Friday, January 25, 2008

Phobia Treatments

One of the most common kinds of anxiety disorders are phobias, which are irrational fears adjoining a definite object or situation. With this kind of disorder, the fear is persisting and reoccurring, even though the feared object or situation entry a individual's existence is often out of control of that individual. This anxiety disorder is affecting up to 18% of Americans and is the second most common mental illness among men and the most common mental illness among woman. For numerous, phobias interfere with everyday life.

Luckily, there is help. There are numerous ways to handle phobias, no matter how they have grown. If you suppose that you suffer from a phobia, no matter what it may be, see your doc immediately. He or she can propose a treatment programme for you so that you can start to beat your fears and take back the control of your daily life. Phobias do not have to say with you forever.

Clinical phobias are separated into three main categories: social phobias (in which a person fears involvement with people and social situations), specific phobias (in which a certain trigger like heights, spiders, water, or flying can cause fear), and agoraphobia (in which a person fears leaving the comfort and familiarity of home or a safe area). There are many different treatments you can try in order to cope with any of these phobias.

Virtual reality is a relatively new kind of treatment used specifically to desensitize a patient. With virtual reality, a person is immersed in fear until becoming immune to it, essentially. You can also actually put the patient in a fearful situation, but this can sometimes be dangerous or expensive, so virtual reality is a great alternative. It also gives patients the chance to pull the plug, so to speak, if needed, so more patients agree to this treatment.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy may also work to help overcome a phobia. With this method, you examine your specific thoughts and behaviors and work to overcome them. You can do this one-on-one with a therapist or in a group setting. By understanding your fears, it may be easier to realize that your fears are irrational.
Anti-anxiety drugs may also help you make strides towards overcoming your phobias. These medications are prescription strength and are available for both long-term and short-term use. One example of a drug that has help people with phobias is benzodiazepine. Often, medication works best in conjunction with other types of therapy treatments.

1 comment:

Dave Carbonell said...

With respect to cognitive behavioral therapy - a very effective treatment for fears and phobias - it's important to note that "realizing the fears are irrational" isn't the most important step. It just sets the stage for the most important part, discontinuing the avoidance and other self protective behaviors which form the phobia itself. So, for instance, a person who grabs the armrest on an airplane, and tries desperately to pretend he/she isn't on an airplane, isn't making himself safer with those methods, but IS making himself more fearful. That's the key ingredient to recovery - allowing oneself to feel afraid, without fighting it.

Dave Carbonell