Thursday, April 26, 2007

Signs of a Heart Attack

If you suspect that you are having a heart attack, it is vital to act on time to avoid serious consequences. Dial 911 immediately to avoid potential death or permanent disability. Heart attacks are a life threatening situation, and every split second matters. If any of the signs listed below are displayed, then it is vital you get to a hospital immediately. Of course, not all of these symptoms will be displayed in every instance of a heart attack. Or, you might find that one or more of the symptoms are recurring. If this happens to you, be sure to get help immediately.

In today’s world, we have the benefit of new and improved treatments and medications for heart attacks and strokes that were not available in the past. Clot busting medications can stop heart attacks in progress and save lives while also reducing the level of potential disability. But in order to be effective, these medications need to be administered immediately – they will not be effective if they are administered too late. This is why it is essential to seek medical treatment as soon as heart attack signs begin to appear.

In addition to smoking and obesity related illnesses, coronary heart disease is responsible for the most deaths in the United States. Strokes are also a leading cause of death, and perhaps the most common cause of permanent disabilities. By keeping informed, you can reduce the risk that a stroke or heart attack will happen to you, realize that you are having a heart attack or stroke, and know what to do in the event that it happens to you.

Signs of a heart attack can be brutal and intense, with heavy chest pain. But oftentimes, the symptoms are so mild that one does not even realize a heart attack has occurred until after the fact. The latter situation is particularly dangerous, because often a person will not seek help until it is way too late. Below, we will take a look at some of the most common signs that a heart attack is in progress.

Common heart attack symptoms include intense chest pains, which can often be felt also in the left arm or jaw, profuse sweating, and a sense of impending doom or morbid fear. Yet many heart attack victims do not have any of these symptoms at all. Or they might experience them in mild form, or have localized pain in their shoulders, arms, back, or abdomen. Sometimes the only symptom is a feeling of heartburn or nausea. When experiencing these mild symptoms, often times people will not regard it as a problem and refuse to seek medical help. It is estimated that around thirty percent of all heart attacks are actually diagnosed as such after the fact. Thus, it is incredibly important that people who are at risk for heart attacks pay attention to anything unusual that occurs in the upper half of their bodies.

If you think you are having a heart attack, get help immediately. It could mean the difference between life and death.

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heart attack early warning signs said...

There are many signs and symptoms of a heart attack but sometimes it is not easy to detect warning signs of heart attack. The warning signs include chest pain, pain in left arm, indigestion, weakness, sweating, vomiting, nausea, etc. Every person differs from other, so the signs may differ. It is very important to take proper medical treatment for any kind of chest pain.

heart attacks in women said...

Heart attacks in women have slightly different symptoms than men. Women who have a heart attack normally experiences the ‘classic’ heart attack symptoms as well as some other symptoms. It is very unusual and strange and so it is misdiagnosed. Women assume that they are less prone to heart attacks but this is not the truth always. Obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking are the risk factors which develop heart attack in women.