Sunday, February 03, 2008

Underlying Factors - Depression And Anxiety

Numerous men and women use the effects that nicotine is able to distribute to self physician for depression and anxiety. It has been shown that the nicotine and variant chemicals in cigarettes are able to assist to improve the mood of a person and also to lessen the effects of anxiety.

While this is a impermanent fix there is a require to tackle the underlying problem that is causing the depression as it is able to lead to extra serious consequences.

It is also very difficult to quit smoking when you are feeling depressed as the withdrawal symptoms that can come from quitting smoking and not getting the nicotine fix can cause a person to feel depressed.

By treating the depression properly with counseling, medication or other means a person will have a better chance of quitting smoking.

Anxiety attacks are going to also require to be sorted before any attempts at quitting smoking are attempted as once again cigarettes have in it chemicals that assist to release norepinephrine which lessens the effect of anxiety and depression.

Without the cigarettes to release norepinephrine a human who is feeling depressed or anxious is likely to have increased levels of anxiety and this makes it hard for them to keep their composure when on a program to discontinue smoking.

This is a situation where other alternative methods of quitting smoking such as hypnosis and acupuncture can help add support to mainstream method such as nicotine patches, pills and gum.

Yoga is an extraordinary discipline to carriage the correct breathing techniques and by using these techniques in times of stress and anxiety similar feelings of control to those achieved from smoking can be experienced without the detrimental affect to health.

If you are quitting smoking and notice increased levels of anxiety it might be necessary to use a higher strength medication for your nicotine replacement and drop the strength at a slower rate to help cope with the changes.

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