Thursday, March 15, 2007

Yoga Exercises And How They Lower Blood Pressure

To neutralize the effect of high blood pressure on your organs, to refresh your nervous system are compulsory for a hypertensive, in order to have a normal life.

The neutralization of the effect of high blood pressure on the organs and the refreshment of the nervous system are not only necessary, but also extremely benefic for hypertensives. These goals can be achieved by means of yoga exercises, also known as asanas that proved their efficiency in time and in almost all of the cases.

From the extremely large variety of existing asanas, there are four classes that can be used in the battle against hypertension: forward bends, suspine, inversions and sitting.

The most effective with high blood pressure are considered to be the forward bends, which have various methods to lower blood pressure when it is alarmingly high. Their power to calm the brain and to bring back to the normal standard blood flow to the brain and from it, their stress-reducing effect makes this class of asanas the most popular against hypertension.

The deceleration of the pulse, the regulation of the heart beats, the relaxation of the organs with key-functions in sensitivity and of the sympathetic nervous symptoms are also very frequent effects of forward bends on the patients.

Suspine poses, such as Supta Baddhakonasana concentrate on the relaxation of the abdominal area and induce a state of calm and serenity of the nervous system.

Very effective were proved to be the inversion exercises, which restore the lost vitality of the nerves, control and normalize the pulmonary activity and that of the diaphragm. This multiple benefits contribute to the lowering of blood pressure. Such inversion asanas are Viparita Karanti and Halasana, but the automatic nervous system is also kept under control by means of the pranayama and Svanasana, which manage both to refresh the mind and senses and to contra attack hypertension's effects.

Sitting asanas are the last, but not less important category, because they mange to solve one of the greatest problems of hypertension: breathing. The intercostal muscles and the ribs themselves are also relaxed and released, so the blood pressure lowers. Such asanas are the Virasana and Baddhakonasana.

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Read about symptoms of high blood pressure and the causes of high blood pressure

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