Monday, April 30, 2007
Avoiding Dangerous Weight Loss Practices
Restrictive Diets
When we try to lose weight, the first thing many of us try is to drastically reduce the amount of calories we are consuming. We may even follow a diet that tells us to eliminate certain types of food entirely. This is a mistake.
In order to achieve healthy, permanent weight loss, we need to enjoy foods from all food groups. If we suddenly go on a very restrictive diet, our body’s metabolism will actually slow down in response to the (imaginary) threat of starvation. What we want to do is to follow a simple formula for healthy weight loss: Eat less, exercise more, and do it forever.
Did you know that drinking more water will actually help you lose weight? It’s true! Here’s how it works: One of the main functions a liver performs is to convert the body’s stored fat to energy. Another one of the liver’s jobs is to take over from the kidneys. The kidneys need to have a lot of water in order to function properly. If the kidneys don’t have enough water and the liver has to take over, then the liver’s productivity is greatly lessened. The liver simply can’t metabolize fat as well. When this takes place, your body will store up more fat.
Do make a point of increasing your water consumption. Eight glasses a day is only about two quarts of fluid. Some people prefer to drink their water cold, since the stomach is able to absorb cold water more quickly. If you find that drinking warm water works best for you, then by all means drink it warm. You may also find that when you drink more water, your appetite decreases, too!
Diet Pills
A number of people have turned to appetite-suppressant pills to aid in weight loss. This may seem like an attractive option, but using these products can lead to some dire health issues. Phenylpropanolamine (PPA), an ingredient in both appetite suppressants and cold remedies, has been found to be responsible for over 200 cases of stroke each year.
In addition to the increased risk of sustaining a stroke, consumers of diet pills also can experience such side effects as irritability, insomnia, fatigue, high blood pressure, irregular heart beat, and seizures.
In addition to the health risks associated with their use, diet pills are not a permanent solution to the issue of losing weight. Often, a person who chooses to use these types of products will end up gaining back all the weight he or she has lost.
It’s not quick or easy, but it is possible to reach your goal of losing weight in a safe manner. Make gradual changes to your lifestyle and keep in mind that these should be considered permanent. Avoid a restrictive diet, keep yourself well hydrated, and don’t resort to diet pills. Your health is too important to risk.
Rebecca Crystler is an experienced weight loss expert who has helped literally hundreds of overweight people get back into shape. If you want to learn much more about how to avoid dangerous methods to lose weight and learn more about what actually works, be sure to visit Rebecca's site Definitive Weight Loss for a whole lot of useful information on losing weight.
Friday, April 27, 2007
4 Ways to Feel Better Without Seeing a Doctor

Besides, when you have to see the doctor, it takes your time, possibly one of your few vacation days you get per year. It takes your money and it’s just not on most people’s list as to how they want to spend an afternoon. Here are a few suggestions that you can start doing today that won’t take a penny out of your pocket and you’ll reap big results in a short time.
1) Get More ExerciseHave you ever sat around the house all day and never felt good? Now get out and do something active. You don’t have to run for miles at a time to feel better. Take a 20 minute walk around your neighborhood with your spouse. Play basketball with the kids. On top of the known physical benefits exercise is a proven mood booster.
2) Think before you eat
I’m not a dietician but I do understand how you feel is directly related as to what and how much you consume. My personal rule of thumb: Before you eat think about how you will feel an hour later I love fried chicken, but if I eat it at lunch I know it may satisfy my hunger for the moment, but it does nothing to nourish my body and mind of vital nutrients. So, shortly thereafter I feel tired, slow and worse yet, hungry. So there you have it you have heard it for years. Look before you leap.
3) Slow down
Did you know it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to send the signal to your brain that it is full? That’s right, so if you are still sitting at the dinner table enjoying your food and you start to feel full; it is actually too late you have officially overeaten. If you are dining with a family member or a friend enjoy the conversation and take your time. If you are alone put your fork down between bites and chew your food thoroughly. Savor it and when your hunger is satisfied just stop eating. You will actually enjoy it more. You will be amazed at how little food you actually need.
4) Get More Sleep
Think about when you get 8 good hours of sleep. You feel better when you wake up. You don’t hit the snooze button 4 times to get the extra few minutes. (Which isn’t going to do you any good). Everything seems to just be easier during the day from walking to your decision making at work. Your mood improves, you have more patience (an important trait for all you parents out there), among countless other positives. Here are some frightening statistics: 70% of adults’ average less than 6 hours of sleep per night. If you miss 1 hour sleep for a week straight it has the same effect as staying awake 24 hours straight once a week.
Sounds too simple to work? Try it. It shouldn’t be rocket science to learn how to feel good. These are steps that anyone can start doing immediately to feel better today.
Mike T. Smith is a father, husband, son and a brother. He is a student of life and uses his life experiences to help others.
To reach Mike directly you may visit his site at
or call him directly at (901) 387-0243.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Signs of a Heart Attack
In today’s world, we have the benefit of new and improved treatments and medications for heart attacks and strokes that were not available in the past. Clot busting medications can stop heart attacks in progress and save lives while also reducing the level of potential disability. But in order to be effective, these medications need to be administered immediately – they will not be effective if they are administered too late. This is why it is essential to seek medical treatment as soon as heart attack signs begin to appear.
In addition to smoking and obesity related illnesses, coronary heart disease is responsible for the most deaths in the United States. Strokes are also a leading cause of death, and perhaps the most common cause of permanent disabilities. By keeping informed, you can reduce the risk that a stroke or heart attack will happen to you, realize that you are having a heart attack or stroke, and know what to do in the event that it happens to you.
Signs of a heart attack can be brutal and intense, with heavy chest pain. But oftentimes, the symptoms are so mild that one does not even realize a heart attack has occurred until after the fact. The latter situation is particularly dangerous, because often a person will not seek help until it is way too late. Below, we will take a look at some of the most common signs that a heart attack is in progress.
Common heart attack symptoms include intense chest pains, which can often be felt also in the left arm or jaw, profuse sweating, and a sense of impending doom or morbid fear. Yet many heart attack victims do not have any of these symptoms at all. Or they might experience them in mild form, or have localized pain in their shoulders, arms, back, or abdomen. Sometimes the only symptom is a feeling of heartburn or nausea. When experiencing these mild symptoms, often times people will not regard it as a problem and refuse to seek medical help. It is estimated that around thirty percent of all heart attacks are actually diagnosed as such after the fact. Thus, it is incredibly important that people who are at risk for heart attacks pay attention to anything unusual that occurs in the upper half of their bodies.
If you think you are having a heart attack, get help immediately. It could mean the difference between life and death.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Pay Attention To Your Health Care Provider's Advice For Better Health
Your health care provider has spent a number of years dedicated to learning all they can about human health from diagnosing illnesses to determining the best course of action to either cancel out the ailment or at least make you comfortable living with the illness.
It is always important to have a good relationship with your health care provider. It may also help to get to know the people who work in the office as well, as developing a great relationship with those in charge of your health care is always a good idea. Making sure they know your personal condition can help your health care provider better understand your medical situation.
If you make a decision that you want to try alternative medications, such as herbal or all natural ingredients, you should always check with your health care provider about how they could work together with your current medications and what effect, if any, that they could have on your medications stability.
Furthermore, if you end up hospitalized your health care provider may not be the doctor keeping up with your progress in the hospital, rather they may turn that aspect of your health care to specialists involved in additional care involving the issues that have placed you in the hospital. Pay attention to your health care provider's advice, it could save your life.
Vincent Isom is a specialist on health and life related information. For more articles like this please visit,
Saturday, April 21, 2007
22 Ways To A Good Night's Sleep
How many of you consider the importance of sleep in relation to fat-loss, injury prevention and recovery, lack of focus, and overall health and vitality?
According to a study published in the Lancet Medical Journal (1) chronic sleep deprivation may speed the onset or increase the severity of age-related conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and memory loss.
Just one week of sleep deprivation altered subject’s hormone levels and their capacity to metabolize carbohydrates.
During sleep deprivation the researchers found that the men's blood sugar levels took 40% longer to drop following a high-carbohydrate meal, compared with the control group (well rested group).
Their ability to secrete and respond to the hormone insulin (which helps regulate blood sugar) dropped by 30%.
Additionally, the sleep-deprived men had higher night-time concentrations of the hormone cortisol, (hormone released in response to stress), and lower levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone.
These raised cortisol levels mimic levels that are often seen in older people, and may be involved in age-related insulin resistance and memory loss.
So with that in mind here are some helpful tips to getting a good night’s sleep:
1. Get to sleep by 10.00 pm if possible – as most of the physical repair in your body takes place between 10 pm and 2 am. For example the gallbladder dumps toxins during this period. If you are awake then your liver is being overworked and perhaps sending toxins into your bloodstream.
2. Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine such as soaking in a hot bath and then reading a book or listening to soothing music. Some studies suggest that soaking in hot water before retiring to bed can ease the transition into deeper sleep, but it should be done early enough that you are no longer sweating or over-heated.
3. Create a sleep-conducive environment that is dark, quiet, comfortable, cool, and without interruptions. Design your sleep environment to establish the conditions you need for sleep. Also make your bedroom reflective of the value you place on sleep. If there is even the tiniest bit of light in the room it can disrupt your circadian rhythm and your pineal gland's production of melatonin and serotonin (growth and immune boasting hormones).
4. Avoid arousing activities before bedtime like working, paying bills, engaging in competitive games or family problem-solving.
5. Avoid exposure to bright light before bedtime because it signals the neurons that help control the sleep-wake cycle that it is time to awaken, not to sleep.
6. Keep the light off when you go to the bathroom at night. As soon as you turn on that light you will immediately cease all production of the important sleep aid melatonin.
7. Eating a high-protein snack several hours before bed works for many (but not all as it depends on metabolic type). This can provide the L-tryptophan needed to produce melatonin and serotonin. Also eat a small piece of fruit. This can help the L-tryptophan cross the blood-brain barrier.
8. Avoid foods that you may be sensitive to. This is particularly true for dairy and wheat products, as they may have effect on sleep, such as causing apnea, excess congestion, gastrointestinal upset, and gas, among others. Additionally grains will raise blood sugar and inhibit sleep. Later, when blood sugar drops too low (hypoglycemia), you might wake up and not be able to fall back asleep.
9. Exercise regularly. It is best to complete your workout at least a few hours before bedtime. In general, exercising regularly makes it easier to fall asleep and contributes to sounder sleep. However, exercising sporadically or right before going to bed will make falling asleep more difficult. In addition to making us more alert, our body temperature rises during exercise, and takes as much as 6 hours to begin to drop. A cooler body temperature is associated with sleep onset.
10. Wear socks to bed. Due to the fact that they have the poorest circulation, the feet often feel cold before the rest of the body does. A study has shown that this reduces night waking.
11. Remove the clock from view. It will only add to your worry when constantly staring at it... 2 am...3 am... 4:30 am...
12. Use your bedroom only for sleep and sex to strengthen the association between bed and sleep. It is best to take work materials, computers and televisions out of the sleeping environment.
13. Using dimmer switches in living rooms and bathrooms before bed can be helpful.
14. Journaling. If you often lay in bed with your mind racing, it might be helpful keep a journal and write down your thoughts before bed.
15. Avoid caffeine (e.g. coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate) close to bedtime. It can keep you awake as caffeine is a stimulant, which means it can produce an alerting effect. Caffeine products remain in the body on average from 3 to 5 hours, but they can affect some people up to 12 hours later. Even if you do not think caffeine affects you, it may be disrupting and changing the quality of your sleep.
16. Avoid nicotine (e.g. cigarettes, tobacco products). When smokers go to sleep, they experience withdrawal symptoms from nicotine, which causes sleep problems.
17. Avoid alcohol close to bedtime. Although many people think of alcohol as a sedative, it actually disrupts sleep, causing nighttime awakenings. Alcohol will also keep you from falling into the deeper stages of sleep, where the body does most of its healing.
18. Avoid using loud alarm clocks. It is very stressful on the body to be awoken suddenly. If you are regularly getting enough sleep, they should be unnecessary.
19. Avoid drinking any fluids within 2 hours of going to bed. This will reduce the likelihood of needing to get up and go to the bathroom or at least minimize the frequency.
20. Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows. Make sure your mattress is supportive and have comfortable pillows. Make the room attractive and inviting for sleep but also free of allergens that might affect you and objects that might cause you to slip or fall if you have to get up during the night.
21. Listen to white noise or relaxation CDs. Some people find nature sounds like rainfall or ocean waves, or white noise soothing for sleep.
22. Herbs including chamomile and valerian are regarded as natural relaxants.
Happy Sleeping! :-)
Your 3d Coach
Craig Burton
(1) The Lancet October 23, 1999, 354:1435-1439
About the Author:
Article by Craig Burton. Craig is a prominent European based holistic health and fitness coach with more than 15 years experience. Craig is a Sports Science graduate of Edith Cowan University and has postgraduate accreditations in nutrition, massage, athletic training, and corrective exercise therapy. He is the author of "The 21 Day Roadmap to Health" available at
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Friday, April 20, 2007
The Benefits of Organic Milk or is it just plain Hype?

The popular press is going cow-wild over research that supposedly proves organic milk is healthier than conventional milk. Lets look into this a bit deeper….
Organic milk has all the nutritional goodness of non-organic milk but due to the cows more natural diet, it also has some additional health benefits such as higher levels of vitamin A, E and antioxidants.
The main issue that the organic milk industry is advertising is the high content of omega-3 fatty acids, found abundantly in oily fish (such as salmon, herring and cod) and walnut and fish oil. Omega-3s have been thought to protect against cancer and heart disease. This high content is great news as most people in the UK are deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids, which are also essential for maintaining supple and flexible joints, healthy growth and strong bones and teeth.
But are these benefits just empty nutritional superiority claims? Many commentators argue that the amount of Omega 3 is that small that people should eat fish at least once a month instead, and that buying organic milk for this purpose is nonsense.
The British Food Standards Agency says it will review the matter but has yet to be convinced that organic milk is any more nutritious than non organic milk. The lack of conclusive scientific research on the nutritional benefits of organic milk could lead to negativity in the overall organic market.
My thoughts are this….you pay an organic price premium but you could be getting extra Vitamins, Omega 3, non-GM contaminated milk plus supporting your green lifestyle and a traditional way of farming. On that, I for one am prepared to pay extra and will continue to drink organic milk.
Source: Free Articles from
I work with the Green Directory and the Ethical Directory to promote a greener and healthier lifestyle. I also promote eco friendly Jobs and Employers at
Sunday, April 15, 2007
6 Tips for Combating Dust Allergies
The most common treatment for allergies is to simply avoid whatever you're allergic to. While you can stay inside during pollen season, or not eat foods with peanuts, you can't really avoid dust. It's everywhere, and not just where you can see it. You can dust surfaces all your want, there's still millions of dust mites lurking all over your home. The key to staying healthy is to know how to get rid of them. Here are some tips to help you out:
* Get rid of carpet. Hardwood floors may be expensive, but they're a whole lot better for your health. Carpets are a great place for dust mites to hide out and vacuuming does little to rid you of the problem. If you can't get rid of carpet, use a hepa filtered vacuum and a hot water carpet cleaner as often as you can. Another alternative is to have hard flooring with rugs on top. Rugs can easily be washed or steam cleaned to get rid of dust.
* Protect your mattress. Just like your carpet, mattresses are a great place for dust mites to hide. But unlike your mattress, you probably don't spend a third of your life lying on your carpet. Since you probably can't afford to replace your mattress all the time, find specialized allergy covers for your mattress. They also make covers for your pillows too.
* Clean your bedding. Your mattress and pillows aren't the only place in your bed dust mites like to hang out. They can build up in your sheets, blankets and comforters. That's why it's important to wash all your bedding in hot water at least once every two weeks. You should also consider getting a comforter made from a synthetic material rather than down or other natural fibers.
* Filter your air. Most people know you're supposed to change you home's air filters every three months, but that doesn't mean most people do. Stay on top of changing the air filter. Plus, they make special filters that help keep dust and other allergens out of the air you breathe. They cost more, but they're well worth it if you have allergies.
* Go Minimalist. While those little knick knacks all over your house may look nice, they can collect dust like none other. Cut down on the number of items you have sitting out and try to use decorations that are easy to dust or clean.
* Don't just move the dust. Traditional dusters and cloths just push dust off your items. Dust or clean with something that actually picks up the dust (static cleaners work best) and keeps it on the duster. This way you know you're getting rid of it not just moving it somewhere else.
Sure, some of these tips require a lot of work and possibly a bit of money, but the improvement you see in your health will be well worth the effort.
Do you suffer from asthma attacks? Learn how to fight asthma with various method including natural choices or asthma respirators on the Asthma Explained website. Get more helpful information at
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Natural Herbal Remedies And Their Many Benefits
With more and more herbal products available in the market place, you ought to be aware that natural herbal remedies are becoming increasingly popular nowadays. You would have heard that you can use natural herbal remedies to cure ailments in place of using conventional synthetic medications. But you simply may have no idea where to start learning about herbs. To begin with, there are thousands of herbs, not to mention herbs from the east such as Chinese medicinal herbs and Ayurvedic herbs. This article should give you a broad overview of natural herbal remedies and their many healing benefits. Hopefully, in time, you can grow to know about the basic principles of herbal therapy and how to use herbs in your daily life.
You first need to understand what natural herbal remedies are. Natural herbal remedies refer to medicinal plants that aid in healing and in creating more health and wellness. Although herbal therapy is one of the oldest methods of healing, it is often referred to as alternative or complementary medicine today. This is because any form of healing, other than using synthetic drug therapy and surgery, is considered alternative.
Herbs contain beneficial chemical properties. For example, many plants contain saponins, a compound known for helping in bowel removal as well as for breaking down excess mucus. Some herbs also contain tannins, which are chemical compounds that can help reduce bleeding. Many of the compounds derived from natural herbal remedies are also being added to commercially manufactured pharmaceutical drugs and sold as a powerful combination today.
To derive benefits from natural herbal remedies, drink them in the form of herbal teas. They are also commonly prepared in a tincture, which is a concentrated liquid extract. There are also plenty of different kinds of herbs that can be eaten fresh. Many herbs can also be used as compresses, creams, poultices, and salves. They are also commonly used in topical applications in the form of essential oils. Pharmaceutical companies also package herbs as supplements in the form of capsules or powder.
Most of these medicinal herbs are used to treat specific conditions, boost overall health, or even used as a complementary treatment to conventional medicine. For example, some of them can also be used to reduce the side effects of some prescription drugs. However, before you do this, you have to ask your doctor if the natural herbal remedies used would interact negatively with your prescription drugs.
Natural herbal remedies can be very effective for many of the mild symptoms that you experience on a day to day basis. Additionally, there are also some powerful herbal remedies that can also be used to treat chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular disease and memory problems.
Be careful, though. Just because herbs are natural, they are not completely safe. Many natural herbal remedies can have powerful effects. Taken on a long term basis and in large doses, they can be toxic. As such, it is important to get to know about the herb that you are using.
Evelyn Lim is a researcher into natural herbal remedies Her findings are that non-drug treatments for some common ailments can be just as effective. For free information, please visit her site
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Monday, April 09, 2007
Vitamins And Minerals Are Health Magnets For Our Body's Circulatory System

One of the things we can do to help keep our circulatory system healthy is to make sure that we are properly nourishing it with healthy diet filled with vitamins and minerals.
Vitamin C is responsible for strengthening the walls of the blood vessels throughout the body. This has to do with its role in the production of collagen, which is an essential connective tissue. Copper is a mineral that is necessary for the process of making the body’s connective tissue. Biotin is critical to the health of the circulatory system, as well as to the circulatory system’s performance, as it has a function in a number of essential enzyme processes.
Vitamin E helps to promote the healthy functioning of the circulatory system in a couple of ways. It helps to dilate the veins and it has a role in the controlling of blood clotting. Another important aspect of Vitamin E is its antioxidant properties, something that it shares with Vitamin C. These vitamins, with the help of other antioxidants, serve in the essential capacity of bringing free radicals, which if left unchecked can damage body tissue, under control.
Potassium, long known as being beneficial to the heart also serves other parts of the circulatory system. One important function of potassium is to control blood pressure and fluid stability in the circulatory system. Sodium shares in these important functions of maintaining the blood’s balance and pressure. We hear so much about the negatives of sodium that it’s easy to forget that sodium is, in reality, a mineral that is essential to the body’s functioning, particularly in the circulatory system. The key to sodium is moderation, a little is necessary but too much could be dangerous.
It’s apparent that the circulatory system is essential to a healthy body. It makes sense to support its functions with a diet that meets the recommended daily levels of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Because the proper balance of nutrients is so vital to the functioning of our bodies and its supporting systems, choose your nutritional supplements carefully. Choosing top quality ingredients will insure that you are doing your body good and not spending money unwisely. Make your circulatory system happy, feed it!
About the Author:
Web publisher, Holly Dodd writes articles about Nutritional Supplements for her website For related articles and other resources, visit Holly's website:
Read more articles by: Holly Dodd
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Saturday, April 07, 2007
You Are No Good To Anyone Dead - Health Tips For The IT Professional
When was the last time you took a good hard long look at your overall health? Was it days, weeks, months or even years ago? Do you think that you are an iron man and can persevere through anything? I was once in that state of mind, nothing could knock me down, maybe just pushed back a bit which allowed me to recover well. Not anymore!
A lot of things have changed since those days. Those days weren’t all that long ago. Today my overall health is one of the most important strategies in my personal business plan and a key in my life plan. I am no good to anyone dead. To my family, business, friends or anyone that cares about me.
The wakeup call occurred one day when I was pushing close to the three hundred pound mark and my knees were seriously hurting due the strain of the extra weight I was carrying around. Some days my knees would lock up tight to the point where I couldn’t even get up because of the amount of pain. I was tired all the time, and I was no good to anyone, I lost the drive and desire because I was frustrated with myself and that I chose to gain all this weight. No one force feed the hot dogs at the hot dog stand to me as I went between clients or the extra plate at the buffet. I chose that lifestyle.
Since then I have dropped close to fifty pounds and starting to feel a lot better, not as tired, I have more energy and I do not need to sleep nearly as long to feel totally rested. This a great place to be. How did I get there?
No miracle diets, no special potions, simple eating the right feeds with a combination of a good exercise program. That is it, pretty straightforward. Instead of taking that quick hot dog on a way to a client’s office, I plan daily to eat healthy, have a good lunch in the middle of the day, something that will contribute to my overall well being and give me long lasting energy for the entire afternoon. Another tip - cut out the junk food snacks. Bring snacks in the office or carry along with you that are healthy. I am not a healthcare professional; I recommend that you consult with someone that specializes in diet to understand what is best for you.
One additional tip that I can share with you on my experiences is that I have cut out drinking soft drinks and other beverages along the same lines. During the day, I drink nothing but water and try to cut down on the amount of coffee that I drink. I find that drinking water during the day keeps my mental retention high and focused on my tasks at hand. I can’t say what water is better than others, I just have the regular water in our water cooler, and it seems to be working for me.
Your health as an IT consultant or business owner is critical to your success, without you running your business, will your business survive? How would poor health affect your family life? These are questions you need to ask yourself. It is even more critical when you are a sole entrepreneur, when you are not able to function, create your work, sell your solutions – where is the money coming in from? Having a healthy lifestyle combined with the recommended amount of exercise will aid in you having that competitive advantage in the marketplace. Give you the energy to shine over perhaps your competition that can’t keep pace with you. There are a lot of reasons to choose a healthy standard of living, what is yours?
Stuart Crawford is a business leader in the Calgary, Alberta small business computer consulting business. He has taken his best practices of success in this market and is sharing this with other IT consultants throughout the world. He can be reached at Stuart also managed the Canadian Small Business Show at Stuart recently completed his first book on computer challenges for the average person, visit for more information.
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Thursday, April 05, 2007
Understand the Bird Flu Symptoms to Fight Against Bird Flu

The recorded bird flu symptoms among humans include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle pains and conjunctivitis. Other kinds of complications for people who contracted these illnesses include eye infections and acute respiratory distress. The most fearsome effect of the bird flu on humans are breathing disorders, such as pneumonia, and other severely life threatening complications that may eventually lead to death.
Since this condition is very dangerous, bird flu preparation is the key needed to prevent this life threatening disease from becoming a full-blown flu pandemic. People around the world need to be equipped with the basic awareness of the disease, such as understanding bird flu symptoms and how to prevent it, and should communicate and cooperate in the worldwide pursuit of ending the chain of bird flu victims.
What are the necessary things to do to prevent bird flu infection? How would you know if the person around you is suffering from this rare disease? What symptoms are they showing when one is affected by this condition? What should you do if you suspect a family member has avian flu? These are just among the many questions that you should know of the answer.
Prevention is definitely the most important thing in this battle. There might unfortunately be a very slim chance for cure when you are already infected by the disease. That is why prevention is so important.
The first preventive step in fighting off avian flu is for a person to wear a bird flu mask, especially if he or she will be exposed to fowl for longer than usual, such as those people who are working in a veterinary clinic, pet shops or poultry farms, or one who has already showed some bird flu symptoms. Some bird flu masks are equipped with nano-particles that are proven to be highly effective in eliminating viruses and bacteria. These masks (which are usually disposable) effectively isolate and destroy bacteria and viruses, thus preventing their unwelcome entrance to the human body.
Bird flu infestation has been a big threat to animals and humans as well. We have to give our sustained effort to fight off this influenza, especially since it has been reported to be evolving fast into becoming a highly contagious disease. Be sure to take action immediately, either by called for medical help or isolation till medical help arrives, when you notice bird flu symptoms. In doing so, you can help to prevent this deadly virus from spreading further.
Looking for more info on bird flu? Click for more top and latest info on Bird Flu Symptom or visit
Christopher Wen is the webmaster for greenHealth information site where he provides articles, news, and remedies to current health issues we faced in our everyday life. Check out his blog at
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Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Woman Stress - Stress Management Tips For Women

Yoga is a great way to not only manage stress, but also strengthen and tone your body with its stretching and flexing. With Zen, on the other hand, you quiet your body and meditate, or focus your mind on a single thing. What you meditate on is determined by your own convictions.
Other tried and true woman stress management practices include deep breathing exercise, light physical exercise (such as taking a 15 minute walk), reading, getting out into nature, and listening to your favorite music. Some people may prefer their favorite recreational activity such as playing a round of bingo or a few rounds of bowling. Others choose less healthy activities such as binge eating, drinking alcohol, or smoking. While these methods of stress management may certainly reduce a person's stress, they may cause other health problems. Other, less well-known, stress management methods include hypnosis or acupuncture, which may only be administered by a professional who can be easily found with an Internet or yellow pages search.
When you decide that relieving your stress level is what has to be done, consult your doctor. He or she will be able to determine whether your chosen method will be the best for you, and any adverse effects will then be discussed. Your physician may prescribe medication for you if you are at a risk for other problems. What you do not want to do is nothing at all. Continually high stress levels put people at risk for problems such as heart attack and stroke.
Maintaining a relaxed body and mind is the first step in being able to manage stress well. Everyone has stress in their lives, and there are just as many therapies to reduce that stress. Being able to adequately manage the stress in one's life can help you improve your mental and physical health.
Mom stress occurs every day but little attention is given to it. Its just considered part of mothering. But there is help available because women need stress relief just like everyone else. For woman stress tips visit:
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Monday, April 02, 2007
What You Should Know About Crohns Herbal Treatments
Many Crohn's disease sufferers know that there are many treatments they can try to get rid of some of their pain, but most aren't sure about trying something that might be considered to be an alternative treatment, such as crohns herbal treatments.
There are many different remedies you can try if you are interested in going down the Crohns herbal treatment path, but you do have to be careful. Just because a treatment is considered to be natural does not mean it is safe for you to take. There are complications of which you may not have considered, and even if your doctor does not like the idea of what you are doing, you can't just ditch them.
There are many doctors who will not want you to take herbs to help with your Crohn's symptoms. There are many reasons for this. Some simply believe that herbs do not work and that you are wasting your time and money. If your doctor has this attitude and you wish to explore natural options change doctor's, as it's important to have your doctor on your side, as there are real concerns about herbal remedies that you should take seriously.
Some herbs can react with prescription medication with very nasty side effects, and some of them might be dangerous to you. Even though they are natural, that does not mean they can't hurt you if they mix with other things.
You should do a lot of research on herbs before you try them, and remember to run your ideas of what to take past a qualified professional. Some of the most common herbs used to help with Crohn's symptoms are harmless, but they can have unwanted results when they aren't taken correctly. These are some common herbs that you might already use. Peppermint helps calm the stomach and the rest of the digestive system, teas like green tea and chamomile also help relieve symptoms.
You can also try remedies such as aloe vera juice for some relief. This product can come in many forms, and you have to make sure you are getting a quality version. Slippery elm bark is another common crohn's reliever.
There are many herbal mixes you can buy, and you'll find many of them online. These tend to come in the correct quantities so you don't have to worry about getting the dosages right, but you do have to know every single item that is included in any remedy before you take them. Most products give the advice that they should be used in conjunction with whatever your doctor recommends, and they should not be used in place of medical treatment. It's also important to note any warnings of interaction with prescribed medications and to follow the instructions on the packaging carefully.
When you want to try a Crohns herbal treatment, there is one very important thing that you have to remember. You should never take anything without talking to your doctor, as it could be dangerous for you to avoid your doctor and take anything you think might help. Though your doctor might not be thrilled with the idea of you taking crohns herbal treatments to help with your condition, they would rather help you work though it than have you self medicate, which could have serious consequences.