Friday, December 15, 2006

Your Body; How Stress Affects Health

By Michelle Bery

In today’s chaotic times there are few among us who are strangers to stress. Be it the chaotic work schedule that leaves us overwhelmed and exhausted at the end of the day, financial difficulties that are never far from our minds, or family conflicts that threaten to leave us emotionally depleted, we have all suffered from stress at one time or another.

And while a certain amount of stress can be a positive and motivating tool – encouraging us to complete tasks and meet deadlines – long term and consistently high levels of stress can enormously impact our lives.

We’ve always known that stress affects health. But now, more than ever, experts are examining the correlation between stress and the physical welfare of the body.

Stress affects health in a number of ways. The physical manifestations of stress can include increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and sleep disorders. Stress can also often be reflected in poor eating habits – leading to obesity, elevated cholesterol, and decreased functionality of the body’s overall system.

Emotionally, stress affects health just as significantly. Depression - often a by-product of stress - carries its own set of physical and emotional dangers.

Those who suffer from stress often also suffer from increased anxiety and panic attacks. Some victims may also experience a reduction of intimacy with their partner and sometimes even sexual dysfunction.

Stress can literally stunt all emotional and physical health, hurling victims into a spiral of discomfort.

Luckily there are many ways to combat stress and decrease the amount that stress affects health. Improved eating habits, the practice of meditation, and a consistent regime of exercise can all greatly impact how much stress affects health.

Often just having someone to talk to can change how stress affects health in your case. If you feel as though stress has become an overwhelming and constant presence in your life, you may look to seek out support in the way of psychological counseling or support groups. Staying connected in relationships will assist you in handling how stress affects health.

Sometimes just taking some time out to enjoy things that make us feel relaxed and happy can do wonders to lower our levels of stress. There’s no extricating ourselves from the daily stresses of life. But how stress affects health is within our control. A common sense approach to dealing with stress can mean a lifetime of health.

For easy to understand, in depth information about stress management visit our ezGuide 2 Stress.

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