Sunday, April 15, 2007

6 Tips for Combating Dust Allergies

The most common treatment for allergies is to simply avoid whatever you're allergic to. While you can stay inside during pollen season, or not eat foods with peanuts, you can't really avoid dust. It's everywhere, and not just where you can see it. You can dust surfaces all your want, there's still millions of dust mites lurking all over your home. The key to staying healthy is to know how to get rid of them. Here are some tips to help you out:

* Get rid of carpet. Hardwood floors may be expensive, but they're a whole lot better for your health. Carpets are a great place for dust mites to hide out and vacuuming does little to rid you of the problem. If you can't get rid of carpet, use a hepa filtered vacuum and a hot water carpet cleaner as often as you can. Another alternative is to have hard flooring with rugs on top. Rugs can easily be washed or steam cleaned to get rid of dust.

* Protect your mattress. Just like your carpet, mattresses are a great place for dust mites to hide. But unlike your mattress, you probably don't spend a third of your life lying on your carpet. Since you probably can't afford to replace your mattress all the time, find specialized allergy covers for your mattress. They also make covers for your pillows too.

* Clean your bedding. Your mattress and pillows aren't the only place in your bed dust mites like to hang out. They can build up in your sheets, blankets and comforters. That's why it's important to wash all your bedding in hot water at least once every two weeks. You should also consider getting a comforter made from a synthetic material rather than down or other natural fibers.

* Filter your air. Most people know you're supposed to change you home's air filters every three months, but that doesn't mean most people do. Stay on top of changing the air filter. Plus, they make special filters that help keep dust and other allergens out of the air you breathe. They cost more, but they're well worth it if you have allergies.

* Go Minimalist. While those little knick knacks all over your house may look nice, they can collect dust like none other. Cut down on the number of items you have sitting out and try to use decorations that are easy to dust or clean.

* Don't just move the dust. Traditional dusters and cloths just push dust off your items. Dust or clean with something that actually picks up the dust (static cleaners work best) and keeps it on the duster. This way you know you're getting rid of it not just moving it somewhere else.

Sure, some of these tips require a lot of work and possibly a bit of money, but the improvement you see in your health will be well worth the effort.

Do you suffer from asthma attacks? Learn how to fight asthma with various method including natural choices or asthma respirators on the Asthma Explained website. Get more helpful information at

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