Tuesday, August 26, 2008

About the Remedies you Get for Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic treatment is a treatment for depression and the related symptoms. There are many different kinds of depression that come equipped with their own symptoms and causes. The causes can range from loss of a pet, family member, job, a traumatic experience or even for no reason at all. The symptoms are easily recognizable. Here are a few: fatigue, loss of interest in things you used to like, loss of compassion or care, anxiety, and insomnia. Many patients feel that there is no way out. A lot of people do not want pills and drugs or counseling. Since these are the most common types of treatment, there may seem that there is no cure. The answer? Homeopathic treatment.

Homeopathic treatment is a safe and effective way to treat and cure depression and its symptoms. It is natural and mineral-based. The effects are largely on the body’s systems. Biology and psychology go hand in hand; if one is affected, the other will most likely be as well. This treatment focuses on both biological and psychological causes and symptoms and treats both. This treatment is not very common yet. This is for a few reasons; it is quite expensive, it takes a long time and there are only a few Homeopathic treatment centers located in the United States.

This treatment uses different combinations of different therapeutical value, such as natural pills, people and music. Again, the combinations and types of treatment will vary depending on each particular patient. It is usually given in small doses. These doses can be administered in a variety of ways; pellets, drops, pills, globules, granules and liquids. Exact Homeopathy treatments are difficult to decide for each person individually. So, scientists decided to look at each form of depression, the causes, symptoms, effects, and the bio and psychological effects. Then, they were able to group most cases of depression and treat each patient accordingly. Of course, the doses and exact treatments will differ for each person according to health, weight, height, age, etc. This is another reason this treatment is not so popular: this is very difficult and time-consuming for both doctor and patient. This treatment and research also cost a lot of money to the doctors and research facilities.

Since there are so many different types of depression, thus there are many different types of Homeopathic treatment to cure each one, according to symptoms and causes. Some of these types include Pulsatilla, which helps with mood swings and crying for no reason, Natrum Muriaticum, curing the people who shut down when they get sad or angry, and Staphysagria, which treats those who have problems with extreme anger and strong sexual desires. These are just a few common Homeopathic treatments; there are eight well-known or main treatments, but many others that are not as popular.

Questions have been raised, challenging the effectiveness of this treatment. Some claim it is not safe or even effective. Others claim that they have been afflicted with another unrelated biological problem at the time of his or her Homeopathic treatment. The opposing side would argue that this treatment is 100 percent safe and effective. The remedies are all natural and work with the body instead of overriding the systems or overpowering something within the patient’s body. The ingredients in the drug aspects of the treatment are natural and have the same effects as the drug being extracted from a fruit or something of that sort. Homeopathic treatment has been questioned many times, but if you are looking for a cure that is not drugs or therapy, then this could be right for you.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Personal Health Care: Avoiding Alcohol

Alcohol is the universal drink whenever celebrations or get together comes. Although it is considered as a kind of chemical that has a formidable effect on the body and it is not labeled as food. There are several kinds of alcohol. There is alcohol that people use externally and another that the body use internally.

Drinkable alcohol is ethyl alcohol. Fermentation is the process that is used to make the alcohol that people drink. Even though alcohol is widely drank by almost everyone, there are several health considerations on what alcohol can do to our body.

How does alcohol affect the body?

- If a person drank only a small amount of alcohol, it can make him feel relaxed.

- If a person drank more than what is expected, there may have certain alterations with the person’s attitude and behavior. The person can do silly or violent things and their movements become uncoordinated.

Truth is, when a person drinks alcohol, no matter how much the intake is, the only thing that is affected is that person’s balance and coordination. That’s it. It doesn’t affect the way people think and speak. When alcohol goes into a person’s bloodstream, it slows down whatever messages that are coming into the brainbecause alcohol is a depressant drug. That’s why when you feel depressed and you drink alcohol, you will feel more depressed.

Alcohol affects the liver badly. Especially if you made alcohol drinking as part of your everyday living. When it goes to the system, it will take the liver about 24-48 hours to excrete every single alcohol inside the body. When the liver can no longer clean the alcohol, it stays on the liver, thus diseases like liver cirrhosis are produced.

There are several factors that can influence a person to drink alcohol:
- Peer pressure. If you’ve chosen a group of friends that drinks alcohol severely, it will seem that you’re out of place if you didn’t try even a sip. As long as you are within the group, you’ll start to enjoy the taste of alcohol and want more.

- Socialization. Gathering and celebrations always entail alcohol drinking. It is very seldom that you encounter a party without alcohol.

- Curiosity. Kids often get curious with the way adults drink alcohol. When they see their parents drinking, they will ask themselves a lot of things. And because the environment of laughter and cheers are very inviting, there will come a time when they will take the opportunity of trying too.

- Depression. Your boss hates you. Your girlfriend dumped you. You’re completely broke. When you arrive home, there, you see the three bottles of beer sitting on top of your fridge. You grab it and start wondering how your life can end at the very moment. During sadness and melancholy times, a bottle of beer is your only best friend.

Drinking alcohol can have its benefits and downfalls. It can greatly affect a person’s entire being and the way he deals with other people.

One very good benefit of alcohol is that it can dilate blood vessels with the prescribed amount by the doctor. Thus, increasing the amount of blood that flows around the body which is good for the heart. Realizing all the good and bad factors alcohol bring,it would be safe to say that if you can’t avoid it totally, then for your personal health care, drink moderately.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Staying Healthy While Injured

It is a common notion that exercise is one of the standard ways of keeping a person physically fit and physiologically efficient. It is also an avenue of gaining muscles or losing weight. A person who is involved in the exercise is exposed to normal stressors which activate a response from within the body to cope up and meet the demands of such activities. This raises the level of output of a person to some extent and that is a good and beneficial thing because the body is then able to level off with the present. However, there are times when we are injured due to an inappropriate method, or because of an accident, or some other reason. Staying healthy while injured is still possible while exercising without risking the injured body part of further damages or complications.

There is a simple mnemonic called RICE which could aid us how to treat any injury that we have and stay healthy without complicating our injuries further. This stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevate.


With a body injury that we are conscious about, it may be accompanied with pain and discomfort especially with ambulation. Because of this, we may actually not want to move it about and put any pressure on it with activities or such. The only ways to stop these feelings of discomfort and pain would be to take pain killers or rest the injured part. Having to let the injured body part rest is essential for that specific part to efficiently speed up its healing process. Staying healthy while injured may still be accomplished by having the other body parts continue with the exercise routines.


Right after an injury like a sprain or strain, the affected joint or body part begins to swell as body fluids starts to rush to the injury site. This would prove a very uncomfortable feeling and a sensation of numbness if the swelling would cause the impingement of surrounding nerves as well.

This usually happens from several minutes to a few hours after the injury. Healing also becomes a little slower after a swell because the affected area if already full with non-healing fluid. What is needed after an injury that would probably cause a swelling is to apply ice packs on the affected body part and immediate area surrounding it. This is to prevent any vascular vessel to openly allow the flow of fluidtowards it. Since the body is designed to normally shut constrict vessels when cold stimuli is applied, it would help in the slowdown and prevention of unwanted swelling.

However, proper care should be observed as not to totally numb the senses with the cold ice. Maintaining a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius for not more than 15 minutes should be safe. Any longer, and the vascular vessels begin to take a Rebound Effect and actually does the reverse effect for the intended purpose.


Compression is simply the act of wrapping the injured body part with a bandage and covering them securely and snugly to add pressure to the injury. This is done with a couple of hand towels or a bandage wrap. The ice that is supposed to be applied previously could be applied with a compressive method. Furthermore, compression allows for the effect of the ice to be in constant contact with the injured body part.


Elevating the body part after securely fastening and stabilizing the injured body part increases the level of comfort for the person and also speeds up the uninterrupted healing process.

Staying healthy when injured may impede a certain level of maximum body activity efficiency, but still allows continued exercise routine for other unaffected body parts.

Just make sure that priority on this would be to securely prevent any other movements or unnecessary pressure to be placed on the injury.