Sunday, October 29, 2006


If you, like so many others are beginning to notice that your skin no longer has the youthful appearance that it once had, the skin is starting to loosen and lines are starting to form but don’t feel you are ready for surgery or surgery is not an option for you, then Thermage may be a solution. Thermage is clinically proven to be a safe and effective way to tighten and contour the skin, visibly improving the overall tone, contour and texture. The procedure is completely non-invasive; there is no surgery or injections involved.

The Thermage system has been featured on several talk shows and has been termed “ The non-surgical facelift.” Still the treatment can only be performed by a qualified professional in the office of a physician who specializes in cosmetic procedures. While the procedure does produce similar effects to that of a facelift, it should not be considered a substitute for the surgery. The most dramatic effects and the best outcome from the procedure can be best seen on those who are starting to see the signs of aging. Fine lines, wrinkles and creases around the nose and mouth, skin that appears loose and slight jowls.
For those who have several deep creases and wrinkles, very loose skin and sagging jowls, there may be some slight improvement but the results will most likely not be as vivid.

The skin in our face is made up of three distinct layers. The outermost layer that is visible is the epidermis, just beneath the surface is a collagen rich layer called the dermis and the inner most layer beneath the dermis has a web of collagen fibers that runs through it and is known as the fat, or subcutaneous layer. As the collagen starts to break down and diminish, the epidermis starts to thin resulting in the appearance of loose, or sagging skin, and lines and wrinkles. This process occurs naturally due to sun exposure, heredity and the normal process of aging.

Thermage uses a unique process of delivering radio frequency energy to the deeper layers of the skin. Through a unique patented capacitive radio frequency (CRF) technology called ThermaCool volumetric tissue heating, which is controlled and sustained heat is delivered to the deeper layers of the skin resulting in contracting and tightening of the collagen and the skin. The ThermaCool system uses a highly developed treatment tip called ThermaTip, which allows for the controlled application of heat to the dermis while using a cryogen cooling spray to keep the temperature of the epidermis constant to prevent burning. By safely and uniformly delivering heat to the deeper layer of skin, the collagen initially shrinks resulting in some tightening of the skin and subsequently new collagen will develop resulting in the visible improvement of the tone, contour, texture and overall appearance of the skin.

The procedure itself usually consists of one session and can last for anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours depending on the size and the area that are being treated. Upon arriving for the procedure you will be asked to remove all make-up. For your comfort you may be given an oral pain medication and/or a topical anesthetic depending on the physician who is performing the treatment. The Thermage machine then delivers several pulses of energy, each lasting only a few seconds. You may feel a sensation of heat each time the machine pulses but the sensation lasts only a fraction of a second and is preceded and immediately followed by a cooling sensation. Most patients report only mild to moderate pain during the procedure. Some areas are more sensitive then others and of course everyone has their own tolerance for pain.

There is no downtime or special care required after treatment so you may resume your normal activities almost immediately after the process is completed. If however you are given pain medication you will probably be asked to have someone drive you home. Thermage almost never results in any pain or discomfort following the procedure. You may experience some redness and/or swelling after the procedure that will last from a few hours to a few days. Results vary based on age and skin condition and some may notice immediately that their skin has a smoother, firmer appearance while others may not see any visible difference right away. Most occur and appear gradually over a 6-month period of time with maximum results usually being seen between 3 and 5 months. Unlike other treatments where several sessions are required, one session is usually sufficient. Sometimes a second treatment will be indicated or requested by a patient after 6 months in an attempt to achieve greater results.

Thermage has proven to be the safest non-surgical procedure. Side effects are extremely rare, short lived and may consist of minor skin irritation, redness or swelling and altered sensation. Even more infrequently burning or discoloration of areas of the skin may occur and are generally temporary. The risks associated with the procedure are thought to be minimal at best. There is no clear cut time frame as to how long the effects of Thermage will last. Current studies have shown that the effects can last from 3 to 6 years. The effects have been proven to last for at least 2 thus far.

Unlike other procedures, Thermage works on all complexions, types and tones of skin and all areas of the face. The treatments are being tested on other areas of the body including the neck, chest, elbows, knees and abdomen. For many, the benefits of Thermage include tighter skin and jaw line, improved jowls and tighter skin under the chin, softer lines and creases on the forehead, cheeks and around the nose and mouth, softer crows feet and scowl lines around the eyes, enhanced appearance of the eyes, and the softening of acne scars and reduction of active acne.

Thermage is FDA approved and most physicians offer a free initial consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure and to discuss possible outcomes. The cost of the procedure is variable and depends on the size of the area being treated.

Author Info:

Freelance WriterFreelance WriterFreelance Writer

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