Thursday, January 08, 2009

How To Lose Weight Easily - Watch What You Drink

When you want to lose weight, the first thing that you normally do is start watching what you eat. You may go on some fad diet and cut down on foods that you like. You may eliminate some foods from your diet altogether. But what you may not be concentrating on is what you are drinking.

Many people do not realize the calories that they consume when drinking. If you are like most people, unless you are drinking water all of the time, you are consuming calories. This is especially true if you are drinking a lot of sweet drinks, alcoholic drinks and even so-called health drinks. Most of these are calorie laden and consist of empty calories. They usually do not give you any nutrients but have plenty of sugar.

One way to lose weight easily is to watch what you drink. Eliminate any drinks from your diet that have sugar or alcohol in them. This includes just about everything except black tea, black coffee, unsweetened green tea and water.

If you have been taking health drinks or energy drinks, you should realize that they are loaded with calories. Even so called diet sodas add to your calorie intake, despite the fact that they advertise that they have no calories. If you are serious about losing weight, the best thing that you can do is to switch to water for all of your drinks. If you like a cup of coffee or tea now and then, you should have it without cream or sugar.

Although fresh squeezed orange juice and milk are both good for you and excellent sources of Vitamins C and D, when you are trying to lose weight, these drinks should be avoided. This is because although orange juice is high in Vitamin C, it is also high in sugar. Milk is high in fat, even low fat milk.

Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water each day will take the edge off of your hunger when you are trying to lose weight, has no calories and will keep you hydrated and will also act to boost your metabolism. When you are trying to lose weight, you have to give your metabolism a boost so that you can burn off calories. There is really only one way to lose weight, despite the promise of magic pills and diets, and that is to cut down your calorie consumption and increase your metabolism. Water can help you do both.

Green tea has been said to help promote weight loss. This is true, as long as it is unsweetened green tea. This means tea that you have brewed yourself at home. You can drink it hot or cold, but you cannot sweeten it. Beware of green tea drinks that you see in the market as they usually are loaded with sweeteners. Green tea, unlike black tea, contains caffeine but it is not the same type of caffeine found in black tea. It can work well to boost you metabolism and can be a refreshing change from water.

Watching what you drink is one way that you can help yourself lose weight. While watching your food intake is important during weight loss, your drink consumption is equally important to achieve your ideal weight loss.

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