Saturday, March 10, 2007

2 Habits Of Highly Healthy People

There are many conflicting theories as to what the experts consider to be healthy. There are multiple different approaches to living a healthy lifestyle. However, all healthy people do have one thing in common. They have formed positive habits that result in their optimum health level. Let’s look at some of these habits a little closer.

Habit 1: Probably the most important habit that highly healthy people have developed is regular exercise. There are many different schools of thought on this subject as well. How much is enough? As a basic rule, any amount of exercise is better than none. Therefore, if you aren’t currently exercising, start out lightly. Don’t try to run the Boston Marathon tomorrow after reading this. No one wants to go to the gym for a grueling, four hour workout. Anyone can fit 20 minutes of exercise in, though. If you exercise for 20 minutes, at least 3-5 times per week, you’ll be healthier than most of the population. If you can eventually bump that up to an hour per day you’ll be doing great.

What type of exercise should you engage in? There are countless exercises that you can engage in that will greatly benefit you. Probably the most convenient forms are walking and jogging. You can do these two pretty much anywhere. Even if you don’t have a treadmill, just go outside. Besides aerobic exercise, a weight training routine is ideal. Developing muscle helps boost your metabolism and keeps everything running smoothly.

Habit 2: Another factor to a healthy lifestyle is drinking water. This may seem simple, but it is so important. The benefits of drinking water have been proven time and time again. It keeps everything working properly and it actually makes you feel better. After you start exercising, you’ll probably want to drink even more water. If you feel sluggish and tired all of the time, there’s a good chance that you’re dehydrated. Drinking six, eight-ounce glasses per day is great. These two habits are obvious, but two of the most important.

About the Author:

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