair losing individuals as a natural remedy. Folligen Hair loss Treatment with copper peptides is also one out of the many hair loss remedies. Hair follicles acquire nutrient copper through supplements to gain healthy and wealthy hair. Both men and women can use Hair energizer. The hair energizer kit which is used as a hair loss remedy is readily available as 15 ml Jojoba oil, shampoo, 15 ml Jojoba oil, spray, and 0 tablets vitamins and Minerals.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Taking Care Of Children's Health
Children's health is an important indicator of health in later life. It is assumed to be generated by the household via a production function, and children's height is taken as an indicator of the health status.
The Journal of Children's Health is a quarterly peer-reviewed publication devoted to sharing original work regarding the unique risks to children from chemical, microbial, radiological, physical and social hazards in their environment. It is intentionally broad in scope, and presents original scientific research as well as policy and regulatory implications. "Children's health issues are fundamental to our society.
Every mother-to-be and baby in the United States must have the health care they need, and the health insurance to provide for that health care. It's called the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), and it provides federal money -- matched by the states -- so children can receive health care even when their parents can't afford it.
These numbers are way too high and could be lower if all expectant mothers, regardless of income, had access to high-quality health care during pregnancy and after childbirth.
children are at risk of chronic illnesses. Children are most vulnerable to dioxins and other toxic chemicals. Children breathe more air, eat more food and drink morewater per pound of body weight than adults.
Children are physiologically different from adults and face different health risks.
Children's health is an important indicator of health in later life. Children's health care may not be as expensive as other priorities facing legislatures, but there is great opportunity to protect children through state action. Children whose sleep is disturbed by noise have 120% more chance of suffering from migraine than non-exposed children, and more than 90% more chance of suffering from respiratory disorders.
Environmental and children's health advocates point to downward trends in several indicators of children's health to make the case that children are endangered by environmental contaminants.
National Cancer Institute (NCI) data for the periods from 1973-74 to 1994-95 show a rise in the annual incidence of all cancers in the 0 to 14 age group from 12.
The National Safe Kids Campaign reports that accidents cause approximately 246,000 hospitalizations, 8,700,000 emergency room visits, and 11,000,000 visits to physicians every year. According to the National Safe Kids Campaign, deaths due to accidents for the 14 and under age group declined 18 percent from 1987 to 1995, from 8,069 to 6,611 per year.
Among other key findings:
49 percent of parents of children ages 14 to 17 say that media have a "somewhat negative" or "very negative" effect on their child;
About 6 percent of parents report having a child with a physical, behavioral or mental condition, such as asthma or heart disease, that limits his or her participation in normal childhood activities, and those parents say their children fare worse on a range of issues;
16 percent of parents with children ages 3 to 5 say that the child worries "somewhat" or "very much" about family conflict, and that figure rises to 33 percent for preteens (ages 9 to 13) and 31 percent for teens;
One in 10 parents of a preteen is "very concerned" that his or her child may be depressed, and another 12 percent of preteens' parents are "somewhat concerned";
59 percent of Latino parents report that their child's physical health is "excellent," compared to 67 percent of Asian parents and 79 percent of Caucasians parents;
The percentage of parents reporting that their child has a "very positive" attitude toward school declines from 72 percent for parents of 6-to-8-year-olds to 50 percent for parents of children ages 14-17;
28 percent of parents say they do not spend enough time together as a family; 6 percent say they spend too much;
15 percent of African American parent respondents say they are "very concerned" about their child's weight, more than any other racial/ethnic group.
The good news is that new technologies and drug treatments are allowing children with once fatal diseases such as cystic fibrosis, cerebral palsy, spina bifida and congenital heart defects to survive into adulthood. "We know that providing access to care for every child can help to prevent obesity, heart disease and diabetes.
Friday, May 04, 2007Children's health is a public responsibility. One of the most severe threats to children's health is lead poisoning; in old dwellings, lead is found in paint or solder for pipes. "We must act to assure that our children's health is not at risk," said AAP President Carol Berkowitz, MD, FAAP.
Your children's health is our main concern.
The Journal of Children's Health is a quarterly peer-reviewed publication devoted to sharing original work regarding the unique risks to children from chemical, microbial, radiological, physical and social hazards in their environment. It is intentionally broad in scope, and presents original scientific research as well as policy and regulatory implications. "Children's health issues are fundamental to our society.
Every mother-to-be and baby in the United States must have the health care they need, and the health insurance to provide for that health care. It's called the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), and it provides federal money -- matched by the states -- so children can receive health care even when their parents can't afford it.
These numbers are way too high and could be lower if all expectant mothers, regardless of income, had access to high-quality health care during pregnancy and after childbirth.
children are at risk of chronic illnesses. Children are most vulnerable to dioxins and other toxic chemicals. Children breathe more air, eat more food and drink morewater per pound of body weight than adults.
Children are physiologically different from adults and face different health risks.
Children's health is an important indicator of health in later life. Children's health care may not be as expensive as other priorities facing legislatures, but there is great opportunity to protect children through state action. Children whose sleep is disturbed by noise have 120% more chance of suffering from migraine than non-exposed children, and more than 90% more chance of suffering from respiratory disorders.
Environmental and children's health advocates point to downward trends in several indicators of children's health to make the case that children are endangered by environmental contaminants.
National Cancer Institute (NCI) data for the periods from 1973-74 to 1994-95 show a rise in the annual incidence of all cancers in the 0 to 14 age group from 12.
The National Safe Kids Campaign reports that accidents cause approximately 246,000 hospitalizations, 8,700,000 emergency room visits, and 11,000,000 visits to physicians every year. According to the National Safe Kids Campaign, deaths due to accidents for the 14 and under age group declined 18 percent from 1987 to 1995, from 8,069 to 6,611 per year.
Among other key findings:
49 percent of parents of children ages 14 to 17 say that media have a "somewhat negative" or "very negative" effect on their child;
About 6 percent of parents report having a child with a physical, behavioral or mental condition, such as asthma or heart disease, that limits his or her participation in normal childhood activities, and those parents say their children fare worse on a range of issues;
16 percent of parents with children ages 3 to 5 say that the child worries "somewhat" or "very much" about family conflict, and that figure rises to 33 percent for preteens (ages 9 to 13) and 31 percent for teens;
One in 10 parents of a preteen is "very concerned" that his or her child may be depressed, and another 12 percent of preteens' parents are "somewhat concerned";
59 percent of Latino parents report that their child's physical health is "excellent," compared to 67 percent of Asian parents and 79 percent of Caucasians parents;
The percentage of parents reporting that their child has a "very positive" attitude toward school declines from 72 percent for parents of 6-to-8-year-olds to 50 percent for parents of children ages 14-17;
28 percent of parents say they do not spend enough time together as a family; 6 percent say they spend too much;
15 percent of African American parent respondents say they are "very concerned" about their child's weight, more than any other racial/ethnic group.
The good news is that new technologies and drug treatments are allowing children with once fatal diseases such as cystic fibrosis, cerebral palsy, spina bifida and congenital heart defects to survive into adulthood. "We know that providing access to care for every child can help to prevent obesity, heart disease and diabetes.
Friday, May 04, 2007Children's health is a public responsibility. One of the most severe threats to children's health is lead poisoning; in old dwellings, lead is found in paint or solder for pipes. "We must act to assure that our children's health is not at risk," said AAP President Carol Berkowitz, MD, FAAP.
Your children's health is our main concern.
child health,
children's health,
health care
Friday, May 18, 2007
It is very important that a mother should possess such information as will enable her to detect disease at its first appearance, and thus insure for her child timely medical assistance. This knowledge it will not be difficult for her to obtain. She has only to bear in mind what are the indications which constitute health, and she will at once see that all deviations from it must denote the presence of disorder, if not of actual disease. With these changes she must to a certain extent make herself acquainted.
Signs of health.
The signs of health are to be found, first, in the healthy performance of the various functions of the body; the regular demands made for its supply, neither in excess or deficiency; and a similar regularity in its excretions both in quantity and appearance.
If the figure of the healthy infant is observed, something may be learn from this. There will be perceived such an universal roundness in all parts of the child's body, that there is no such thing as an angle to be found in the whole figure; whether the limbs are bent or straight, every line forms a portion of a circle. The limbs will feel firm and solid, and unless they are bent, the joints cannot be discovered.
The tongue, even in health, is always white, but it will be free from sores, the skin cool, the eye bright, the complexion clear, the head cool, and the abdomen not projecting too far, the breathing regular, and without effort.
When awake, the infant will be cheerful and sprightly, and, loving to be played with, will often break out into its merry, happy, laugh; whilst, on the other hand, when asleep, it will appear calm, every feature composed, its countenance displaying an expression of happiness, and frequently, perhaps, lit up with a smile.
Just in proportion as the above appearances are present and entire, health may be said to exist; and just in proportion to their partial or total absence disease will have usurped its place.
We will, however, for the sake of clearness examine the signs of disease as they are manifested separately by the countenance, the gestures, in sleep, in the stools, and by the breathing and cough.
Of the countenance.
In health the countenance of a thild is expressive of serenity in mind and body; but if the child be unwell, this expression will be changed, and in a manner which, to a certain extent, will indicate what part of the system is at fault.
The brows will be contracted, if there is pain, and its seat is in the head. This is frequently the very first outward sign of any thing being wrong, and will occur at the very onset of disease; if therefore remarked at an early period, and proper remedies used, its notice may prevent one of the most fearful of infantile complaints "Water in the Head."
If this sign is passed by unheeded, and the above disease be threatened, soon the eyes will become fixed and staring, the head hot, and moved uneasily from side to side upon the pillow, or lie heavily upon the nurse's arm, the child will start in its sleep, grinding its teeth, and awake alarmed and screaming, its face will be flushed, particularly the cheeks (as if rouged), its hands hot, but feet cold, its bowels obstinately costive, or its motions scanty, dark-coloured, and foul.
If the lips are drawn apart, so as to show the teeth or gums, the seat of the pain is in the belly. This sign, however, will only be present during the actual existence of suffering; if, therefore, there be any doubt whether it exist, press upon the stomach, and watch the eifect on the expression of the countenance.
If the pain arise simply from irritation of the bowels excited from indigestion, it will be temporary, and the sign will go and come just as the spasm may occur, and slight remedial measures will give relief.
If, however, the disease be more serious, and inflammation ensue, this sign will be more constantly present, and soon the countenance will become pale, or sallow and sunken, the child will dread motion, and lie upon its back with the knees bent up to the belly, the tongue will be loaded, and in breathing, while the chest will be seen to heave with more than usual effort, the muscles of the belly will remain perfectly quiescent.
If the nostrils are drawn upwards and in quick motion, pain exists in the chest. This sign, however, will generally be the accompaniment of inflammation of the chest, in which case the countenance will be discoloure, the eyes more or less staring, and the breathing will be difficult and hurried; and if the child's mode of respiring be watched, the chest will be observed to be unmoved, while the belly quickly heaves with every inspiration.
Convulsions are generally preceded by some changes in the countenance. The upper lip will be drawn up, and is occasionally bluish or livid. Then there may be slight squinting, or a singular rotation of the eye upon its own axis; alternate flushing or paleness of the face; and sudden animation followed by languor.
These signs will sometimes manifest themselves many hours, nay days, before the attack occurs; may be looked upon as premonitory; and if timely noticed, and suitable medical aid resorted to, the occurrence of a fit may be altogether prevented.
The state of the eyes should always be attended to. In health they are clear and bright, but in disease they become dull, and give a heavy appearance to the countenance; though after long continued irritation they will assume a degree of quickness which is very remarkable, and a sort of pearly brightness which is better known from observation than it can be from description.
The direction of the eyes, too, should be regarded, for from this we may learn something. When the infant is first brought to the light, both eyes are scarcely ever directed to the same object: this occurs without any tendency to disease, and merely proves, that regarding one object with both eyes is only an acquired habit. But when the child has come to that age when the eyes are by habit directed to the same object, and afterwards it loses that power, this circumstance alone may be looked upon as a frequent prelude to disease affecting the head.
Of the gestures.
The gestures of a healthy child are all easy and natural; but in sickness those deviations occur, which alone will often denote the nature of the disease.
Suppose an infant to have acquired the power to support itself, to hold its head erect; let sickness come, its head will droop immediately, and this power will be lost, only to be regained with the return of health; and during the interval every posture and movement will be that of languor.
The little one that has just taught itself to run alone from chair to chair, having two or three teeth pressing upon and irritating the gums, will for a time be completely taken off its feet, and perhaps lie languidly in its cot, or on its nurse's arm.
The legs being drawn up to the belly, and accompanied by crying, are proofs of disorder and pain in the bowels. Press upon this part, and your pressure will increase the pain. Look to the secretions from the bowels themselves, and by their unhealthy character your suspicions, in reference to the seat of the disorder, are at once confirmed.
The hands of a child in health are rarely carried above its mouth; but let there be any thing wrong about the head and pain present, and the little one's hands will be constantly raised to the head and face.
Sudden starting when awake, as also during sleep, though it occur from trifling causes, should never be disregarded. It is frequently connected with approaching disorder of the brain. It may forebode a convulsive fit, and such suspicion is confirmed, if you find the thumb of the child drawn in and firmly pressed upon the palm, with the fingers so compressed upon it, that the hand cannot be forced open without difficulty. The same condition will exist in the toes, but not to so great a degree; there may also be a puffy state of the back of the hands and feet, and both foot and wrist bent downwards.
There are other and milder signs threatening convulsions and connected with gesture, which should be regarded: the head being drawn rigidly backwards, an arm fixed firmly to the side, or near to it, as also one of the legs drawn stifly upwards. These signs, as also those enumerated above, are confirmed beyond all doubt, if there be present certain alterations in the usual habits of the child: if the sleep is disturbed, if there be frequent fits of crying, great peevishness of temper, the countenance alternately flushed and pale, sudden animation followed by as sudden a fit of languor, catchings of the breath followed by a long and deep inspiration, all so many premonitory symptoms of an approaching attack.
Of the sleep.
The sleep of the infant in health is quiet, composed, and refreshing. In very early infancy, when not at the breast, it is for the most part asleep in its cot; and although as the months advance it sleeps less, yet when the hour for repose arrives, the child is no sooner laid down to rest, than it drops off into a quiet, peaceful slumber.
Not so, if ill. Frequently it will be unwilling to be put into its cot at all, and the nurse will be obliged to take the infant in her arms; it will then sleep but for a short time, and in a restless and disturbed manner.
If it suffer pain, however slight, the countenance will indicate it; and, as when awake, so now, if there is any thing wrong about the head, the contraction of the eye-brow and grinding of the teeth will appear; if any thing wrong about the belly, the lips will be drawn apart, showing the teeth or gums, and in both instances there will be great restlessness and frequent startings.
Of the stools.
In the new-born infant the motions are dark coloured, very much like pitch both in consistence and appearance. The first milk, however, secreted in the mother's breast, acts as an aperient upon the infant's bowels, and thus in about four-and-twenty hours it is cleansed away.
From this time, and through the whole of infancy, the stools will be of a lightish yellow colour, the consistence of thin mustard, having little smell, smooth in appearance, and therefore free from lumps or white curded matter, and passed without pain or any considerable quantity of wind. And as long as the child is in health, it will have daily two or three, or even four, of these evacuations. But as it grows older, they will not be quite so frequent; they will become darker in colour, and more solid, though not so much so as in the adult.
Any deviation, then, from the above characters, is of course a sign of something wrong; and as a deranged condition of the bowels is frequently the first indication we have of coming disease, the nurse should daily be directed to watch the evacuations. Their appearance, colour, and the manner in which discharged, are the points principally to be looked to. If the stools have a very curdy appearance, or are too liquid, or green, or dark-coloured, or smell badly, they are unnatural. And in reference to the manner in which they are discharged, it should be borne in mind, that, in a healthy child, the motion is passed with but little wind, and as if squeezed out, but in disease, it will be thrown out with considerable force, which is a sign of great irritation. The number, too, of stools passed within the four-and- twenty hours it is important to note, so that if the child does not have its accustomed relief, (and it must not be forgotten that children, although in perfect health, differ as to the precise number,)
Of the breathing and cough.
The breathing of a child in health is formed of equal inspirations and expirations, and it breathes quietly, regularly, inaudibly, and without effort. But let inflammation of the air-tubes or lungs take place, and the inspiration will become in a few hours so quickened and hurried, and perhaps audible, that the attention has only to be directed to the circumstance to be at once perceived.
Now all changes which occur in the breathing from its healthy standard, however slight the shades of difference may be, it is most important should be noticed early. For many of the complaints in the chest, although very formidable in their character, if only seen early by the medical man, may be arrested in their progress; but otherwise, may be beyond the control of art. A parent, therefore, should make herself familiar with the breathing of her child in health, and she will readily mark any change which may arise.
Whenever a child has the symptoms of a common cold, attended by hoarseness and a rough cough, always look upon it with suspicion, and never neglect seeking a medical opinion. Hoarseness does not usually attend a common cold in the child, and these symptoms may be premonitory of an attack of "croup;" a disease excessively rapid in its progress, and which, from the importance of the parts affected, carrying on, as they do, a function indispensably necessary to life, requires the most prompt and decided treatment.
The following observations of Dr. Cheyne are so strikingly illustrative, and so pertinent to my present purpose, that I cannot refrain inserting them: "In the approach of an attack of croup, which almost always takes place in the evening, probably of a day during which the child has been exposed to the weather, and often after catarrhal symptoms have existed for several days, he may be observed to be excited, in variable spirits, more ready than usual to laugh than to cry, a little flushed, occasionally coughing, the sound of the cough being rough, like that which attends the catarrhal stage of the measles. More generally, however, the patient has been for some time in bed and asleep, before the nature of the disease with which he is threatened is apparent; then, perhaps, without waking, he gives a very unusual cough, well known to any one who has witnessed an attack of the croup; it rings as if the child had coughed through a brazen trumpet; it is truly a tussis clangosa; it penetrates the walls and floor of the apartment, and startles the experienced mother, 'Oh! I am afraid our child is taking the croup!' She runs to the nursery, finds her child sleeping softly, and hopes she may be mistaken. But remaining to tend him, before long the ringing cough, a single cough, is repeated again and again; the patient is roused, and then a new symptom is remarked; the sound of his voice is changed; puling, and as if the throat were swelled, it corresponds with the cough," etc.
How important that a mother should be acquainted with the above signs of one of the most terrific complaints to which childhood is subject; for, if she only send for medical assistance during its first stage, the treatment will be almost invariably successful; whereas, if this "golden opportunity" is lost, this disease will seldom yield to the influence of measures, however wisely chosen or perseveringly employed.
Signs of health.
The signs of health are to be found, first, in the healthy performance of the various functions of the body; the regular demands made for its supply, neither in excess or deficiency; and a similar regularity in its excretions both in quantity and appearance.
If the figure of the healthy infant is observed, something may be learn from this. There will be perceived such an universal roundness in all parts of the child's body, that there is no such thing as an angle to be found in the whole figure; whether the limbs are bent or straight, every line forms a portion of a circle. The limbs will feel firm and solid, and unless they are bent, the joints cannot be discovered.
The tongue, even in health, is always white, but it will be free from sores, the skin cool, the eye bright, the complexion clear, the head cool, and the abdomen not projecting too far, the breathing regular, and without effort.
When awake, the infant will be cheerful and sprightly, and, loving to be played with, will often break out into its merry, happy, laugh; whilst, on the other hand, when asleep, it will appear calm, every feature composed, its countenance displaying an expression of happiness, and frequently, perhaps, lit up with a smile.
Just in proportion as the above appearances are present and entire, health may be said to exist; and just in proportion to their partial or total absence disease will have usurped its place.
We will, however, for the sake of clearness examine the signs of disease as they are manifested separately by the countenance, the gestures, in sleep, in the stools, and by the breathing and cough.
Of the countenance.
In health the countenance of a thild is expressive of serenity in mind and body; but if the child be unwell, this expression will be changed, and in a manner which, to a certain extent, will indicate what part of the system is at fault.
The brows will be contracted, if there is pain, and its seat is in the head. This is frequently the very first outward sign of any thing being wrong, and will occur at the very onset of disease; if therefore remarked at an early period, and proper remedies used, its notice may prevent one of the most fearful of infantile complaints "Water in the Head."
If this sign is passed by unheeded, and the above disease be threatened, soon the eyes will become fixed and staring, the head hot, and moved uneasily from side to side upon the pillow, or lie heavily upon the nurse's arm, the child will start in its sleep, grinding its teeth, and awake alarmed and screaming, its face will be flushed, particularly the cheeks (as if rouged), its hands hot, but feet cold, its bowels obstinately costive, or its motions scanty, dark-coloured, and foul.
If the lips are drawn apart, so as to show the teeth or gums, the seat of the pain is in the belly. This sign, however, will only be present during the actual existence of suffering; if, therefore, there be any doubt whether it exist, press upon the stomach, and watch the eifect on the expression of the countenance.
If the pain arise simply from irritation of the bowels excited from indigestion, it will be temporary, and the sign will go and come just as the spasm may occur, and slight remedial measures will give relief.
If, however, the disease be more serious, and inflammation ensue, this sign will be more constantly present, and soon the countenance will become pale, or sallow and sunken, the child will dread motion, and lie upon its back with the knees bent up to the belly, the tongue will be loaded, and in breathing, while the chest will be seen to heave with more than usual effort, the muscles of the belly will remain perfectly quiescent.
If the nostrils are drawn upwards and in quick motion, pain exists in the chest. This sign, however, will generally be the accompaniment of inflammation of the chest, in which case the countenance will be discoloure, the eyes more or less staring, and the breathing will be difficult and hurried; and if the child's mode of respiring be watched, the chest will be observed to be unmoved, while the belly quickly heaves with every inspiration.
Convulsions are generally preceded by some changes in the countenance. The upper lip will be drawn up, and is occasionally bluish or livid. Then there may be slight squinting, or a singular rotation of the eye upon its own axis; alternate flushing or paleness of the face; and sudden animation followed by languor.
These signs will sometimes manifest themselves many hours, nay days, before the attack occurs; may be looked upon as premonitory; and if timely noticed, and suitable medical aid resorted to, the occurrence of a fit may be altogether prevented.
The state of the eyes should always be attended to. In health they are clear and bright, but in disease they become dull, and give a heavy appearance to the countenance; though after long continued irritation they will assume a degree of quickness which is very remarkable, and a sort of pearly brightness which is better known from observation than it can be from description.
The direction of the eyes, too, should be regarded, for from this we may learn something. When the infant is first brought to the light, both eyes are scarcely ever directed to the same object: this occurs without any tendency to disease, and merely proves, that regarding one object with both eyes is only an acquired habit. But when the child has come to that age when the eyes are by habit directed to the same object, and afterwards it loses that power, this circumstance alone may be looked upon as a frequent prelude to disease affecting the head.
Of the gestures.
The gestures of a healthy child are all easy and natural; but in sickness those deviations occur, which alone will often denote the nature of the disease.
Suppose an infant to have acquired the power to support itself, to hold its head erect; let sickness come, its head will droop immediately, and this power will be lost, only to be regained with the return of health; and during the interval every posture and movement will be that of languor.
The little one that has just taught itself to run alone from chair to chair, having two or three teeth pressing upon and irritating the gums, will for a time be completely taken off its feet, and perhaps lie languidly in its cot, or on its nurse's arm.
The legs being drawn up to the belly, and accompanied by crying, are proofs of disorder and pain in the bowels. Press upon this part, and your pressure will increase the pain. Look to the secretions from the bowels themselves, and by their unhealthy character your suspicions, in reference to the seat of the disorder, are at once confirmed.
The hands of a child in health are rarely carried above its mouth; but let there be any thing wrong about the head and pain present, and the little one's hands will be constantly raised to the head and face.
Sudden starting when awake, as also during sleep, though it occur from trifling causes, should never be disregarded. It is frequently connected with approaching disorder of the brain. It may forebode a convulsive fit, and such suspicion is confirmed, if you find the thumb of the child drawn in and firmly pressed upon the palm, with the fingers so compressed upon it, that the hand cannot be forced open without difficulty. The same condition will exist in the toes, but not to so great a degree; there may also be a puffy state of the back of the hands and feet, and both foot and wrist bent downwards.
There are other and milder signs threatening convulsions and connected with gesture, which should be regarded: the head being drawn rigidly backwards, an arm fixed firmly to the side, or near to it, as also one of the legs drawn stifly upwards. These signs, as also those enumerated above, are confirmed beyond all doubt, if there be present certain alterations in the usual habits of the child: if the sleep is disturbed, if there be frequent fits of crying, great peevishness of temper, the countenance alternately flushed and pale, sudden animation followed by as sudden a fit of languor, catchings of the breath followed by a long and deep inspiration, all so many premonitory symptoms of an approaching attack.
Of the sleep.
The sleep of the infant in health is quiet, composed, and refreshing. In very early infancy, when not at the breast, it is for the most part asleep in its cot; and although as the months advance it sleeps less, yet when the hour for repose arrives, the child is no sooner laid down to rest, than it drops off into a quiet, peaceful slumber.
Not so, if ill. Frequently it will be unwilling to be put into its cot at all, and the nurse will be obliged to take the infant in her arms; it will then sleep but for a short time, and in a restless and disturbed manner.
If it suffer pain, however slight, the countenance will indicate it; and, as when awake, so now, if there is any thing wrong about the head, the contraction of the eye-brow and grinding of the teeth will appear; if any thing wrong about the belly, the lips will be drawn apart, showing the teeth or gums, and in both instances there will be great restlessness and frequent startings.
Of the stools.
In the new-born infant the motions are dark coloured, very much like pitch both in consistence and appearance. The first milk, however, secreted in the mother's breast, acts as an aperient upon the infant's bowels, and thus in about four-and-twenty hours it is cleansed away.
From this time, and through the whole of infancy, the stools will be of a lightish yellow colour, the consistence of thin mustard, having little smell, smooth in appearance, and therefore free from lumps or white curded matter, and passed without pain or any considerable quantity of wind. And as long as the child is in health, it will have daily two or three, or even four, of these evacuations. But as it grows older, they will not be quite so frequent; they will become darker in colour, and more solid, though not so much so as in the adult.
Any deviation, then, from the above characters, is of course a sign of something wrong; and as a deranged condition of the bowels is frequently the first indication we have of coming disease, the nurse should daily be directed to watch the evacuations. Their appearance, colour, and the manner in which discharged, are the points principally to be looked to. If the stools have a very curdy appearance, or are too liquid, or green, or dark-coloured, or smell badly, they are unnatural. And in reference to the manner in which they are discharged, it should be borne in mind, that, in a healthy child, the motion is passed with but little wind, and as if squeezed out, but in disease, it will be thrown out with considerable force, which is a sign of great irritation. The number, too, of stools passed within the four-and- twenty hours it is important to note, so that if the child does not have its accustomed relief, (and it must not be forgotten that children, although in perfect health, differ as to the precise number,)
Of the breathing and cough.
The breathing of a child in health is formed of equal inspirations and expirations, and it breathes quietly, regularly, inaudibly, and without effort. But let inflammation of the air-tubes or lungs take place, and the inspiration will become in a few hours so quickened and hurried, and perhaps audible, that the attention has only to be directed to the circumstance to be at once perceived.
Now all changes which occur in the breathing from its healthy standard, however slight the shades of difference may be, it is most important should be noticed early. For many of the complaints in the chest, although very formidable in their character, if only seen early by the medical man, may be arrested in their progress; but otherwise, may be beyond the control of art. A parent, therefore, should make herself familiar with the breathing of her child in health, and she will readily mark any change which may arise.
Whenever a child has the symptoms of a common cold, attended by hoarseness and a rough cough, always look upon it with suspicion, and never neglect seeking a medical opinion. Hoarseness does not usually attend a common cold in the child, and these symptoms may be premonitory of an attack of "croup;" a disease excessively rapid in its progress, and which, from the importance of the parts affected, carrying on, as they do, a function indispensably necessary to life, requires the most prompt and decided treatment.
The following observations of Dr. Cheyne are so strikingly illustrative, and so pertinent to my present purpose, that I cannot refrain inserting them: "In the approach of an attack of croup, which almost always takes place in the evening, probably of a day during which the child has been exposed to the weather, and often after catarrhal symptoms have existed for several days, he may be observed to be excited, in variable spirits, more ready than usual to laugh than to cry, a little flushed, occasionally coughing, the sound of the cough being rough, like that which attends the catarrhal stage of the measles. More generally, however, the patient has been for some time in bed and asleep, before the nature of the disease with which he is threatened is apparent; then, perhaps, without waking, he gives a very unusual cough, well known to any one who has witnessed an attack of the croup; it rings as if the child had coughed through a brazen trumpet; it is truly a tussis clangosa; it penetrates the walls and floor of the apartment, and startles the experienced mother, 'Oh! I am afraid our child is taking the croup!' She runs to the nursery, finds her child sleeping softly, and hopes she may be mistaken. But remaining to tend him, before long the ringing cough, a single cough, is repeated again and again; the patient is roused, and then a new symptom is remarked; the sound of his voice is changed; puling, and as if the throat were swelled, it corresponds with the cough," etc.
How important that a mother should be acquainted with the above signs of one of the most terrific complaints to which childhood is subject; for, if she only send for medical assistance during its first stage, the treatment will be almost invariably successful; whereas, if this "golden opportunity" is lost, this disease will seldom yield to the influence of measures, however wisely chosen or perseveringly employed.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Heart Rate Monitor for the Most Avid Health and Fitness Buffs

Before learning what to look for when purchasing a heart rate monitor, it is good to have an idea of the benefits of using a heart rate monitor as you workout. First, it is easy to use and accurate. Using even the most basic of heart rate monitors will eliminate the need to interrupt your own training or exercise session. If you will monitor your heart rate by manually recording the number of heartbeats per minute through your pulse, it will be quite tedious and may also results into getting inaccurate results and losing your momentum.
Second, a heart rate monitor where you can set the highest and lowest heart rate will help you monitor your fitness. Cardiovascular or heart rate based exercises will increase your endurance, strengthen your lungs and provide additional benefits so it is important to keep track of your heart rate as you perform such activities. Third, you will have some sort of an alarm so that you can stop when you are overexerting yourself, or work harder when you see that you are below the minimum heart rate that you have set for yourself.
When purchasing a heart rate monitor, it is important to consider the price, the brand and the number of features. If you are not a serious health buff, you may just want to get the lower-end or middle priced heart rate monitor. For the more serious physical fitness enthusiasts, you can buy mid-level or high-end heart rate monitors. Advanced heart rate monitors are usually used by coaches and training athletes since more factors are being displayed here, and they usually have a host of other features available. If you would like to make the most out of your workout or physical fitness training, a heart rate monitor is the way to go so that even the most avid health and fitness buffs can take advantage of the benefits to be gained from exercising with a heart rate monitor.
Jeff Dodd is an expert on Heart Rate Monitors. Please visit us at
Friday, May 04, 2007
Smart Parents Question Vaccines

The vaccine debate is escalating. With 18 states currently considering laws to mandate the new HPV (cervical cancer) vaccine for school entry, the number of persons questioning the necessity of vaccination is at an all-time high. Those promoting vaccination seem to be pulling out all the stops to defend their positions.
On February 4, 2007, New York Times Online published a review of a new book, “VACCINE: The Controversial Story of Medicine’s Greatest Lifesaver, by Arthur Allen. Here is a portion of David Oshinsky’s review:
“Allen is sympathetic to parental fears regarding the dangers of various vaccines, though he remains skeptical that scientific studies of these dangers, no matter how rigorous, will open many minds. At this point, he writes, much of the 'antivaccinist' leadership is composed of countercultural types who view life through the prism of conspiracy theory: the government lies, the drug companies are evil, the medical profession is corrupt; trust the Internet instead…To a large extent, says Allen, this antivaccination impulse is fueled by an ignorance of the past. Vaccines have done their job so well that most parents today are blissfully unaware of the diseases their children are being inoculated against.
“The end result is a culture that has become increasingly risk-averse regarding vaccination because people have greater trouble grasping the reward. The problem appears to be growing. As more children go unvaccinated in the United States, there has been a rise in vaccine-preventable diseases. Meanwhile, fewer pharmaceutical companies are now producing vaccines, citing the high cost of testing, diminishing markets and a fear of litigation. For Allen, a reversal of these trends will require something long overdue: a frank national discussion about the risks and benefits of vaccination. His splendid book is a smart place to begin.”(1)
Allen’s book appears to be one in a recent series of books that give tribute to the "wonder of vaccines." Based on Oshinsky’s commentary, the author seems to promote his views by disparaging intelligent adults and dedicated physicians who have researched the problems associated with vaccines and consider mass vaccination to be the casualty-causing loss-leader of the pharmaceutical industry. The drug companies count vaccine injuries as few, at least in part, because safety is concluded through the use of large epidemiological studies. The larger one makes the denominator, the easier it is to discount the size of the numerator. For example, 231 injured in a study that involved 679,900 persons makes the percentage of those injured appear unarguably small.(2)
But vaccine injuries are real despite claims that occurrences are rare. Fears of developing autism as a result of vaccination have been dismissed by mainstream medicine which prefers to attribute the increase incidence of autism, currently at 1 in 166 children, to the unfounded mechanism called a “better diagnosis.” (3)
Thimerosal (mercury) in vaccines has received much attention in the association with autism. Undoubtedly, many children have been damaged by mercury in vaccines as the numbers of successful recoveries using chelation therapy attest. However, the rate of autism in California has continued to escalate despite the removal of mercury from most of the childhood vaccines.(4) The rest of the ingredients in the vaccines need to be investigated with the same intensity as mercury. The answers regarding the toxicity of these substances are still forthcoming.
Another avenue being heavily investigated is the search for genetic causes of autism spectrum disorders.(5) The identification of a corrupted gene will allow doctors to point an incriminating finger at defective parents as the “cause” of their child’s autism. A better use of scare research funds would be to investigate which bio-medical treatments are most effective for these ill children.
Chronic illnesses among children, such as allergies/asthma, diabetes, ADD-ADHD and cancer, have exploded over the last 10 years. Instead of suspecting the large number of vaccine antigens and aliquots of chemicals being injected into chubby little thighs in the name of “health" for problems as children get older, drugs such as Prozac and Concerta, designed for adults, have been given expanded approval for use in children. It is notable that since vaccines for rotavirus, hepatitis A and an annual flu shot have been added, children inoculated with all recommended vaccines receive more than 110 vaccine antigens by the time they enter kindergarten. Measurable amounts of formaldehyde, MSG, and aluminum are also present in the chemical soup. The image of four to five syringes being jabbed into infants every other month during the first year of life should be startling enough to make even the most trusting parent pause and question.
Healthcare providers continue to view vaccination in the same way as described by Mr. Allan’s catchy book title: “Medicine’s greatest lifesaver.” This accolade is attributed to the reduction of childhood infectious diseases such as chickenpox, mumps and three-day measles. But can a negative truly be proven? Conventional medicine assumes that all children will be exposed and when exposed, all unvaccinated children will get sick. This is a faulty premise. If a vaccinated child does not contract chickenpox, is it due to the protection of the vaccine? Or was it because the child was never exposed to the virus?
What if an unvaccinated child is exposed but does not become sick? Isn’t that a testament to the health of the child’s immune system? Not every child in a classroom exposed to influenza comes down with the flu. Long term studies comparing the health of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated populations of children as they enter adulthood are very much needed to clearly define the benefits of vaccination.
A patient population from which this data could be evaluated is the nearly 35,000 unvaccinated children cared for by Homefirst Health Services in metropolitan Chicago. The good health of these children can be assumed; for example, there have been no reported cases of autism among this group.(6) Examining the health histories of these children could be a telling exercise. Discovering that large numbers of unvaccinated children have not contracted “vaccine-preventable diseases” --or if they did, they recovered uneventfully--would deliver a serious blow to the concept that vaccination is necessary to keep children healthy. An even more provocative study would be to examine the health of the unvaccinated, older children (those approaching 18 years of age) including a questionnaire investigating how many are on prescription drugs.
If vaccines were safe, manufacturers would not need to have federal legislation to protect them from liability. If vaccines were effective, no one would question the value of their use. If vaccines were good for us, state mandates would not be necessary to force them upon children. A growing number of adults are investigating vaccines, discovering the truth about their contents and refusing injections for their children.
Vaccines are grown on monkey kidneys, in chicken embryos and contain bovine (cow) serum. Vaccines contain particles of viruses, bits of bacteria and measurable amounts of aluminum, formaldehyde, gelatin, polysorbate 80, MSG and other chemicals. A responsible adult who concludes that this combination of pathogens and chemicals can be harmful is not a “countercultural type who views life through a prism of conspiracy theory” as Mr. Allen apparently contends in his book. Understanding that autoimmune reactions can be the consequence of injecting animal cells and foreign chemicals into the body does not require a medical degree or PhD. Instead of calling them names, parents and physicians who challenge the current dogma that has been spoon-fed to us for nearly two centuries should be commended.
According to Oshinsky, Mr. Allen calls for “a frank national discussion about the risks and benefits of vaccination.” I wholeheartedly agree. The real health risks of vaccination are well documented but rarely discussed. Beyond the impact of vaccines on health, the economic ramifications of vaccine injuries need to be exposed. Vaccine manufacturers and government officials attempt to justify the cost of vaccine programs by showing a correlation between dollars spent on immunization and healthcare dollars saved. For example, in 2005 it was reported that vaccinations saved more than $52 billion in total health care costs and 33,000 childrens’ lives.(7) Because injuries are reported as rare, dollars spent to care for those who are injured are never published to balance the other side of the accounting ledger.
Medical expenses of a vaccine-injured person can be substantial and need to be included in the economic profile. A distinct example comes from a study of Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports between 1990 and 1995. A total of 697 patients were identified who experienced syncope (a fainting spell) within 12 hours following vaccinations. Six patients had falls that resulted in a serious head injury, including skull fracture, cerebral bleeding and cerebral contusion. All six patients experienced the episode within 15 minutes of vaccination and were injured either in, or just outside, the doctor's office or clinic where the vaccination was given. Three of these patients required surgery, and two were left with substantial residual deficit at six months to two years after follow-up.(8)
Even though the number of patients in this report is small, these costs of their life-time care could be in the millions of dollars. Keep in mind this report encompasses only one injury example. Similar analyses for all other injuries should be undertaken. The expenditure of healthcare dollars to care for injured individuals could negate any meaningful “savings” touted by vaccine pundits.
Since the federal government is the largest purchaser of vaccines, the cost to the American taxpayer for mandated state vaccination programs needs to be discussed. The Vaccines For Children Program (VFC) allows children and teens to get vaccines through Federally Qualified Health Centers or Rural Health Centers, purchased by government dollars, if their private health insurance does not cover the vaccine. In addition, mandated vaccines increase the cost of insurance for everyone, even those who do not have children or do not want to receive the vaccines. These costs, in addition to the requirement to vaccinate children in exchange for a public education, must be part of that “frank national discussion.”
Yes, Mr. Allen, a nationwide open discussion is long overdue. ____________________________________________________
(1) Oshinsky, David. “Preventive Medicine.” A book review of “VACCINE: The Controversial Story of Medicine’s Greatest Lifesave” published on New York Times Online. February 4, 2007. (2) Barlow, WE. et al. “The risk of seizures after receipt of whole-cell pertussis or measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. N Engl J Med. 2001 Aug 30;345(9):656-61. PMID: 11547719
(3) “A better Diagnosis: What Newsweek Missed,” by Dan Olmsted. January 20, 2006.
(4) M.I.N.D. Institute Study Confirms Autism Increase.
(5) “Genetic cause of autism.” January 18, 2006.
(6)“The Age of Autism: A pretty big secret,” by Dan Olmsted. Dec. 7, 2005. UPI.
(7) Ensuring a Stable Vaccine Supply. May 18, 2005.
(8) Braun MM, et al. Syncope after immunization. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1997;151:255-
(9) Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny is respected as one of the country’s most knowledgeable and outspoken medical physicians regarding the negative impacts of vaccines on health. Through her education company, NMA Media Press, she spreads her vision of retaining freedom of choice in healthcare, including the freedom to refuse vaccination.
Her three hour DVD, Vaccines: The Risk, The Benefits and The Choices,, her new book FOWL! Bird flu: It’s Not What You Think, and many other books, tapes and materials are available at
Her clinic, OsteoMed II in Cleveland, Ohio provides bio-medical treatment for vaccine-injured children. For more information see
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
How Much Are You Paying for Stress in Your Life?
Do you realize how much you are paying for stress in your life? We are so used to everyday stresses that we often do not realize just how much our stresses are costing us. Often we pay in the form of bodily pains, sleeplessness and anxiety. We have become so accustomed to our habits and lifestyle that it is only after our bodies alert us to take action that we begin to instigate change. And even then, sometimes we don’t even realize that our body is sending us messages.
The root cause of most body issues is a mental or physical behavior that is not serving you. Often my clients come to me with digestion, insomnia, or out of control eating issues and are looking for a quick food fix. I am happy to help them change their diet for the better. But in order to really make these food changes stick, first we determine the root lifestyle causes that are resulting in the body’s issues. Is the insomnia caused by late night worrying about a stressful job? Could the digestion issues be triggered every time a certain topic of conversation is brought up?
This principle is best explained with the theory of primary and secondary food that I learned at my nutrition school. Primary foods are those areas of your life that feed you at the heart and soul level – your relationships, career, spirituality, exercise, and family. Secondary foods are the actual foods that you put into your mouth. Primary and secondary foods are intricately connected and are equally important.
When your primary food is not going well, your body can begin to break down and it becomes difficult to make healthy secondary food choices. For example, if you dislike your job, you may start to get chronic headaches everyday at 10 AM – which could lead you to drink three cups of coffee to avoid the pain and stay awake.
While this is all very easy to explain, it can actually be very difficult at times to determine what the true primary food issues are that are causing insomnia or headaches or other body reactions. And it can be even harder to determine solutions that ease the stress. We can’t all quit our jobs immediately or escape on vacations. But sometimes a small lifestyle change can help offset some of the stress that appears in your body as pain, sleeplessness, or feeling out of control. Let me give you a few examples.
This morning I was awakened by a client who was calling me with major stomach distress. She said “Monica, I’m most upset because last week, I was out of town taking care of my mom and the stomach issues went away. Now they are back with a vengeance and I think I am eating most of the same foods.” After we determined that she was for sure eating the same foods, I asked her about stress. She replied “Oh yes, I am taking the GRE exam next week and I haven’t taken a test like that in over ten years. I couldn’t really think about it last week because I was so busy taking care of my mom. But now I am totally focused on it. But I don’t really feel that much stress.” I suggested that she take a fifteen minute break and do some deep breathing or meditation and see if that helped her stomach at all. I told her how in my practice most women report having stomach issues flare up after stress inducing activities like moving to New York or post a relationship break up. Later I received an e-mail that her stomach was feeling much better and she was glad for the reminder to slow down every now and then.
Another client reported that she was having trouble concentrating at work because she repeatedly woke up during the night and was having nightmares. When I asked her about it she said “I just have so much going in my life right now. I’m looking for a new job, moving and dealing with some family issues. But my nightmares aren’t about any of those things. I wake up with a general feeling of panic and anxiety at 3 AM and then I just toss and turn for the rest of the night, trying to go back to sleep.” I suggested that she buy a journal and keep it by her bed. When she woke up at 3 AM, she could grab the journal and just start writing. She replied that she had actually kept a journal for years before she got married but had stopped writing after her marriage and birth of her daughter because she was afraid that someone might find what she had written. So I told her to rip up the pages after she wrote them. The first night she tried it, she wrote for pages and pages – two hours and dozens of pages later she went back to sleep. She is continuing to write at night and I think she will continue for a little while – but the good news is that is finally sleeping soundly during the hours that she does find rest.
In another case, I was doing an initial consultation with a female in her thirties. She was telling me about how she felt like she couldn’t control her eating habits. I asked her to give me an example. She said “Like this morning. I got to work and scarfed down a piece of French toast and a candy bar before 9 AM. I am such a mess.” I paused for a moment and asked her what had happened this morning before she came to work. She replied “I got into a fight with my husband and was late dropping my son off at school.” I suggested that it wasn’t that she was out of control with her eating, but that certain emotions triggered her unhealthy eating spells. She is now becoming more and more aware of her emotions and learning to recognize the danger periods before they result in an out of control food binge.
I am not implying that these cases are so simple that deep breathing or journal writing are the deepest and only solutions, but they are helpful lifestyle fixes that can provide some immediate relief while my clients are working on the deeper issues or bigger life changes.
The next time you are struggling with unexplained sleepless nights, headaches, stomachaches or random aches and pains, look beneath the surface and see what primary food issues may be causing your body to react before you reach for the aspirin or antacid. Then determine if there is a way that you could relieve the stress and anxiety that you are feeling by making a major or minor lifestyle or food change. And if you need a hand, be sure to give Ideal Balance a call.
Founder of Ideal Balance, Monica Shah is a holistic nutrition and life balance expert. She helps busy professionals find simple ways to eat better, exercise and find more balance in their lives. Often called “the irreverent nutritionist”, Monica’s approach to being healthy is simple, fun and long-lasting. To find out more about her program and to sign up for her FREE initial consultation and FREE nutrition tips please visit
The root cause of most body issues is a mental or physical behavior that is not serving you. Often my clients come to me with digestion, insomnia, or out of control eating issues and are looking for a quick food fix. I am happy to help them change their diet for the better. But in order to really make these food changes stick, first we determine the root lifestyle causes that are resulting in the body’s issues. Is the insomnia caused by late night worrying about a stressful job? Could the digestion issues be triggered every time a certain topic of conversation is brought up?
This principle is best explained with the theory of primary and secondary food that I learned at my nutrition school. Primary foods are those areas of your life that feed you at the heart and soul level – your relationships, career, spirituality, exercise, and family. Secondary foods are the actual foods that you put into your mouth. Primary and secondary foods are intricately connected and are equally important.
When your primary food is not going well, your body can begin to break down and it becomes difficult to make healthy secondary food choices. For example, if you dislike your job, you may start to get chronic headaches everyday at 10 AM – which could lead you to drink three cups of coffee to avoid the pain and stay awake.
While this is all very easy to explain, it can actually be very difficult at times to determine what the true primary food issues are that are causing insomnia or headaches or other body reactions. And it can be even harder to determine solutions that ease the stress. We can’t all quit our jobs immediately or escape on vacations. But sometimes a small lifestyle change can help offset some of the stress that appears in your body as pain, sleeplessness, or feeling out of control. Let me give you a few examples.
This morning I was awakened by a client who was calling me with major stomach distress. She said “Monica, I’m most upset because last week, I was out of town taking care of my mom and the stomach issues went away. Now they are back with a vengeance and I think I am eating most of the same foods.” After we determined that she was for sure eating the same foods, I asked her about stress. She replied “Oh yes, I am taking the GRE exam next week and I haven’t taken a test like that in over ten years. I couldn’t really think about it last week because I was so busy taking care of my mom. But now I am totally focused on it. But I don’t really feel that much stress.” I suggested that she take a fifteen minute break and do some deep breathing or meditation and see if that helped her stomach at all. I told her how in my practice most women report having stomach issues flare up after stress inducing activities like moving to New York or post a relationship break up. Later I received an e-mail that her stomach was feeling much better and she was glad for the reminder to slow down every now and then.
Another client reported that she was having trouble concentrating at work because she repeatedly woke up during the night and was having nightmares. When I asked her about it she said “I just have so much going in my life right now. I’m looking for a new job, moving and dealing with some family issues. But my nightmares aren’t about any of those things. I wake up with a general feeling of panic and anxiety at 3 AM and then I just toss and turn for the rest of the night, trying to go back to sleep.” I suggested that she buy a journal and keep it by her bed. When she woke up at 3 AM, she could grab the journal and just start writing. She replied that she had actually kept a journal for years before she got married but had stopped writing after her marriage and birth of her daughter because she was afraid that someone might find what she had written. So I told her to rip up the pages after she wrote them. The first night she tried it, she wrote for pages and pages – two hours and dozens of pages later she went back to sleep. She is continuing to write at night and I think she will continue for a little while – but the good news is that is finally sleeping soundly during the hours that she does find rest.
In another case, I was doing an initial consultation with a female in her thirties. She was telling me about how she felt like she couldn’t control her eating habits. I asked her to give me an example. She said “Like this morning. I got to work and scarfed down a piece of French toast and a candy bar before 9 AM. I am such a mess.” I paused for a moment and asked her what had happened this morning before she came to work. She replied “I got into a fight with my husband and was late dropping my son off at school.” I suggested that it wasn’t that she was out of control with her eating, but that certain emotions triggered her unhealthy eating spells. She is now becoming more and more aware of her emotions and learning to recognize the danger periods before they result in an out of control food binge.
I am not implying that these cases are so simple that deep breathing or journal writing are the deepest and only solutions, but they are helpful lifestyle fixes that can provide some immediate relief while my clients are working on the deeper issues or bigger life changes.
The next time you are struggling with unexplained sleepless nights, headaches, stomachaches or random aches and pains, look beneath the surface and see what primary food issues may be causing your body to react before you reach for the aspirin or antacid. Then determine if there is a way that you could relieve the stress and anxiety that you are feeling by making a major or minor lifestyle or food change. And if you need a hand, be sure to give Ideal Balance a call.
Founder of Ideal Balance, Monica Shah is a holistic nutrition and life balance expert. She helps busy professionals find simple ways to eat better, exercise and find more balance in their lives. Often called “the irreverent nutritionist”, Monica’s approach to being healthy is simple, fun and long-lasting. To find out more about her program and to sign up for her FREE initial consultation and FREE nutrition tips please visit
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stress management
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