Saturday, October 18, 2008

Top Five Noted Substances for Homeopathic Depression Treatment

Homeopathy is a traditional form of medicine that can be used to treat acute, short-term conditions such diarrhea as well as chronic conditions such as depression. What exactly is homeopathy? Homeopathy has been used for hundreds of years in Europe. It is a form of medicine that treats the whole body in helping it to heal itself. Homeopathy works under the law of similars. The law of similars submits that a essence that are able to acquire symptoms of sickness in a advantageously individual can, in moment doses, curative standardized symptoms of disease. That is, a substance that results in the symptoms of a disease in a healthy person can also theoretically help stave off the same symptoms in an individual suffering from a similar condition. According to some theories, the body cannot sustain two similar diseases at the same time. That is why homeopaths will treat patients with a substance that is intended to simulate a similar yet artificial disease that can help push the original symptoms out of the system.

Treating Symptoms of Depression with Homeopathy %u2013 The Whole Body Approach

Homeopathy is often used to treat symptoms of chronic conditions such as depression. Homeopathy strives to take a whole body approach to healing the symptoms of depression. This means that your homeopathic doctor will likely take into account your whole person. What exactly does this mean? This means that your homeopathic doctor is likely to take into account your personality, temperament and your physical and emotional health before prescribing a homeopathic remedy. This is an important aspect to keep in mind when considering homeopathic therapy. The same homeopathic doctor might treat three people complaining of the same symptoms with three different homeopathic remedies, depending on their specific complaints. In order to find your specific homeopathic treatment, your doctor will prescribe your treatment according to your constitutional type. Homeopathic doctors believe that constitutional types are made up of both acquired and inherited mental, physical and emotional traits. They believe that these can be matched up to whatever remedy is most likely to improve their health.

Treating Your Depression with Homeopathic Therapies

As with most conditions, treatment of depression is constitutional in nature. Your homeopathic treatment may include dietary recommendations, advice regarding physical exercise, as well as specific substances. Here are five of the most common homeopathic remedies that have been used to treat the symptoms of depression. Any persistent feelings of depression, severe exhaustion or suicidal thoughts should be brought to immediate professional attention.

Pulsatilla. This is a well-known homeopathic remedy that can be used to treat symptoms associated with depression. These may include moodiness, crying spells, increased sensitivity to your environment or feeling like you are not getting enough attention. Pulsatilla is used to help regulate hormonal changes that may be affecting a person%u2019s state of mind. Hormonal changes can often cause people to feel depressed.

Aresenicum. This homeopathic remedy is used to help treat individuals who are complaining of exhaustion, feelings of obsession, demonstrating restlessness or exhaustion or who suffering from chill spells.

Ignatia. This homeopathic remedy is recommended from those suffering from periods of deep grief, such as those suffered after the loss of a loved one or the end of a relationship. It is also recommended for those experiencing wildly swinging moods.

Aurum. This is a homeopathic remedy used to treat individuals who are reporting feelings of worthlessness, low self-esteem and self-disgust.

Tissue Salts. Tissue salts are often used to treat acute, short-term problems. Tissue salts have been show to restore a person%u2019s sense of well-being. For low-grade or seasonal depression, take four tablets under the tongue up to three times daily for two to three weeks.

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