Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Perfect Food

Is there a perfect food for the human species – one food above all others that would provide all the necessary ingredients to keep a human body in a state of health and happiness?

It is generally believed that as long as we eat a variety of foods in the correct proportions, we can be sure of getting all the minerals so necessary to health.

And even if we were to produce ‘the perfect food’, we must be realists and recognise that many people would not be able to take advantage of it, and would therefore, feel frustrated and cheated.

But for the sake of this discussion, let us assume that the reader is interested in determining if, in fact, there is a food – to the exclusion of all others - that will satisfy our dietary needs.

I believe that there is a food of such quality and I hope that the rest of this article provides a great deal of ‘food for thought.’

Before we begin, I must state that this line of reasoning would apply of course, only to those already in an excellent state of health.

The test of a perfect food is that the analysis will show that;

• it has all the minerals required in ample proportions.

• it must always be available at all seasons in a subtropical climate.

• it must be suitable for a newly weaned baby,

• for youth,

• middle age and

• old age.

• It must appeal to the senses of smell and taste,

• be palatable, and

• require thorough mastication.

The food that answers all these requirements is the Coconut.

• The Coconut is always fresh because it grows in all seasons.

• There are always nuts at three stages of maturity on the tree.

• A baby whose rate of metabolism requires a softer and more quickly digesting food can take the pulp and milk of the young coconut.

• As the child develops and the metabolic rate slows down, the child can gradually eat the more mature nuts.

• At old age, the younger nuts can again be eaten.

• As human mothers milk tastes like nuts this is a good indication that this is the food that is natural for human beings to eat - Cows milk has no such nutty flavour.

• The coconut kernel and milk eaten together produce the complete food for man and meet the requirements of every test.

• It comes nearest to the analysis of human mother’s milk than any other food.

Please name me any other food that ‘brings as much to the table’ as the humble coconut.

Unfortunately, as I stated at the beginning of the article, due to geographical restrictions, many people in the world are unable to enjoy the benefits attributed to this wonderful food.

Writing this article has brought back a flood of memories from my time living in the sub-tropical region of Nth Queensland in Australia.

I remember an article that my teacher, Mr, Jaffrey wrote about the coconut – ‘My Friend the Coconut’

If you would like to have a copy of this very interesting article send me an email – and put the word coconut in the subject line.

All the best for your health,


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