Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Just Breathe - Deep Breathing to Assist Good Health

By Kathryn Lively

It is often described as a natural high, to just take in a deep breath and slowly exhale. Perhaps you feel a dizzying sensation as a result, a mild feeling of euphoria accompanied by a desire to relax. Careful breathing exercises can be beneficial to the body if done properly, and may even assist in expediting weight loss.

What is it about breathing that can help you take off the pounds? It would be a dream on earth is just a few minutes a day of deep breathing could melt away the fat, but we all know it take more than that. What a few minutes of deep breathing can do, however, is stimulate the body enough to want to lose the weight.

When you have some free time, take a moment to lie flat on your back, legs uncrossed, hands gently folded over your abdomen. Slowly inhale through your nose and let your diaphragm expand, that's the muscle wall between your chest and abdomen. Let it fill with good, clean air, don't suck in your gut as that will prevent your lungs from being filled. Normally when we go through the day, we do not fill our lungs as much as we should, therefore our body misses out on the benefits of clean air to purify us from the inside out.

Take in the air and hold it for twenty seconds or more, then slowly exhale through your mouth. Do you feel lightheaded, more energetic? The oxygen you intake enters your bloodstream, helping to clear away buildup in the arteries and other waste. As a result, the blood gets a bit more purified, and pumps throughout the body more quickly. You become more energized and willing to exercise. This is what helps burn calories, and eventually takes off pounds when you combine this practice with a good diet.

The more you breathe deeply, the better for your body. For a natural energy boost and stress reliever, just close your eyes, inhale, count slowly and exhale. In just a few minutes you will feel better and want to do better by your body and mind.

Kathryn Lively is The Write SEO and a freelance health and travel writer for Compuslim, custom fit weight loss for busy lifestyles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathryn_Lively

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