Friday, October 06, 2006

Children and Headaches

Children are just as susceptible to headaches as adults are. Too much exertion, heat, loud sounds, and bright lights can cause children to have headaches, and if a child feels a great deal of tension, they may have tension headaches as well. Of course, headaches also often accompany fever if a child is ill.

Unfortunately, children cannot take the same pain medication for headaches that adults take, and most children’s medication may not be strong enough to deal with the pain. Young children don’t know how to express how much pain they are in, and may not even realize that what they have is in fact a headache.

When a child can tell you that they have a headache, the first thing you should do is use an over-the-counter children’s pain reliving medication. You can also teach the child some relaxation techniques to help reduce or relieve tension headaches. Remember that the children’s medication may help, but it typically is not strong enough to completely get rid of a headache. Sleep will often take care of a child’s headache.

The child should be given plenty of fluids as well. Often, dehydration will cause a headache, and children tend to lose a lot of body fluids in their day to day activities. If you can keep the child properly hydrated, you will reduce or even prevent headaches.

Since light can cause headaches, consider getting a pair of sunglasses for your child as well. There are sunglasses that are made specifically to prevent headaches, and they make these sunglasses for children as well. Children spend a great deal of time in bright lights - whether the light is artificial, such as fluorescent lighting, or natural, such as sunshine.

If your child has frequent headaches, you should take him or her to your healthcare provider to determine the cause. For frequent painful headaches, prescription medication may be needed.

Head Aches in Every Day Life

A head ache can hit you at any time, without any warning. You have to learn how deal with the head aches from the moment they start. Taking medicine that puts you to sleep at work or in the car is not an option, and you must have an alternate way of dealing with the pain.

By learning how to deal with head aches in a quick way, you can continue to live your life exactly how it should be lived. There are a few things you can try to help with headaches. You can carry medicine that doesn’t put you to sleep; you can try herbal teas and ice packs. You can also use deep breathing and relaxation techniques, as this is very effective especially in the event of stress or tension headaches.

No matter what it is that you do, as long as it works you can go on living your life normally. By finding a way to work around headaches you will be able to overcome them altogether and eventually will stop having them as frequently as before.

The best way to over come head aches is to talk to your doctor, take medicine at the moment a head ache starts, and to just go through your day the same as you would without a head ache.

Head aches can be painful though, and they may stop you from doing some things such as working in strong light, working in loud areas, and even working in places with different smells. Head aches make your body sensitive to light, sounds and smells.

When you are at a job that has bright lights, loud sounds, or strong odors, you may often find that you feel weak, in pain, and sick. Try to prevent the headaches from occurring by using sunglasses to shield your eyes from the bright lights, ear plugs to muffle the loud sounds, and possibly even a filtered mask to avoid the strong odors.

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